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Arish Babil [noted]

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 4:35 am
by DeathsHead

Arish Babil

The accused are suspected of:

Other: homophobic comment

Game number(s):

Game 5372369

Comments:Uses the term 'homosexual' in an obviously derogatory manner. It's homophobic and I don't think CC should condone it.

Re: Arish Babil

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 4:46 am
by Artimis
Allow me to introduce you to the 3 F's

Foe, Feedback and Forget.

We seriously need some quality control on these spurious chat abuse threads. Only severe cases should merit mod time, not this weak garbage. Welcome to my foe list.

Re: Arish Babil

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 5:09 am
by alster
DeathsHead wrote:Accused:

Arish Babil

The accused are suspected of:

Other: homophobic comment

Game number(s):

Game 5372369

Comments:Uses the term 'homosexual' in an obviously derogatory manner. It's homophobic and I don't think CC should condone it.

Oh my...

2009-08-17 00:11:30 - Arish Babil: fuk you blue... you freaking dead beater crap homosexual

Try to conceptualize that we live in a society of imperfect men that can never rise up to 100% PC perfectness. Get over it cupcake.

Re: Arish Babil

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 5:13 am
by Darthvadar
DeathsHead wrote:Accused:

Arish Babil

The accused are suspected of:

Other: homophobic comment

Game number(s):

Game 5372369

Comments:Uses the term 'homosexual' in an obviously derogatory manner. It's homophobic and I don't think CC should condone it.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Grow a pair will ya, thats some funny chit right there

Re: Arish Babil

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 9:53 am
by BoganGod
wow, great game chat! A game I would have loved to have been part of. Keep up the good work arish. DeathsHead(user name, named after a nazi deathsquad, now that is offensive) people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones eh.

Re: Arish Babil

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 1:49 pm
by jefjef
This for sure requires a warning to be issued. Warn deathshead for filing a frivolous complaint. BTW everyone. "Assclown" is not allowed to be used when posting as per Andy. And I applaud the C C mods for their ruling on the kotaro incident. :D

Re: Arish Babil

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 6:37 pm
by neanderpaul14
jefjef wrote:This for sure requires a warning to be issued. Warn deathshead for filing a frivolous complaint. BTW everyone. "Assclown" is not allowed to be used when posting as per Andy. And I applaud the C C mods for their ruling on the kotaro incident. :D

Awww man we seriously can't call people "Assclown" anymore??? What if they are indeed being an "Assclown"?? Can we call them an "Analjester" instead??? Or how about a "Buttockbuffoon"??

Re: Arish Babil

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 8:18 pm
by owenator
BoganGod wrote:wow, great game chat! A game I would have loved to have been part of. Keep up the good work arish. DeathsHead(user name, named after a nazi deathsquad, now that is offensive) people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones eh.

and to further back up what Bogan said: Arish had said something out of anger because he's obviously a competitive player. But, as Bogan said...the name is derived after a SS Nazi death squad.

Re: Arish Babil

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 10:22 pm
by Pat
bahaha totally worth 2 minutes of my time.

Re: Arish Babil

PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 1:27 am
by king achilles
Noted. If you find yourself in a game with someone who offends you, simply add the member in question to your foes list and his/her comments will disappear.