[Abandoned] Research & Conquer
Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 5:30 am
Map Name: Research and Conquer
Mapmaker(s): OliverFA, Tacktix, isaiah40
Number of Territories: 243
Special Features: Collections, Conditional Borders, Bombardments
What Makes This Map Worthy of Being Made: "Civilization meets Conquer Club". A map in which you will be able to research new and better ways of destroying your enemies. But also a map in which you don't need to kill everybody else to win, as you can win by researching the ultimate technology.
Starting Regions:
You will start with the same Homeland Capital and Laboratory. Example, you will start with SW Lab and SW Capital.
Laboratories - 3
Homeland Capitals - 3
Starting Neutrals:
Homeland regions - n2
Mines (except in Homeland) - n4
All other regions on main map - n3
Standing Army - n15
Mobilized Army - n60
Secret Conscription - n30
Open Conscription - n90
National Pride - n20
Mining - n35
Deep Mining - n70
Sabotage - n50
Propaganda - n20
Top Secret Facility - n45
Doomsday Device - n200
Top Secret Facility +6
Doomsday Device +75
There is no standard reinforcements except for the bonuses you hold.
+3 for every Capital held
Hold entire homeland - +6
Standing Army - +3
Secret Conscription - +1 for every 3 regions
Mining - +2 per mine
National Pride - +6 for holding same lab and Homeland
Propaganda - +2 per Capital held
Mobilized Army - +12
Deep Mining - Doubles Mining bonus
Open Conscription (over-rides Secret Conscription) - +3 for every 3 regions
Sabotage --> Mines
Doomsday Device --> land regions, not any of the labs, basic or advanced researches
Top Secret Facility --> all of it's homeland researches. i.e. SW Top Secret Facility can only bombard any SW research