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Brann2006 abusive game chat [noted]

PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 10:24 am
by azezzo

of abusive game chat and foeing lower ranks for having the nerve to win

Game number(s):

Game 5471240
Game 5471285
Game 5462239
Game 5462043
Game 5452037

Comments: I realize this isnt the worst thing ever done in game chat, although i also think that foeing me for winning is B.S. as well. But I know he acts like this on a regular basis, just wanted to add this to the list.

Re: Brann2006 abusive game chat

PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 10:42 am
by HardAttack
Why are you bothering ops with this azzezo my dear friend ?
I do not accept the behaviour he represents, however this is not big man.
Foe him as i did, leave appropriate rating etc. But what is it that you are hoping to get from this accuasition thread ?

He has screwed one of recent speed game me and some ppl were in, in other words he simply meant to say F. you guys, he grabbed some kinda pleasure from this i think, and i say it was sick. He hides behind of he was drunk etc... Why should i care of ppl's being drunk at the moment of gameplay, screwing your games after you put 1 or more hour in game ? Or does ppl's being drunk give them the right to make anything irregular for the while they are/were drunk ?

Game 5463109 >> Deliberately suicided, and handed game to Blitz. Blitz played a fair game from start to end and has got nothing to do with Brann's shit play. Anyway, Brann is my foe, which means he is someone i strictly say no worth to play with. Today, one of touornament organizer PMed me to remove him from my foe list, so that organizer would be able to invite him in game. I did for 5-6 hours, but will put him in back in foe list again.

Azezzo, you are not a newbee around and you know your accuasition will get nowhere.

Re: Brann2006 abusive game chat

PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 11:32 am
by Lucalupulasa
he foed me for beating him too

Re: Brann2006 abusive game chat

PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 11:59 am
by jammyjames
maybe they will ban him like FRED... oh no wait codeblue is still around...

pointless mate...

Re: Brann2006 abusive game chat

PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 2:16 pm
by owenshooter
jammyjames wrote:maybe they will ban him like FRED... oh no wait codeblue is still around...

pointless mate...

the bogus banning of Fred for game chat (thanks the the escalating cumulative punishment scale agreed upon in the Bigotry Guidelines rewrite, but not for ALL INFRACTIONS), and the way that Codeblue has not been handled for his beyond abusive behaviour, has made any and all game chat abuse accusations/punishments, subject to much scrutiny and ridicule...-0

Re: Brann2006 abusive game chat

PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 6:07 am
by BoganGod
So he foed you, quit crying, get over it. He doesn't foe people for beating him, hell I've beaten him a few times when I've been a lower rank than him. I don't think he likes cry babies, and irritating little kids. That game chat is nothing, people have gotten away with a lot worse. Your just all bent out of shape because he foed you. Get over it. Foe him if it makes you feel better. Why do a Coltitoxin and start a useless trivial thread about nothing?

Re: Brann2006 abusive game chat

PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 9:33 am
by azezzo
Look you goat molester, did you even bother to read the game chat? In the first game i said Hello, and he threatens to foe me if i didnt rematch him, then he trys to pull a fast one by giving me a game # to join for a different map, hoping that i wouldnt know how to play circus maximus, a rematch should have been on the same map.

You said, "He doesn't foe people for beating him", I give proof that he does foe lower ranks for beating him, look at the games listed in the original post.

That is an abuse 1 which is my main reason why the foe system is flawed.I realize that there are 20,000+ other people i can play, thats not the point.

Re: Brann2006 abusive game chat

PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 9:44 am
by BoganGod
The foe system is not flawed, people can choice who they play and who they don't......... If you don't like someone been a bully why are you crying about been on their foe list? Make your mind up mate. lol

Re: Brann2006 abusive game chat

PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 9:50 am
by azezzo
ok it seems we r going to disagree on weather there is a flaw in the foe system, and i dont want to take time away from you and your goats.

But the foe sytem can be used to unfairly inflate a persons score and rank

Re: Brann2006 abusive game chat

PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 9:51 am
by Woodruff
BoganGod wrote:The foe system is not flawed, people can choice who they play and who they don't......... If you don't like someone been a bully why are you crying about been on their foe list? Make your mind up mate. lol

The foe system is EXTREMELY flawed in that I can join someone's game who is on my foe list. In fact, this literally defeats the whole point of the foe system.

Re: Brann2006 abusive game chat

PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 11:54 pm
by Artimis
azezzo wrote:Look you goat molester, did you even bother to read the game chat? In the first game i said Hello, and he threatens to foe me if i didnt rematch him, then he trys to pull a fast one by giving me a game # to join for a different map, hoping that i wouldnt know how to play circus maximus, a rematch should have been on the same map.

You said, "He doesn't foe people for beating him", I give proof that he does foe lower ranks for beating him, look at the games listed in the original post.

That is an abuse 1 which is my main reason why the foe system is flawed.I realize that there are 20,000+ other people i can play, thats not the point.

So he is doing a Klobber? Big deal!

He's limiting himself a lot more than he's limiting others, everyone on his foe list is free to play anyone else that is also on his foe list(subject to their own foe lists of course ;) ). So he doesn't want to play you any more, move on man, ffs.

Re: Brann2006 abusive game chat

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 12:02 am
by BoganGod
azezzo wrote:ok it seems we r going to disagree on weather there is a flaw in the foe system, and i dont want to take time away from you and your goats.

But the foe sytem can be used to unfairly inflate a persons score and rank

So can skill, and abstaining from alcohol.... But for the demon drink I would be conqueror. Have only played sober about 5times(yes am stretching truth a tad)

Re: Brann2006 abusive game chat

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 12:08 am
by Artimis
Woodruff wrote:
BoganGod wrote:The foe system is not flawed, people can choice who they play and who they don't......... If you don't like someone been a bully why are you crying about been on their foe list? Make your mind up mate. lol

The foe system is EXTREMELY flawed in that I can join someone's game who is on my foe list. In fact, this literally defeats the whole point of the foe system.

Solutions have been suggested in Sugs & Bugs:
Subject: foe list
Subject: When creating games, dont sug. similar games to foed people
Subject: A revised foe list for ppl who join games with foes in them
Subject: Notification of Ignore On Entering Game *Pending*

Take your pick.......

One of them is marked pending, sure enough here it is on the pending list(Notification Of Ignore On Entering Game). The problem is that topic link is broken and would lead other users to believe that it doesn't actually exist any more, there are plenty of other threads with the same or similar ideas though.

Re: Brann2006 abusive game chat

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 9:03 pm
by Woodruff
Artimis wrote:
Woodruff wrote:
BoganGod wrote:The foe system is not flawed, people can choice who they play and who they don't......... If you don't like someone been a bully why are you crying about been on their foe list? Make your mind up mate. lol

The foe system is EXTREMELY flawed in that I can join someone's game who is on my foe list. In fact, this literally defeats the whole point of the foe system.

Solutions have been suggested in Sugs & Bugs:
Subject: foe list
Subject: When creating games, dont sug. similar games to foed people
Subject: A revised foe list for ppl who join games with foes in them
Subject: Notification of Ignore On Entering Game *Pending*

Take your pick.......

One of them is marked pending, sure enough here it is on the pending list(Notification Of Ignore On Entering Game). The problem is that topic link is broken and would lead other users to believe that it doesn't actually exist any more, there are plenty of other threads with the same or similar ideas though.

Believe me, I'm well of those threads is mine. And the pending one has been there since 2006.

Re: Brann2006 abusive game chat

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 9:28 pm
by mgconstruction
2009-08-20 14:52:43 - Brann2006: omfg
2009-08-20 14:52:46 - Brann2006: your dice is foe dice

I about died laughing. " Your dice is Foe dice" lmao

Re: Brann2006 abusive game chat

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 10:41 pm
by jefjef
<yawn> foe

Re: Brann2006 abusive game chat

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 5:34 am
by BoganGod
azezzo wrote:Look you goat molester, did you even bother to read the game chat? In the first game i said Hello, and he threatens to foe me if i didnt rematch him, then he trys to pull a fast one by giving me a game # to join for a different map, hoping that i wouldnt know how to play circus maximus, a rematch should have been on the same map.

You said, "He doesn't foe people for beating him", I give proof that he does foe lower ranks for beating him, look at the games listed in the original post.

That is an abuse 1 which is my main reason why the foe system is flawed.I realize that there are 20,000+ other people i can play, thats not the point.

Abusive game chat you say, and you accuse me of goat molestation.... Now kiddo he doesn't foe all low ranks that beat him, maybe its just the annoying ones.

Re: Brann2006 abusive game chat

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 6:34 pm
by 72o
I like playing with him. He will suicide randomly just about every game, so it adds another element of strategy (and some luck) to the game. And the game chat is funny, not abusive. If you really don't like it, foe him and don't join his games. Or foe him and join his games.

Re: Brann2006 abusive game chat

PostPosted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 2:29 am
by king achilles
It is not a crime if someone puts you on his foe list even without a 'valid' reason.

We all deal with different personalities and whether we like it or not, you know you will encounter someone different from your personality. Yes, we do have disciplinary measures in order to correct a wrong. However, we can not expect a person to instantly realize his mistake, correct himself or change for the better. This has to come from himself and sometimes, it takes time.

It is a personal choice if you want to make use of the foe list or not. Putting someone on foe can help prevent you from getting provoked further into unnecessary 'negative stuff' you might do. This is a gaming website where competitiveness is a part of the game. I leave it onto yourselves on how to handle certain situations and I do not need to police every poor behavior we see on each member out there.

For this case, as what the others has suggested, put him on foe as well.

Re: Brann2006 abusive game chat [noted]

PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 9:08 pm
by Gutshots
I've played many matches with Brann... he's a good competitor, an honest player and I have no idea why you made this pathetic post.... :shock:

Re: Brann2006 abusive game chat

PostPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 5:35 am
by Brann2006
HardAttack wrote:Why are you bothering ops with this azzezo my dear friend ?
I do not accept the behaviour he represents, however this is not big man.
Foe him as i did, leave appropriate rating etc. But what is it that you are hoping to get from this accuasition thread ?

He has screwed one of recent speed game me and some ppl were in, in other words he simply meant to say F. you guys, he grabbed some kinda pleasure from this i think, and i say it was sick. He hides behind of he was drunk etc... Why should i care of ppl's being drunk at the moment of gameplay, screwing your games after you put 1 or more hour in game ? Or does ppl's being drunk give them the right to make anything irregular for the while they are/were drunk ?

Game 5463109 >> Deliberately suicided, and handed game to Blitz. Blitz played a fair game from start to end and has got nothing to do with Brann's shit play. Anyway, Brann is my foe, which means he is someone i strictly say no worth to play with. Today, one of touornament organizer PMed me to remove him from my foe list, so that organizer would be able to invite him in game. I did for 5-6 hours, but will put him in back in foe list again.

Azezzo, you are not a newbee around and you know your accuasition will get nowhere.

I were drunk!

and whatever. play the game well and dont suicide into me or anyone else to hand someone the game....and you'll stay fine. ;)