Map Name:Massacre à Paris
Supersize confirmed at 900 x 600 Small
Upsize allowed to 900X x 650H Small (9.1.2013 by isaiah40)
Number of Territories:126
Special Features:Maybe a conditional border or two to do with the royals
What Makes This Map Worthy of Being Made:
* Simple gameplay - get the guy immediately adjacent (next door) to you and conquer traditional style regions to obtain bonuses
Map Size:
Small - 900W x 650H
Large - 1000W x 722H
Current Version 16:
Background to the map:
St Bartholomew's Day Massacre
In 1572, Catherine de Medici (mother and power behind the throne) and Charles IX (both Catholic) sanctioned the marriage of Henry de Navarre (Protestant) and Catherine's daughter Marguerite de Valois (Catholic) in the hope that it would stop religious wars continuance between the Huguenots (Protestants) and Catholics in France.
This hope was falacious on the part of Catherine de Medici who really wanted France to remain Catholic. She schemed to get King Charles IX to order the slaughter of the Huguenots after the marriage ceremony. She was also going to kill Henry de Navarre but didn't succeed because of the protection by Marguerite.
Consequently, the final numbers are not really known, but probably upwards of 10,000 Huguenots lost their lives throughout Paris (and France) in the following 5 days.
References: there are plenty! Queen Margot and Henry 4 are two DVDs worth watching.
Buildings: In the map, the scene is set at at Louvre. It is known that the building at the bottom of the map exists at that time (Lescot wing); and the building at the top of the map - Tuileries - was partially completed having been started in 1564. Catherine wanted this building to escape from the stench and rot that had become become Paris surrounding the Lourve quarter. Unfortunately the Tuileries was destroyed by fire in 1871, and finally demolished in 1882.
The rest of the Louvre had not been built at this stage, as much of it was constructed during Napoleon's reign.
Terrirtory Numbers:
There are currently 126 in 13 continents. The buildings and Royals do not count (yet) as continents.
116 is the Golden Number.
Therefore 4 Royals, 4 Buildings and 1 each of the duelers in the two small sections - Section de la Ville and Port Neufue - make up the 10 to reduce 126 to 116.
This may change depending on how gameplay develops.
Simple - get the guy next to you.
Borders: with the exception of the buildings, only those duelers in front of other ground regions have access to the duelers in that region.
Buildings: Only duelers in black pants in front of buildings sections can assault same section of the buildings