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TITANS [Cleared], renato_tuga, darkboy [Busted]

PostPosted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 6:44 pm
by gerry22
These are suspected multis

Suspect users: TITANS – renato_tuga

Game number:

Comments: renato_tuga turns were senesless – not noob senseless because he played properly at the beginning of the game until TITANS was big and then just deployed and deployed and deployed. Senseless.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 7:26 pm
by Zackismet
well, the time their turns are taken is the only suspicious thing i notice. They both attack and inconvenience the other and have no others games with eachother.... And TITAN in from the US and the other is from portugal...

I think Renato was just building up his forces... regular newbie move that's the polar opposite of going all-out.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 10:08 pm
by AndyDufresne
TITANS & renato_tuga are CLEARED of being multiple accounts. But I did happen to nab renato_tuga and darkboy for multiple accounts.
