Moderator: Cartographers
lostatlimbo wrote:Per ian canton's suggestion, I've set the sea cell bonus to +1 per 10 sea cells over 30.
koontz1973 wrote:[Moved] to main foundry again. ;)
And back we go to the main foundry. But one thing though, who is doing the xml now that Sully has done another Houdini act?
lostatlimbo wrote:I was traveling in Mexico with little to no internet access for the better part of November.
I get that mapmakers disappear sometimes and there is a desire to keep things moving, but does it really need to be exactly 30 days?
Especially when the mapmaker has commented in between updates? There should be some leniency here - especially when it can be months in between actually getting some feedback.
It does the map and mapmaker no good to keep shuffling the damn thing back and forth. I do get busy sometimes and can't update every week like some in the foundry, but when I find enough time to work on the map, I like to make a list of all the changes and knock them out at once. That's how I work. It really isn't hurting anyone to let a map sit for a bit as long as you know the mapmaker hasn't completely abandoned it. I really think it does more damage than good to keep trashing it.
So, yes, please move the map back and wait a MOMENT while I catch up on work and wrap up a film shoot and then I'll fix the legend and any other issues that WOULD HAVE COME UP if the map was allowed to hang around in the WORKSHOP for more than 30 days (especially during the summer and holidays!!!)
lostatlimbo wrote:I'm tempted to take this up again, but it doesn't seem like any of the foundry's issues have been resolved and there's still a bunch of map from several years ago that are stuck in purgatory.
I'm not even sure who is in charge at the moment. Who is signing off on maps?
(PS - kudos to you ian, for sticking with this so long. You have much more patience than most!)
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