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[Abandoned] - Goblin Tribes

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Re: Goblin Tribes[D] v10

Postby Danyael on Tue Jul 07, 2009 10:01 pm

Version 10
after a severe crap my pants moment of blue screen of death(vista) and complete operating system failure almost lost the file here its is
Click image to enlarge.

Bonus Structure
Disscusion needed
build your own bonus is only with chief held +1 for every 3 tribal territs
tribe bonuses are now hold all (i'm not set on values may need tweaks but I'd prefer them kept low)
Mushroom patches
added a mushroom patch to Bug and behind the hut
so if people read the mythos on the bottom and hopefully understand that Fungi can one way attack both Bug and Myz with the new patch on Bug allows Fangs better gate access
straightened up and did some resizing
Other graphical tweaks
made mountains around zip better

im still trying to figure out a good look on the oneway arrows any suggestions on look for these or should i scrap them
naming the chiefs i have a thought on the mud chief
still thinking of what there names should be
and many others as suggestions come in
not sure if i want to do oaktowns idea but i'm playing with different ideas
Last edited by Danyael on Wed Jul 08, 2009 12:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Goblin Tribes[D] v10 pg 1 & 7 July 7

Postby squishyg on Wed Jul 08, 2009 12:41 pm

How about a gnarled tree branch for the arrow?
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Re: Goblin Tribes[D] v10 pg 1 & 7 July 7

Postby Danyael on Wed Jul 08, 2009 12:53 pm

squishyg wrote:How about a gnarled tree branch for the arrow?

good thought i spent this morning walkin through dense bush trying to find idea i was thinking broken brances in the arrow shape or something along those lines but i lke the gnarled look quite a bit i'll try and make different samples
awesome idea thanks
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Re: Goblin Tribes[D] v10 pg 1 & 7 July 7

Postby whitestazn88 on Wed Jul 08, 2009 4:10 pm

love the update.
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Re: Goblin Tribes[D] v10 pg 1 & 7 July 7

Postby Danyael on Fri Jul 10, 2009 9:13 pm

so thoughts on the arrow i'm thinking of drawing an old branch with arrow head vineplant pointing the direction


kinda like that any thoughts
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Re: Goblin Tribes[D] v10 pg 1 & 7 July 7

Postby lancehoch on Sun Jul 12, 2009 10:11 pm

I like the arrow. One thought on the message at the bottom. You should make it plural since there are two patches. It seems a little confusing with only one, I didn't look for the second one until you just pointed it out.
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Re: Goblin Tribes[D] v10 pg 1 & 7 July 7

Postby Danyael on Sun Jul 12, 2009 11:21 pm

lancehoch wrote:I like the arrow. One thought on the message at the bottom. You should make it plural since there are two patches. It seems a little confusing with only one, I didn't look for the second one until you just pointed it out.

thanks i forgot to change it when i added "oneway" in the mythos
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Re: Goblin Tribes[D] v10 pg 1 & 7 July 7

Postby squishyg on Mon Jul 13, 2009 4:01 pm

Danyael wrote:so thoughts on the arrow i'm thinking of drawing an old branch with arrow head vineplant pointing the direction


kinda like that any thoughts

I like that a lot!!!!
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Re: Goblin Tribes[D] v11 pg 1 & 8 July 14

Postby Danyael on Tue Jul 14, 2009 4:29 pm

Version 11
Click image to enlarge.

one way arrows changed to arrowhead vine leaf
pluralized and increased size of mythos
redrew the borders
little adjustments in legend centring and so on
increased mountain so m'ql and malk no longer connect(small map legibility reasons)

chief names still in thought process
graphic nitpicks i want all and any graphic nitpicks i don't care if its super duper nitpicky i want it
maybe a good Mr Benn look over so i can start on the small and have good ideas in mind

But before i even want to finalize graphics i want to get that gameplay figured out and finalized
so lets discuss
neutral starts what values do you think are reasonable
as it stand gates and chiefs start with 2 newts each as this seems to be good with the gates the chiefs are a different story
with the change a few versions back allowing chiefs to attack each other causes it to be easy to take over multiple chief bonuses in the first turn which in turn may cause the next player to hopefully get good luck and break it or fail and not be able to make a come back easily
so my thoughts are maybe up the chiefs to 4 or 5 newts to start making them a harder to over take them in the first turn
as well i could change it back to bombarb other chiefs so you can't just attack and take all chiefs thru one chief
Starting territ amounts
42 starting territs it total
2 players 14 territs each
3 players 10 territs each and two extra newts
4 players 8 territs each and two extra newts
5 players 7 territs each
6 players 6 territs each
7 players 5 territs each and two extra newts
8 players 5 territs each and only 2 newts
Does this look right?

i think i'll keep the amounts low
reasons any bigger and a good combo of chief byob and tribe bonus would be overpowered
all fangs and chief bonus would = 5
all bloods and chief bonus would = 7
all skulls and chief bonus would = 8
all muds and chief bonus would = 11

and then theres always the gate bonus to add to the equations
i like the +4 so if you hold them you can at least add one army to each gate
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Re: Goblin Tribes[D] v11 pg 1 & 8 July 14 Gameplay Talk

Postby lancehoch on Sat Jul 18, 2009 8:53 am

One more thing about the mythos, I think it should be live instead of lives.

I liked the neon green of the arrows you posted in the thread, it had a little more pop to it than the green you are using now.

A couple of questions on your starting territory counts. Did you said two of the gates and two of the chiefs are starting neutral or just two total starting neutral?

If you have 42 territories and no mandatory starting neutrals, then the starting counts should be the same as Classic Shapes:
2 and 3 players - 14 territories (14 neutrals in 2 player, none in 3 player)
4 players - 10 territories (2 neutrals)
5 players - 8 territories (2 neutrals)
6 players - 7 territories (no neutrals)
7 players - 6 territories (no neutrals)
8 players - 5 territories (2 neutrals)

If there are 4 mandatory starting neutrals:
2 players - 14 territories (14 neutrals)
3 players - 12 territories (6 neutrals)
4 players - 9 territories (6 neutrals)
5 players - 7 territories (7 neutrals)
6 players - 6 territories (6 neutrals)
7 players - 5 territories (7 neutrals)
8 players - 4 territories (10 neutrals)
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Re: Goblin Tribes[D] v11 pg 1 & 8 July 14 Gameplay Talk

Postby Danyael on Sat Jul 18, 2009 6:36 pm

lancehoch wrote:One more thing about the mythos, I think it should be live instead of lives.

I liked the neon green of the arrows you posted in the thread, it had a little more pop to it than the green you are using now.

A couple of questions on your starting territory counts. Did you said two of the gates and two of the chiefs are starting neutral or just two total starting neutral?

actually all chiefs and gates start neutral there values are just 2 so far
other then that your right about it being like classic having 42 starting territories

I liked the neon green of the arrows you posted in the thread, it had a little more pop to it than the green you are using now.

i'll use they "neon green" on the leaves and see if it will look better
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Re: Goblin Tribes[D]v12 pg1&8 July21 Chiefs assault or bombard?

Postby Danyael on Tue Jul 21, 2009 9:12 pm

Version 12
Click image to enlarge.

one way leaf colour
zoom and skq border to make more room
moved around some army circles and names
removed the s on live in mythos

wording for chiefs does this make sense?
should chief only be able to bombard each other or should it stay as assault
-if assault then i'll up there neutral starts to 4 so its hard to grab to many chiefs in the first few rounds
-if bombard i think they should be changed to 3 to start

one way leafs
- is it clear enough in the border that they aren't just decor
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Re: Goblin Tribes[D]v12 pg1&8 July21 Chiefs assault or bombard?

Postby whitestazn88 on Wed Jul 22, 2009 12:48 am

assault is good with me.
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Re: Goblin Tribes[D]v12 pg1&8 July21 Chiefs assault or bombard?

Postby iancanton on Mon Jul 27, 2009 4:46 pm

Danyael wrote:should chief only be able to bombard each other or should it stay as assault
-if assault then i'll up there neutral starts to 4 so its hard to grab to many chiefs in the first few rounds
-if bombard i think they should be changed to 3 to start

one way leafs
- is it clear enough in the border that they aren't just decor

if player 1 takes the first chief, then player 2, having suffered casualties by going through 4 neutrals on a different chief to try to break player 1's chief bonus, will be a sitting duck when his opponent retaliates. 2 or 3 neutrals on each chief, instead of 4, will bring the build-ur-own bonuses into play more quickly. on the other hand, it can be argued that the mud chief is worth more than the others, so he ought to have 1 more neutral than the others.

the neon green leaves (it's leafs only if u're from toronto) are just the thing to brighten up that part of the map. the grey arrow in the legend can be made lighter, otherwise it's clear enough.

ian. :)
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Re: Goblin Tribes[D]v12 pg1&8 July21 Chiefs assault or bombard?

Postby squishyg on Tue Jul 28, 2009 2:59 pm

I think the chiefs should be able to bombard each other rather than assault. The leaf still doesn't sit quite right with me, I liked the way your branch looked. It was creepier, the leaf is a little too rainbows and unicorns for this map.

In regards to the chief legend, I'm unclear on one thing. When you write that the chief can attack the territories the other chiefs sit on, do you mean the territories closest to them? For example, can the Muds Chief attack Flack or can it attack Flack, Fungi, and Flopz?
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Re: Goblin Tribes[D]v12 pg1&8 July21 Chiefs assault or bombard?

Postby Danyael on Thu Jul 30, 2009 5:00 pm

squishyg wrote:I think the chiefs should be able to bombard each other rather than assault. The leaf still doesn't sit quite right with me, I liked the way your branch looked. It was creepier, the leaf is a little too rainbows and unicorns for this map.

i have been trying different vine looks cause you are right i don't need it to rainbow and and unicorny :lol:
1. is like a gnarled tree with single vine
2. is more like the original arrow but added different colour vines intertwined
3 is what it is now
4 is just a different coloured leaf as 3

what should i go with i am thinking 1 but with a vine and leaf colour of 3

iancanton wrote:
Danyael wrote:should chief only be able to bombard each other or should it stay as assault
-if assault then i'll up there neutral starts to 4 so its hard to grab to many chiefs in the first few rounds
-if bombard i think they should be changed to 3 to start

one way leafs
- is it clear enough in the border that they aren't just decor

if player 1 takes the first chief, then player 2, having suffered casualties by going through 4 neutrals on a different chief to try to break player 1's chief bonus, will be a sitting duck when his opponent retaliates. 2 or 3 neutrals on each chief, instead of 4, will bring the build-ur-own bonuses into play more quickly. on the other hand, it can be argued that the mud chief is worth more than the others, so he ought to have 1 more neutral than the others.

the neon green leaves (it's leafs only if u're from toronto) are just the thing to brighten up that part of the map. the grey arrow in the legend can be made lighter, otherwise it's clear enough.

ian. :)

so i'll change them too 3 and as for the mud chief four should work
but cause mudbutt does have alot of borders making it harder to hold unless you get awesome dice
to take the mud chief theres a good chance the next player in line has a better chance of bordering mudbutt and charging in to take the chief back so a three might be good for him as well

but then it could be argued that fangs chief is the easiest to hold due to flack having only one border to defend agaisnt besides the chief. Which makes me think that it should be a 4 :-k

and so far i'm leaning towards bombard for the chiefs i see more pros then cons on bombard
with assualt i see it becoming a streamrolling game way to easy
as well with bombard a player would try and keep there chief strong but still use the actual map to move around and conquer
making it not just a chief battle

squishyg wrote:In regards to the chief legend, I'm unclear on one thing. When you write that the chief can attack the territories the other chiefs sit on, do you mean the territories closest to them? For example, can the Muds Chief attack Flack or can it attack Flack, Fungi, and Flopz?

yes this is a problem i played another player that mentioned the same confusion
so how should i reword this
if i what it to be clear that chiefs can bombard each other or assault the territory its icon sits in
i.e. fang chief can assault flack and flack can assault the fang chief
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Re: Goblin Tribes[D]v12 pg1&8 July21 Chiefs assault or bombard?

Postby squishyg on Thu Jul 30, 2009 9:00 pm

leaf/vine 1 or 2, no color change. The green in 3 and 4 is too neony.

I think it needs to be clearer which territory the chiefs are sitting on. For instance, I can't tell if poopy head chief is on Mudbutt or Muck. If that's clearer, the legend may not need rewording.
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Re: Goblin Tribes[D]v12 pg1&8 July21 Chiefs assault or bombard?

Postby Danyael on Fri Jul 31, 2009 9:06 pm

squishyg wrote:leaf/vine 1 or 2, no color change. The green in 3 and 4 is too neony.

I think it needs to be clearer which territory the chiefs are sitting on. For instance, I can't tell if poopy head chief is on Mudbutt or Muck. If that's clearer, the legend may not need rewording.

I think I see the reason for confustion
its not where the graphic of the chief sits it where the chief army number chief graphic sit (clear square with crown)
so i think if i word it like this
Code: Select all
chiefs can bombard other chiefs
and assault the territory the
{*} sits in

and i will put the chiief Army number grapic here the {*} is
will that solve the clarity of the chief legend
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Re: Goblin Tribes[D]v12 pg1&8 July21 Chiefs assault or bombard?

Postby squishyg on Fri Jul 31, 2009 9:45 pm

Oh, duh. I missed the whole crown thing. It all makes sense to me now.
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Re: Goblin Tribes[D]v13 pg1&8 Aug04 finalizing gameplay

Postby Danyael on Tue Aug 04, 2009 3:12 pm

oh lucky 13
i hope this clarifies the issue with the chief legend
i'm going with bombard for chiefs i think its best
causing alot more strategy when considering taking over a chief
still thinking about having a 4 for the mud chief start but i think it would be harder to hold with all the surrounding territs connecting to mudbutt
Version 13
Click image to enlarge.

moved zoom portal slightly
chief legend
changed to new one-way tree vines
chief newt starts to 3
chiefs bombard other chiefs and assault the territ their icon sits in
other small tweaks

chief names and text still working on good setup
small map if no one has any major nitpicks with large
graphic nitpicks i want all and any graphic nitpicks i don't care if its super duper nitpicky i want it
gameplay stamp ??????
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Re: Goblin Tribes[D]v13 pg1&8 Aug04 finalizing gameplay

Postby sinctheassasin on Tue Aug 04, 2009 4:22 pm

I like it, i would suggest making the gap connecting flart and skaz a little larger. Just to make sure people can see it clearly.

That's all the nit picking I have to do
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Re: Goblin Tribes[D]v13 pg1&8 Aug04 finalizing gameplay

Postby Danyael on Tue Aug 04, 2009 6:17 pm

sinctheassasin wrote:I like it, i would suggest making the gap connecting flart and skaz a little larger. Just to make sure people can see it clearly.

That's all the nit picking I have to do

thanks for the comment
i think if i just move the army circle over and away from there it should make it more visible
but i'll shave the mountains a bit as well it will be like a 3 pixel change but should open it up enough

map bump new page
Version 13
Click image to enlarge.
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Re: Goblin Tribes[D]v13 pg1&8 Aug04 finalizing gameplay

Postby sinctheassasin on Tue Aug 04, 2009 10:02 pm

I take it you are going to be the XML person when the time comes?
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Re: Goblin Tribes[D]v13 pg1&8 Aug04 finalizing gameplay

Postby whitestazn88 on Wed Aug 05, 2009 1:23 am

a few of the skulls, bloods, muds, and fangs are too close to the army circles or territ names. space them out a bit more?
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Re: Goblin Tribes[D]v13 pg1&8 Aug04 finalizing gameplay

Postby Danyael on Wed Aug 05, 2009 12:33 pm

sinctheassasin wrote:So
I take it you are going to be the XML person when the time comes?

yes i will
whitestazn88 wrote:a few of the skulls, bloods, muds, and fangs are too close to the army circles or territ names. space them out a bit more?

will do i'll move them and have the 888 on the next update
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