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rtropp = Bit of a heads up [cleared/noted]

PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 2:19 pm
by bigpete007

The accused are suspected of:

Not quite sure what it is, but there is something about this player that makes me think it isn't right about how he plays the game.

Game number(s):

Game 5371735
Game 5371731
Game 5371733

He missed 2 turns in a row on all three games and then reappeared. On game 5371735 he reappeared to take 1 go and has then missed another go. (I thought you got kicked out for missing 3 turns, or is it only 3 in a row?) He has stayed silent and it seems like there is something fishy about him, just can't quite put my finger on it.

Plus as well in all the games he has played he has never left ratings for anyone and his turns taken % is currently 95%.

This is not sour grapes because I am losing in 1 of them, but I have won one game and am fairly even with him in another.

Just thought it was worth a heads up to people.

Re: rtropp = Bit of a heads up

PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 10:39 pm
by Woodruff
bigpete007 wrote:Accused:
The accused are suspected of:
Not quite sure what it is, but there is something about this player that makes me think it isn't right about how he plays the game.
Game number(s):
Game 5371735
Game 5371731
Game 5371733

He missed 2 turns in a row on all three games and then reappeared. On game 5371735 he reappeared to take 1 go and has then missed another go. (I thought you got kicked out for missing 3 turns, or is it only 3 in a row?) He has stayed silent and it seems like there is something fishy about him, just can't quite put my finger on it.
Plus as well in all the games he has played he has never left ratings for anyone and his turns taken % is currently 95%.
This is not sour grapes because I am losing in 1 of them, but I have won one game and am fairly even with him in another.
Just thought it was worth a heads up to people.

If this is an intentional strategy on his part, it's a losing one. Which leads me to believe it's not. He probably just has a life away from ConquerClub (how dare he!).

Re: rtropp = Bit of a heads up

PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 10:55 pm
by AAFitz
bigpete007 wrote:Accused:

The accused are suspected of:

Not quite sure what it is, but there is something about this player that makes me think it isn't right about how he plays the game.

Game number(s):

Game 5371735
Game 5371731
Game 5371733

He missed 2 turns in a row on all three games and then reappeared. On game 5371735 he reappeared to take 1 go and has then missed another go. (I thought you got kicked out for missing 3 turns, or is it only 3 in a row?) He has stayed silent and it seems like there is something fishy about him, just can't quite put my finger on it.

Plus as well in all the games he has played he has never left ratings for anyone and his turns taken % is currently 95%.

This is not sour grapes because I am losing in 1 of them, but I have won one game and am fairly even with him in another.

Just thought it was worth a heads up to people.

Well, you actually provided the answer right there. a 95% turn rate is actually quite low, so its probably not the first time he missed. Im sure he will be checked just the same, but missing turns is more the work of non dedicated players usually. The multis actually are usually better about making their turns.

Re: rtropp = Bit of a heads up

PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 7:26 am
by bigpete007
I don't think he is a multi, just not a committed player and doesn't leave ratings so no point in playing him at all.

Plus as well I thought missing 3 turns in a game was automatically booted, or is it 3 in a row? (Looking at how the game has gone, I am guessing it is 3 in a row). The other thing that is annoying is that he only seemingly appears shortly before the turn is due to end so you kind of think 'oh he is missing a turn again' only to go back half hour later and he has had his go.

I appreciate people have a life away from CC, heck I've missed the odd turn here and there, but I just find it rude to not even apologise or acknowledge the person you are playing against.

It wasn't necessarily a complaint, more a 'heads up' for others to be aware that playing him will only get you points and not ratings.

Re: rtropp = Bit of a heads up

PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 2:16 pm
by bigpete007
Just to note to the above, he has now missed 4 out of 8 turns. This is just plain silly and annoying because he is quite likely to reappear tomorrow and take his turn and we start the cycle over again.

I think the rules should be changed that if you miss 3 in a row or more than 4 in a game you are kicked out instantly.

Re: rtropp = Bit of a heads up

PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 2:52 pm
by Darwins_Bane
bigpete007 wrote:Just to note to the above, he has now missed 4 out of 8 turns. This is just plain silly and annoying because he is quite likely to reappear tomorrow and take his turn and we start the cycle over again.

I think the rules should be changed that if you miss 3 in a row or more than 4 in a game you are kicked out instantly.

If you wanna make that suggestion try putting it over in suggs and bugs and it will get looked at and commented on.

Re: rtropp = Bit of a heads up

PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 3:19 pm
by Woodruff
bigpete007 wrote:Just to note to the above, he has now missed 4 out of 8 turns. This is just plain silly and annoying because he is quite likely to reappear tomorrow and take his turn and we start the cycle over again.
I think the rules should be changed that if you miss 3 in a row or more than 4 in a game you are kicked out instantly.

I don't disagree with your frustration at all. However, it really doesn't belong in C&A then...rather, it belongs in perhaps General Discussions or somesuch.

The fact is, you're almost guaranteed to win, so thank him for the easy win and foe him so you won't have to put up with that crap again (at least from him).

Re: rtropp = Bit of a heads up

PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 3:26 pm
by bigpete007
Problem is, in one territory he has 20 armies and I have sod all really and can't trade, so will take forever to beat him.

Plus as well when/if he returns he gets the deferred troops and will end up placing them on that territory thus making it ridiculously hard to win.

Re: rtropp = Bit of a heads up

PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 4:16 pm
by Woodruff
bigpete007 wrote:Problem is, in one territory he has 20 armies and I have sod all really and can't trade, so will take forever to beat him.

Plus as well when/if he returns he gets the deferred troops and will end up placing them on that territory thus making it ridiculously hard to win.

That's why on those turns when he missed, you need to take advantage of it THEN...thus cutting down on any deferred troops he is going to get.

Re: rtropp = Bit of a heads up

PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 7:47 pm
by bigpete007
Trying to, but the dice are going against me :(

Re: rtropp = Bit of a heads up

PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 3:27 am
by king achilles
I'm not sure what his report is all about but as far as this forum is all about, he is cleared of being a multi account. As for the heads up thing, well, you already said your piece in this report.