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king herpes [noted]

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 12:16 pm
by azezzo
Accused: King Herpes

The accused are suspected of:

spamming the forums

here are just a few of the threads hes started:


Comments: I'm afraid hes bitter about being dethroned and now feels the need to cause trouble

Re: king herpes

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 12:19 pm
by lord voldemort
private forum..he can do pretty much whatever the hell he likes...its up to the forum leader to kick him..which i beleive he did..
at least he provides a larph

Re: king herpes

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 12:26 pm
by alster
azezzo wrote:Accused: King Herpes

The accused are suspected of:

spamming the forums

here are just a few of the threads hes started:


Comments: I'm afraid hes bitter about being dethroned and now feels the need to cause trouble

Nah. That's what happens when you add people into stupid social forums without their consent.

Re: king herpes

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 12:32 pm
by owenshooter
well, maybe King was retalliating based on what is being discussed in this C&A Thread:


it's a private user group, so it is up to Kotaro to remove him... anway, here are some
interesting quotes from the C&A thread about members being added without their knowledge:
Kotaro wrote:If you can see this forum,
I've gone insane and added 27 new pages of users.
Does this make me insane?

Kotaro wrote:As for removing you, do it yourself. I am not, nor will I ever be, here to serve you. Anyone who doesn't know how to remove themselves, may freely PM me for directions how to.

Kotaro wrote:This is in no way abusing, this is (at worst) "annoying", with no intent involved.

p.s.-i had no idea i was in this group, until i clicked on the threads posted above and was able to see them..-0

Re: king herpes

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 4:44 pm
by Timminz
Now I almost wish I hadn't dropped out of the group already.

Re: king herpes

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 5:00 pm
by Caymanmew
Timminz wrote:Now I almost wish I hadn't dropped out of the group already.

me to

Re: king herpes

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 5:36 pm
by obliterationX
This post was made by King_Herpes who is currently on your ignore list. Display this post.


Re: king herpes

PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 1:14 am
by king achilles
It's a private clan forum, which the former leader abused his privilege by adding certain members to be a part of this clan, and one, retaliated by doing all that. I am not going to condone what he did, but right now, being that this clan no longer has a leader as of this time, I request that the remaining members appoint or elect someone to be their leader and we can discuss on how to handle these posts by King Herpes.

Or we can have this clan be removed overall.