Conquer Club

hnelson and horationelson [noted]

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hnelson and horationelson [noted]

Postby 69er on Thu Jul 30, 2009 5:02 pm


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The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis

Game number(s):5303552

Game 5303552

Comments:hnelson & hnelson... are you kidding me???
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Re: hnelson and horationelson

Postby Blinkadyblink on Thu Jul 30, 2009 5:58 pm

And they both have a British username yet live in Mexico. And they both have abysmal attendance (88% and 66%) and tend to miss turns at the same time. And look at Game 4337754 where they're careful at the start and sometimes take a few hours between turns, but by the end there's less than a minute between their turns, and there's never any overlap even though it's a freestyle game. Also in that game, the winner (HNelson) barely attacked Horatio until the other opponent was eliminated, and Horatio barely attacked HNelson at all.

They do lose way more games together than I would expect from multies, but most of these losses are because they both deadbeated.

I suppose that it's possible that they both use the same computer, but given their attacking patterns (they don't attack each other until they're the only ones left) it seems more likely that they're multies.
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Re: hnelson and horationelson [Pending]

Postby king achilles on Thu Aug 06, 2009 2:35 am

We have given this case some time for any possible incriminating evidence to surface. Still, nothing has changed. This is noted for now.
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