by Jork on Sat Dec 16, 2006 3:50 pm
One last thing....
Cheaters contribute to ruining this game. We should ALL vigorously pursue their detection & elimination from the game. Even a vague suspicion should be brought forth on these boards, to be checked on. If wrong, then the "suspect" is cleared - NO HARM DONE and that's that - DONE DEAL!
If correct then the person who posted the thread should be congratulated for helping maintain integrety to the game, and then we have one less cheater in the game. THAT'S IMPORTANT TO ME! And it should be to ALL of us who enjoy this great game that the "creators" have provided for us!
Father Jack - don't be so thin-skinned - I see YOU have been accused of cheating. Don't let that keep you from doing what needs to be done to keep this game fair [reporting multis when you have a suspicion].
If you are cleared, and I hope you are, then that is that - No harm, No foul and continue to enjoy this game. If, on the other hand you are caught cheating, well, then you just have to go to the land of banned cheats!
"I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: --O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.-- And God granted it."