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Minor abuse by Squirly [closed]

PostPosted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 10:52 am
by MDots13


The accused are suspected of:

Other: After completing a game, in which nothing was said at all, other than maybe a 'good luck' at the start of the game, and after eliminating every other player in the game, with myself being the last one left, and thus placing second in the game if that were kept up with in stats, Squirly left me a rating of Fair Play: 4, Game Play: 1 and Attitude: 2.

I would like this rating removed. This is ridiculous! Nothing was said at all! How can I have a 2 attitude with nothing said? Nothing was even said between us in private messages! And how can I have a 1 game play when I was second in the game, and obviously did better than the other four players? Please remove this rating, and maybe even send him a warning message too. Thank you.

Game number(s):

Game 5297843


Re: Minor abuse by Squirly

PostPosted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 10:54 am
by Bones2484
Not going to happen. This will NOT matter in the grand scheme of things and moderators will not remove feedback.

Just move on with your life.

Re: Minor abuse by Squirly

PostPosted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 11:30 am
by obliterationX

Nobody cares. The actual rating isn't even too bad, either. :lol:

Re: Minor abuse by Squirly

PostPosted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 3:27 pm
by MDots13
Alright, fine. I wasn't sure what the policy was about that. But it does piss me off that he had no reason whatsoever other than that I was the only non-premium member of that particular game, to give me such a terrible rating. I only even attacked his countries 3 times, so it's not even that I was going after him!

Just know that if you are a non-premium member and you're playing with Squirly, he will screw you hard on the rating.

Re: Minor abuse by Squirly

PostPosted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 3:36 pm
by oVo
It's ridiculous to worry, your 4.6 rating is still honorable
and this lame 2.3 rate will be negated over time.

Re: Minor abuse by Squirly

PostPosted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 4:21 pm
by jefjef
Well maybe he didn't respect your game play. And as far as attitude I never give "silence" 5 stars. You could pm him and nicely ask if he would consider withdrawing it. He did tag you "poor strategy". Maybe you messed up BIG & thats how he won.

Re: Minor abuse by Squirly

PostPosted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 8:57 pm
by owenshooter
MDots13 wrote:Nothing was even said between us in private messages!

oh, you mean there wasn't any secret diplomacy? ahem... anyway, you have to prove a pattern of abuse, not just a single instance. and perhaps if you ask the alleged offender, he/she will explain to you why they gave you the rating they did... and don't forget that 3 is average, right?-0

Re: Minor abuse by Squirly

PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 12:21 am
by king achilles
Have you tried to contact Squirly and clarify this with him? Maybe in time you can settle this between yourselves and he will withdraw it. You already made a response in his given ratings and if the game reference does not support what he gave you, then this would only backfire on him instead. Rest assured that any unfair ratings will be averaged out by all the fair ones over time.

Re: Minor abuse by Squirly [closed]

PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 1:10 pm
by MDots13
I'm new here, so I just wasn't sure what the policy was. Thanks. And everyone was silent in the entire game, so that's not the issue.

Re: Minor abuse by Squirly [closed]

PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 7:22 pm
by Squirly
I just noticed this.

I can't believe this clown made such a stink about this. Then you guys all advise him to contact me and he never did.
I played him once, 6 player esc, classic. He spent the whole game trying to acquire NA. Attacking stacks and basically messing up everyone's chances in the game. Poor strategy was reflected in the rating because of obvious reasons. I felt his attitude was poor because he made very reckless and basically suicidal attacks on everyone that had a territory in NA which ruined the game for others. It must have been pretty bad because I won and still wanted to send him a message.

what a goof

I have to laugh at the people who won't spring for a premium membership (a mere donation) but will bitch and complain about things they don't like on the site.