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Tang Kai's banning [closed and locked]

PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 1:31 pm
by Agent 86
Well, it seems as if the mods just wanted this to go away :evil:

Tang Kai wrote,
Please don't quit because of this 86. I know that the mods get it wrong sometimes, but they really never get credit for getting it right, which they do most of the time.
This is an exeption to their great moderating.
Conquerclub is great fun, but I am not going to let this ruin my life. Its just a game. I really do appreciate all of the support from you all, especially you 86, but flaming, trashing, and threatening the mods is not what a player of honor would do. I do know a mistake has been made, and it has been adressed through the proper channels. All we can do is wait and see what happens, and whatever happens happens.
Please do not make enimies and get foed over this, I know that sticking true to your clan and friends is important, but I would hate to have you all make enemies over this.
If I do get reinstated, it will be great! Thanks guys.

Now he doesn't deserve this treatment and I'm his only voice. He is only a guest and that means go away... we mods have made a decision and we don't want to admit a mistake.

I have been a member of this site for just under a year and have enjoyed every moment except for this.

The right channels were followed and no reply, so KA..can you find out exactly how Andy came to this decision and was it thoroughly investigated ? Who exactly made the decision to hit the ban button and what evidence is there?

Very concerned member,


Re: Tang Kai's banning

PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 1:59 pm
by AndyDufresne
Tang Kai appealed via the e-ticket system, as we instruct to all those that file an appeal. After reviewing the evidence, and taking into account the views of other Multi Hunters, his appeal of multiple accounts was denied. Multiple accounts are just never good, for whatever reason one may have them.


Re: Tang Kai's banning

PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 2:07 pm
by Agent 86
Thank you Andy for your reply, Kang Tai had better stay away for good..Damn multi :evil: Made me look like an idiot and the clan in general. This topic is now laid to rest and will never be spoken of again. Dan please delete this multi's account from our clan. Andy true apologies for causing any trouble.

Yours faithfully,


Re: Tang Kai's banning

PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 2:25 pm
by danryan
AndyDufresne wrote:Tang Kai appealed via the e-ticket system, as we instruct to all those that file an appeal. After reviewing the evidence, and taking into account the views of other Multi Hunters, his appeal of multiple accounts was denied. Multiple accounts are just never good, for whatever reason one may have them.


Thanks for looking into this, and sorry that you were right. Thanks for the great work you guys do for the 99% of the non cheating members of CC.

Re: Tang Kai's banning

PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 4:59 pm
by owenshooter
Agent 86 wrote:Thank you Andy for your reply, Kang Tai had better stay away for good..Damn multi :evil: Made me look like an idiot and the clan in general.

the mods are generally correct when they bust multis... the public display by your clan was impassioned and a bit over the top, but you believed in him and were simply shocked by a process that you had never seen occur before...-0

p.s.-you have to request to have it locked, you can't simply put it in the title and make it so...

Re: Tang Kai's banning ( locked )

PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 7:34 pm
by ronsizzle
i agree with owen, who locked this thread?

maybe king sam is afraid of hitting the button cuz it could be too close to the perma ban jefjef button..........

i love ya sam. couldnt help myself.

Re: Tang Kai's banning ( locked )

PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 10:54 pm
by neanderpaul14
ronc8649 wrote:maybe king sam is afraid of hitting the button cuz it could be too close to the perma ban jefjef button..........

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Tang Kai's banning ( locked )

PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 11:06 pm
by tdans
AHA this is a locked thread :) sweeet :) we all have mod powers now :P