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verbally abusive: edoggpepper1800

PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 7:02 am
by joeblade
I admit after he started being abusive I wasn't helpful in stopping him,
but he caught me by surprise.

2006-11-28 16:06:20 - edoggpepper1800: someone attack yellow
2006-11-28 21:20:48 - joeblade: aw that's mean
2006-11-28 21:22:02 - joeblade: I'm just here minding my own business getting the good oil :) you don't like driving cars or using plastic?
2006-11-28 21:23:19 - joeblade: besides I think we're better off making a truce ;-p
2006-11-28 23:50:54 - edoggpepper1800: Count it, Official truce is now on! Yellow and Blue are ONE!
2006-11-29 09:32:47 - joeblade: hehe I expected you to set some conditions first but sure
2006-11-29 17:39:36 - edoggpepper1800: Attack Jorden area for me, I advocate a truce lasting through round 10 or at least 8
2006-11-29 18:14:09 - joeblade: ok I agree to a truce until round 8 but I'm not your ally :) so I won't attack others for you... you're still on your own, you just have 1 less enemy :)
2006-11-29 18:55:49 - greekhand: hmmmmm .... Blue and Yellow are not ONE !! :S
2006-11-30 01:16:58 - edoggpepper1800: Stick a knife in me Jerry, I'm done...Ayaya
2006-12-02 02:11:12 - edoggpepper1800: (tune) Somebody kill me please...I think I'd rather die...
2006-12-02 02:11:49 - edoggpepper1800: Yellow, I am undoing out alliance, KILL ME so I can have anothe opening.
2006-12-02 02:11:49 - edoggpepper1800: Yellow, I am undoing out alliance, KILL ME so I can have anothe opening.
2006-12-02 02:12:15 - edoggpepper1800: p.s. To the victor: enjoy the spoils (probably 100 points or more depending on who wins)
2006-12-02 02:17:11 - edoggpepper1800: Pink, I am begging you, end my life so I can have a free spot
2006-12-02 19:08:53 - joeblade: hehe we'll try I guess
2006-12-03 04:09:20 - edoggpepper1800: please do, there are no cards anyway, just kill me someone for God's sake
2006-12-03 14:10:14 - joeblade: hehe green you bastard
2006-12-03 14:10:25 - joeblade: I mean that in the nicest possible way ofcourse :D
2006-12-06 14:15:49 - LazarusLong: Is there a bad way to mean that? ;-)
2006-12-06 14:16:10 - LazarusLong: Watch out for the missed turns.
2006-12-08 20:50:58 - edoggpepper1800: that's a damn shame
2006-12-08 23:09:21 - edoggpepper1800: can we END THIS please!
2006-12-09 02:14:09 - edoggpepper1800: KILL ME NOW, someone for God's sake please!
2006-12-09 14:11:03 - joeblade: shouldn't take long but I have other things to worry about as well
2006-12-09 14:25:31 - edoggpepper1800: f*ck you you piece of fucking shit
2006-12-09 14:25:42 - edoggpepper1800: just hurry the hell up jesus mary and joeseph
2006-12-09 14:32:36 - greekhand: green , i think it not be too smart to sit back too much !!!
2006-12-09 16:03:54 - joeblade: edogg, you're a sad sad person, if you think it's ok to swear over a game.
2006-12-09 17:44:05 - LazarusLong: Sorry greekhand, I'm new at this. How do you play this game anyway? :-P
2006-12-09 18:14:39 - edoggpepper1800: joebald-phony, are you serious, or are you just suffering from depression?
2006-12-09 18:53:51 - joeblade: hehe phony? I'm just surprised to see you act weird. You start swearing because you can't get a next spot on a game. Only (and last) thing I'll say about that is boohoo, get a life
2006-12-09 18:58:18 - joeblade: anyways sorry guys, put him on ignore list. I shouldn't let myself get baited like that. no more spam from me
2006-12-09 19:33:27 - greekhand: green ... that was stupid answer and u gonna pay for this ... im gonna kick your ass soon , then the yellow will win the game , good for him , if u think u are so good ( with this stupid comment above ) , i iwll show u that it is not smart to put me on ti
2006-12-09 19:33:58 - greekhand: * tilt , cuz im going to kamekazee ur ass , Cherss :-P
2006-12-09 20:10:40 - joeblade: hehe looks like you are heading my way rather than greens way ;)
2006-12-09 20:36:28 - LazarusLong: Sorry greekhand. It was just a joke. I used the tongue in cheek symbol :-P
2006-12-09 20:37:15 - LazarusLong: I was about to do the same thing anyway. Besides you forted for a while before you took Turkey.
2006-12-09 20:37:51 - LazarusLong: Can't we all just get along and kill each other in a nice civilized way. :-D
2006-12-09 21:08:42 - joeblade: hehe all for it
2006-12-09 23:54:35 - edoggpepper1800: hehe, joe is a bitch, just fucking kill me, you suck joe, how many games have you played, you're a joke
2006-12-09 23:54:43 - edoggpepper1800: hehe, joe is a bitch, just fucking kill me, you suck joe, how many games have you played, you're a joke
2006-12-10 00:35:46 - edoggpepper1800: KILL ME
2006-12-10 02:03:12 - edoggpepper1800: I will give you all good feedback if you kill me
2006-12-10 02:28:39 - edoggpepper1800: please, just do it
2006-12-10 02:28:52 - edoggpepper1800: damn it , kill me joeblade-phony
2006-12-10 16:34:52 - edoggpepper1800: I purpose an alliance to Kill Joeblade-phony. He is awful, and we can't end this damn game, so we should kill him for holding it up
2006-12-11 06:00:14 - greekhand: omg .... im just sick from u green
2006-12-11 21:00:48 - greekhand: <sigh>
2006-12-12 01:33:24 - LazarusLong: I have no idea what you mean.
2006-12-12 13:18:29 - joeblade: sorry to be slow... I shouldn't have gone all over the world, but thought I could get an extra 'continent.
2006-12-13 08:18:57 - joeblade: still not enough armies to eliminate edogg.. .poor guy. next turn it should work thoug
2006-12-13 14:56:52 - edoggpepper1800: good grief
2006-12-13 14:57:49 - edoggpepper1800: ENJOY the spoils

PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 8:47 am
by wicked
so? ignore list, feedback.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 9:05 am
by joeblade
I did, just was told in chatroom to post it, so I did

PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 9:30 am
by Rats1973
Whats the problem, ive seen a lot worse...

PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 11:12 am
by Backglass
And he's not even funny. :?


PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 1:05 pm
by joeblade
Rats1973 wrote:Whats the problem, ive seen a lot worse...

fact that you've seen worse doesn't make it better as far as I can tell.
and bleh.. he isn't funny, he's just mental as far as I can tell.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 3:58 pm
by edoggpepper1800
I don't know what the big deal is...I dropped an F-bomb, oh my god, run and tell mommy!

I was out of the game by the 4th or 5th round. It took him an extra 10-15 rounds to kill me. Ask yourself who is worse.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 4:01 pm
by Sebondweb
joeblade - you are so right about this. It's immature players like edoggpepper1800 that really anger me :x . He should probably just be banned... and then he should move out his dad's basement and get a job :lol:


Re: verbally abusive: edoggpepper1800

PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 5:04 pm
by Gmenwillstomp
What did edoggpepper do wrong? I mean, all he did was swear, what is wrong with you people? I know ive gotten mad at how a game is going, it doesn't mean I am "verbally abusive." This is a game, try and have some fun for god's sake. I'm his friend, so I guess I am biased, but please...... why doesn't everyone just keep their pants on and relax. I don't understand why conquerclub has to be run like it's the UN for god's sake. I'm being accused of multi accounts because I made a joke in someone else's game, my friends getting investigated for swearing, seems to me we've got a few people who need to throttle back on the conquerclub intensity. Play the game, have some fun, he was joking, now can we end this "investigation."

PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 7:02 pm
by Rats1973
Sebondweb wrote:joeblade - you are so right about this. It's immature players like edoggpepper1800 that really anger me :x . He should probably just be banned... and then he should move out his dad's basement and get a job :lol:


Why do people get so upset about the F word etc??? Does it matter, its not like someones about to kill you or anything! Be the bigger person and ignore it


PostPosted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 2:14 am
by joeblade
I never said it was a big deal. as I said someone asked me to post so I did.
Someone is offensive to me, I put him on ignore.
as for verbally abusive, that is the term for it as far as I know. If you know a better one, let me know. I never said I had a strong case ;)