ronc8649 wrote:this is truly ridiculous. he never even continued the banter. it looks to be just in fun. if you dont like what somebody says, just fucking foe them, and stop wasting our hunters time, as well as mine.
this is too much. maybe you have been fucked up in real, and this just hits too close to home for ya. whatever your reason may be for bringing this into the forum, it is a trivial matter. someone even tried to bait him into saying more about it, and he ignored them.
i am foeing the person who started this thread, and i am going to do the same for all these other little kids who run around in this forum trying to get people banned. i would like to be the first to tell you to f*ck off. thanks.
Agreed (as usual on this issue). Did the admin. not realise that their 'family friendly' directives would spawn thread after thread of this kind of mean-spirited 'let's go tell the teacher Tommy said a
bad word' crap?
Did they not realise that their anti-farming directives would spawn an equal number of 'look...he's playing cooks! ban him!' shite either?
Personally I think they did, they must have done really, as numerous members pointed out that these directives would spoil the atmosphere of this site before they were even implemented. I suspect that's what they wanted all along; to reduce these forums to the level of a well-indoctrinated schoolyard, to harrass those members with an independent thought in their head and to promote the kind of idiocy seen fact seen here continuously. I hope Andy is looking on with pride at what he has accomplished.
I mean is it any wonder that the 'idiot child' colton24 felt he could fit in so well here once he turned up? I suspect he looked around our forums and saw a place he could fit in
just fine. I mean it is pretty much targeted at his age-range now, isn't it?
Of course, the anti-flaming stuff always had more than the slightest whiff of religious fervour to it, hasn't it? One always had the sense that somewhere behind the scenes was some hyped up Christian with a mission to clean up their little part of the world. Do 'God's work' and all that. Of course they'll deny it, deny it and deny it again. But the last few months here have just stunk of the zealot at work. You can always spot it from the complete disregard for any opinion but their own.
Threads like this are a mere symptom of the problem. You have to go back to the admins to find the cause for threads like this.