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averageguy [noted]

PostPosted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 1:16 pm
by laxdudenick16


The accused are suspected of:

Other: Incredibly rude comments during game 5282939

Game number(s):


my sister has the account horseangel1998 and she is in elementary school. there is no reason for averageguy to have made a comment like he did to such a young child. his comment was provoked by her writing on his wall that she was annoyed with the fact that he seemed to be purposfully delaying her winning the game. even if this annoyed him, there is no excuse for what was said to her. she was very upset with the comments which she showed to her mom who is also outraged. i hope he feels good for making a little girl cry. i would hope that the moderators agree that it would not be a positive sign of what this website stands for to continue to allow averageguy to make such comments.

Re: averageguy

PostPosted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 1:18 pm
by colton24
laxdudenick16 wrote:Accused:


The accused are suspected of:

Other: Incredibly rude comments during game 5282939

Game number(s)

Game 5282939

my sister has the account horseangel1998 and she is in elementary school. there is no reason for averageguy to have made a comment like he did to such a young child. his comment was provoked by her writing on his wall that she was annoyed with the fact that he seemed to be purposfully delaying her winning the game. even if this annoyed him, there is no excuse for what was said to her. she was very upset with the comments which she showed to her mom who is also outraged. i hope he feels good for making a little girl cry. i would hope that the moderators agree that it would not be a positive sign of what this website stands for to continue to allow averageguy to make such comments.

fixed stuff is clickable

Re: averageguy

PostPosted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 1:22 pm
by jefjef
2009-07-19 12:09:52 - horseangel1998: gl
2009-07-19 12:28:49 - averageguy: blow me cunt
2009-07-19 13:07:36 - laxdudenick16: look pal, im sure ur upset by the fact that my 10 year old sister accused you of purposely waiting, which is your right to do and there's no problem with it. but to say what you just said, especially when you're playing against a 10 year old girl
2009-07-19 13:07:54 - laxdudenick16: who has never heard that phrase before and is now wondering what it means is completely unacceptable............................... Yep that guy is a piece of work alright. What was posted on it's wall was in no way deserving of that. Be sure to have her foe him so she doesn't see anything he says.

Re: averageguy

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 7:40 pm
by Bruceswar
If you want to pin this guy for something then pin him down on ratings abuse also. I have played him 2 times and won both easy, yet got 1 stars from him. :)

Re: averageguy

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 7:42 pm
by Woodruff
Not to mention continuing the abuse against the 10-year-old on her wall.

Re: averageguy

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 7:50 pm
by oVo
FOE this idiot, his ignorant and abusive game chat will vanish.

Re: averageguy

PostPosted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 7:35 pm
by squishyg
averageguy was way out of line. I do encourage your sister to be a little more careful next time though. While she didn't deserve that reaction or treatment, she did come off as a little rude when she posted on his wall. Unfortunately, she will encounter more jerks in life, but always taking the high road helps to avoid them.

Re: averageguy

PostPosted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 10:41 pm
by Woodruff
squishyg wrote:averageguy was way out of line. I do encourage your sister to be a little more careful next time though. While she didn't deserve that reaction or treatment, she did come off as a little rude when she posted on his wall. Unfortunately, she will encounter more jerks in life, but always taking the high road helps to avoid them.

True enough.

Re: averageguy

PostPosted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 7:07 am
by slowreactor
Very impatient too, considering that on most of his 1-1-1 ratings, he left "Slow" as a tag.

Re: averageguy

PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 1:39 am
by king achilles
I would need a lot of similar games with this kind of game chats if we are to make a case out of this. Basically, we take a liberal stance on what is allowed to be said in the game chat. If you find yourself in a game with someone who offends you, simply add the member in question to your foes list and his/her comments will disappear.