For the size of my islands, I assure you I have used the proper amount of lines.

Moderator: Cartographers
DearCyrus wrote:Thanks for the feedback. I am on vacation this week, with only my phone for internet...full response at a later time!
greenoaks wrote:i realise some of my questions may not be important to the map. i raised them to point out the inconsistencies with your back story and the map's game-play.
the back story says this is a battle between alien species but there is nothing alien about them. Realms 3 offers extra bonuses or functions for each of the tribes (starting points). All Your Bases Are Belong To Us provides dual tech advancements. Starcraft also provides 3 different species with distinct features and playing styles.
why are we not allowed to be K'zari trying to conquer the Chako? atm it is more of a 'unite the Chako' with some technology (portals) of an ancient, forgotten race.
greenoaks wrote:your back story of rising up against an alien invasion and an Atlantis-esq map with teleports doesn't gel.
- where are the alien hordes?
- where are the clones made from the blood of the strongest warriors?
(Represented by the Auto-deploy on the Ship.)- where are the other spacecraft that caused this fight for survival?
(Just the one... Sorry to disappoint.)
- if the K'zari had only 1 ship, then why does the war not end when it is taken? (victory condition)
(See above.)
(The one point I fear I may never get any agreement on.This is intended to be the map that the Islanders would be using when aliens arrived on their planet. If my map were instead an actual representation of the planet itself we would see the destruction, ect, and need someone with much more graphic skill than I possess...)
the Chako/K'zari war seems better suited to a short story than a map on Conquer Club.
DearCyrus wrote:Oh, Hollywood! How you have destroyed the sci-fi genre! Those movies depict invasion, while this is a crash and integration of two rival species forced into the same area. The map has all of the pertinent information on it.
as in multiple locations, but not the same ones every time.DearCyrus wrote: Player 1 IS the K'Zari race. Player 1 would only be coded one starting position, The K'Zari Ship. The rest of their locations would be random drops mixed in with the islanders.
DearCyrus wrote: I am also trying to think of a way to add a conditional bombardment from the ship... Is this possible?
DearCyrus wrote:I did think of a way to do a "conditional bombardment"... Make an additional territory, lets say "laser cannons", that shares a conditional border with the ship. The cannon can bombard but can only be reached when the condition is met. Make it killer neutral, and the condition must be held continually to use this feature.
Stephan Wayne wrote:Every day is Fool's Day on CC.
It makes perfect sense... I will see what I can do.JamesKer1 wrote:I like the new look though- I'm not really big on maps as of now so I'm probably not the best person to give advice (just wanted you to know I saw the message and liked the progress). Some of the borders around the islands near Velun and the whole continent in the upper right hand corner of the map make them look clumped- is there any way they could be lightened and spaced from each other more? To me, it looks like the glow was extended too far, if this makes sense at all.
JamesKer1 wrote:I don't think it is possible due to game engine requirements, not just gameplay on maps to make it happen. And a triple condition to bombard? That won't be out for a while I bet, if its even possible. Conditional attacks are relatively new as well from what I understand, so it might be something in the making but hasn't arrived yet.
Stephan Wayne wrote:Every day is Fool's Day on CC.
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