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[Abandoned] - Pixel World

PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:17 pm
by DiM
Map Name: World 3.0 / Pixel World
Mapmaker(s): DiM, xml by zimmah
Number of Territories: 335
Special Features: pretty straightforward gameplay
What Makes This Map Worthy of Being Made: it's big

reduced the size and made circles into ovals

Click image to enlarge.

show: V1

Re: World 3.0 / Pixel World [09.Dec.11] - V1 - p1

PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:31 pm
by natty dread

Re: World 3.0 / Pixel World [09.Dec.11] - V1 - p1

PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:46 pm
by DiM
advertising your map in another map maker's thread is a new low even for you.
despicable gestures like this make me love the ignore list. too bad there isn't an option to block you from posting in my threads.

Re: World 3.0 / Pixel World [09.Dec.11] - V1 - p1

PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:49 pm
by Victor Sullivan
*Sigh* Come now, boys...


Re: World 3.0 / Pixel World [09.Dec.11] - V1 - p1

PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:25 pm
by The Bison King
So it's like a world map... but instead of looking like a map... it's circles? why circles?

Re: World 3.0 / Pixel World [09.Dec.11] - V1 - p1

PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:31 pm
by natty dread
DiM wrote:advertising your map in another map maker's thread is a new low even for you.
despicable gestures like this make me love the ignore list. too bad there isn't an option to block you from posting in my threads.

Wow, you really are an asshole. I wasn't advertising anything, just pointing out the funny coincidence that I posted a very similar concept just 15 minutes ago, independently... but as usual, you get all Dim about it. Then again, why am I surprised...

I know you're pretending that you're not going to read this, that's ok, you can keep sitting on your high horse and thinking how much better than everyone else you are. Good luck with your future prospects.

Re: World 3.0 / Pixel World [09.Dec.11] - V1 - p1

PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:38 pm
by zimmah
i know a good theme

a DiM vs Natty map =D>

Re: World 3.0 / Pixel World [09.Dec.11] - V1 - p1

PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:44 pm
by DiM
The Bison King wrote:So it's like a world map... but instead of looking like a map... it's circles? why circles?

i like circles :)
they're neat and tidy and fit perfectly for such a map where we have 335 terits.

Re: World 3.0 / Pixel World [09.Dec.11] - V1 - p1

PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:50 pm
by DiM
natty_dread wrote:
DiM wrote:advertising your map in another map maker's thread is a new low even for you.
despicable gestures like this make me love the ignore list. too bad there isn't an option to block you from posting in my threads.

Wow, you really are an asshole. I wasn't advertising anything, just pointing out the funny coincidence that I posted a very similar concept just 15 minutes ago, independently... but as usual, you get all Dim about it. Then again, why am I surprised...

I know you're pretending that you're not going to read this, that's ok, you can keep sitting on your high horse and thinking how much better than everyone else you are. Good luck with your future prospects.

thanks for the wonderful words. kind as always.
as much as i hate it i actually read your posts when they are in my threads because they might actually contain feedback and i don't want to miss feedback posts. obviously 99% of the time they contain offtopic and insults.
and no, you weren't pointing a funny coincidence. you said you prefer hexagons and provided a link to your map that has hexagons.

if you came and commented something like "lol, that's funny i made a similar map only i used hexagons. good luck with yours" and no link, it would have been ok.

anyway, unless you can control your actions and words and act like a mature person please stay out of my threads.

Re: World 3.0 / Pixel World [09.Dec.11] - V1 - p1

PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:02 pm
by natty dread
DiM wrote:anyway, unless you can control your actions and words and act like a mature person please stay out of my threads.

Oh hello pot, my name is kettle.

Maybe you could just admit that you were wrong, that your reaction to my post was over the line, and we could all forget it and move on. You know, like a mature person would do.

I'm sorry that my thread link offended you, but it's customary in the foundry. When someone posts a new map thread, we often post links to earlier, similar projects so the mapmaker can take inspiration or influence from them if needed, or learn from the mistakes/difficulties of the earlier projects... most mapmakers have no problem with it at all. Like if you'd post a map of a brain, AndyDufresne would jump in with 6 links to earlier attempts of a brain map...

Re: World 3.0 / Pixel World [09.Dec.11] - V1 - p1

PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:08 pm
by DiM
wow an actual post where you didn't curse. your tone is still something you should work on but you're on the right track. baby steps and who knows, maybe in the future you'll actually behave decently.

Re: World 3.0 / Pixel World [09.Dec.11] - V1 - p1

PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:10 pm
by Victor Sullivan
DiM wrote:wow an actual post where you didn't curse. your tone is still something you should work on but you're on the right track. baby steps and who knows, maybe in the future you'll actually behave decently.

I think something similar could be said about you, DiM...

At any rate, this needs to stop. It's obnoxious and not helping this map's production.


Re: World 3.0 / Pixel World [09.Dec.11] - V1 - p1

PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:14 pm
by ManBungalow
Needs more impassables,

Re: World 3.0 / Pixel World [09.Dec.11] - V1 - p1

PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:41 pm
by natty dread
DiM wrote:maybe in the future you'll actually behave decently.

Oh yeah, that's pretty much my life goal.

Are you telling me that you have no such aspirations?

Re: World 3.0 / Pixel World [09.Dec.11] - V1 - p1

PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:45 pm
by DiM
Victor Sullivan wrote:
DiM wrote:wow an actual post where you didn't curse. your tone is still something you should work on but you're on the right track. baby steps and who knows, maybe in the future you'll actually behave decently.

I think something similar could be said about you, DiM...

At any rate, this needs to stop. It's obnoxious and not helping this map's production.


yes i know i'm not a very pleasant person and that sometimes i'm acting like a jerk but in all the years i've spent on this site i don't think i've ever used the word f*ck or cursed somebody in his face. i think that's the big difference between me and natty. in other aspects we're (regrettably) similar.

Re: World 3.0 / Pixel World [09.Dec.11] - V1 - p1

PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:46 pm
by DiM
ManBungalow wrote:Needs more impassables,

i'm currently working on something else but i'll get to adding impassables as soon as possible.

Re: World 3.0 / Pixel World [09.Dec.11] - V1 - p1

PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:59 pm
by natty dread
To get serious for a while, I really do prefer hexagons... I know this is your map and you probably have your own vision for it, but I wish you'd consider a hex-layout for the map.

Why? Because square grids are conceptually inferior. With a hexagonal grid, you eliminate any ambiguity with 4-way borders, it's much more intuitive as you won't need additional explanations in the legend whether diagonal attacks are allowed or not.

Furthermore, a hex grid has equal distances between adjacent territories.

Anyway, I'm not even saying you should make the territories hexagon-shaped, you can keep them looking like delicious little m&m:s... just move every other row half a step sideways and tadah, you have a hexagonal layout.

Re: World 3.0 / Pixel World [09.Dec.11] - V1 - p1

PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:34 pm
by DiM
natty_dread wrote:To get serious for a while, I really do prefer hexagons... I know this is your map and you probably have your own vision for it, but I wish you'd consider a hex-layout for the map.

Why? Because square grids are conceptually inferior. With a hexagonal grid, you eliminate any ambiguity with 4-way borders, it's much more intuitive as you won't need additional explanations in the legend whether diagonal attacks are allowed or not.

Furthermore, a hex grid has equal distances between adjacent territories.

Anyway, I'm not even saying you should make the territories hexagon-shaped, you can keep them looking like delicious little m&m:s... just move every other row half a step sideways and tadah, you have a hexagonal layout.

square grids are superior when it comes to naming them according to an X/Y axis.
right now it is very easy to find terit B-19 for example.

also by using circles instead of squares i don't have any 4 way borders as the terits only touch up/down/left/right.

Re: World 3.0 / Pixel World [09.Dec.11] - V1 - p1

PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:06 pm
by thenobodies80
I think that both options are valids (hex/cirlces) then it doesn't seem to me a big issue if you want to use circles. As you said you don't have 4 way borders.
I would say that go with an option or another is more an artistic choice than anything else.

Said that I find a bit hard to see the world shape on your map, but maybe it's just me. O:)
Maybe a semi-transparent layer under your circles that makes a little easier to see the "classic shape" of the continents?


Re: World 3.0 / Pixel World [09.Dec.11] - V1 - p1

PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:10 pm
by thenobodies80
Sorry for the double post.

A last thing, you did the circles to fit the 3 digits, but you certainly know that 888s are not centered like 88s. Probably the map will look a bit weird with just 1 or 2 digits....(I have to ask to Lack to fix this thing definitively)

Re: World 3.0 / Pixel World [09.Dec.11] - V1 - p1

PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:13 pm
by DiM
thenobodies80 wrote:Maybe a semi-transparent layer under your circles that makes a little easier to see the "classic shape" of the continents?

brilliant idea. i will most certainly do it.

edit// it's not going too well. as it turns out the style isn't fitting :( i'll keep trying though

Re: World 3.0 / Pixel World [09.Dec.11] - V1 - p1

PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:14 pm
by DiM
thenobodies80 wrote:Sorry for the double post.

A last thing, you did the circles to fit the 3 digits, but you certainly know that 888s are not centered like 88s. Probably the map will look a bit weird with just 1 or 2 digits....(I have to ask to Lack to fix this thing definitively)

i know it will look weird but unfortunately it's out of my hands :(

Re: World 3.0 / Pixel World [09.Dec.11] - V1 - p1

PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:41 pm
by s3xt0y
Got a weird idea...was just thinking since you were keen on the circles it would be neat to have balls floating in water. An odd idea I know, would just spice the map up a little :)

Re: World 3.0 / Pixel World [09.Dec.11] - V1 - p1

PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:54 am
by natty dread
You know - just to clarify - I wasn't suggesting to change the circles to hexagons, rather to change the grid to a hexagonal layout, like this:


A layout like that would look more natural as a world map -the current image kind of reminds me of a Go board...

The columns for the coordinates would be a problem, yes, but I think it can be solved... Rows would still be even, maybe you could use some kind of markings for the columns... or something.

Anyway, it's your map, and if you don't like the idea that's fine, this is the last I'll mention of this.

Re: World 3.0 / Pixel World [09.Dec.11] - V1 - p1

PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:58 am
by MrBenn
When I saw the words 'Pixel World', a small part of me hoped that this map (viewtopic.php?f=242&t=24298) had been resurrected.

The idea has merit, whether you go for a square grid, a circular grid, a hexagonal grid or some other sort of tessellating grid :P