Conquer Club

mmrisk & yth180 [blocked]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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mmrisk & yth180 [blocked]

Postby Poo_Head on Fri Jul 10, 2009 10:29 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):
Game 4871809
Game 4892254
Game 5072540
Game 5129927
Game 5227716


These 2 players play together in many team games, but that's not a problem, it only establishes that they know each other. The first problem is they have come to freestyle non-team game exploiting their relationship to chose when the next round starts. As you know the last person to end a turn can't move in the next turn, it's to prevent people from having back-to-back turns. However these 2 players are timing the ending of their turns at the same time with both beginning their next turn immediately, effectively voiding the rule. (note that the pattern can apply to maximum half of their turns; it usually skips a round or two)

The second problem is that these players are ignoring each other in combat, you can see it in every game they have ever won together, they only kill each other last (when possible).

Game 5227716
009-07-09 12:14:45 - mmrisk received 5 troops for 15 regions
2009-07-09 12:14:53 - mmrisk deployed 5 troops on ?
2009-07-09 12:14:56 - mmrisk assaulted ? from ? and conquered it from Theduder
2009-07-09 12:15:10 - mmrisk reinforced ? with 2 troops from ?
2009-07-09 12:15:15 - mmrisk reinforced ? with 2 troops from ?
2009-07-09 12:15:16 - mmrisk ended the turn and got spoils
2009-07-09 12:15:16 - Incrementing game to round 3
2009-07-09 12:15:52 - yth180 received 6 troops for 18 regions
2009-07-09 12:15:57 - yth180 deployed 6 troops on ?
2009-07-09 12:16:00 - mmrisk received 5 troops for 16 regions
2009-07-09 12:16:03 - yth180 assaulted ? from ? and conquered it from Poo_Head
2009-07-09 12:16:07 - mmrisk deployed 5 troops on ?
2009-07-09 12:16:10 - mmrisk assaulted ? from ? and conquered it from Theduder
2009-07-09 12:16:10 - yth180 assaulted ? from ? and conquered it from Theduder
2009-07-09 12:16:15 - mmrisk assaulted ? from ? and conquered it from Theduder
2009-07-09 12:16:27 - mmrisk assaulted ? from ? and conquered it from Darwins_Bane
2009-07-09 12:16:40 - mmrisk ended the turn and got spoils
2009-07-09 12:16:46 - yth180 reinforced ? with 3 troops from ?
2009-07-09 12:16:52 - yth180 reinforced ? with 2 troops from ?
2009-07-09 12:16:54 - yth180 ended the turn and got spoils

2009-07-09 13:22:35 - mmrisk received 4 troops for 12 regions
2009-07-09 13:22:39 - mmrisk deployed 4 troops on ?
2009-07-09 13:22:47 - mmrisk assaulted ? from ? and conquered it from Poo_Head
2009-07-09 13:22:58 - mmrisk assaulted ? from ? and conquered it from Darwins_Bane
2009-07-09 13:23:01 - yth180 received 4 troops for holding ?
2009-07-09 13:23:01 - yth180 received 6 troops for 18 regions
2009-07-09 13:23:18 - yth180 deployed 10 troops on ?
2009-07-09 13:23:22 - mmrisk reinforced ? with 2 troops from ?
2009-07-09 13:23:23 - yth180 assaulted ? from ? and conquered it from snaz
2009-07-09 13:23:23 - mmrisk ended the turn and got spoils
2009-07-09 13:23:31 - yth180 assaulted ? from ? and conquered it from snaz
2009-07-09 13:23:44 - yth180 assaulted ? from ? and conquered it from Darwins_Bane
2009-07-09 13:24:09 - yth180 ended the turn and got spoils
2009-07-09 13:24:09 - Incrementing game to round 5
2009-07-09 13:24:12 - mmrisk received 4 troops for 14 regions

Game 5129927
2009-06-24 08:48:43 - yth180 received 3 troops for 4 regions
2009-06-24 08:49:27 - yth180 deployed 3 troops on N6
2009-06-24 08:50:05 - yth180 assaulted S3 from F1 and conquered it from Reign of Lead
2009-06-24 08:50:15 - yth180 ended the turn and got spoils
2009-06-24 08:50:15 - Incrementing game to round 2
2009-06-24 08:50:27 - mmrisk received 3 troops for 6 regions
2009-06-24 08:50:31 - mmrisk deployed 3 troops on N9
2009-06-24 08:50:33 - mmrisk assaulted N7 from N9 and conquered it from yth180
2009-06-24 08:50:40 - mmrisk ended the turn and got spoils
2009-06-24 08:51:47 - yth180 received 3 troops for 4 regions
2009-06-24 08:52:11 - yth180 deployed 3 troops on N6
2009-06-24 08:52:15 - yth180 assaulted N4 from N6 and conquered it from NeilLock
2009-06-24 08:52:25 - yth180 ended the turn and got spoils

Game 4871809
2009-05-17 10:42:52 - mmrisk eliminated renman from the game
2009-05-21 08:26:42 - mmrisk eliminated rosiko from the game
2009-05-21 08:26:55 - mmrisk eliminated yth180 from the game
2009-05-21 08:26:55 - mmrisk won the game

Game 4892254
2009-05-20 14:04:37 - yth180 eliminated Felipe88 from the game
2009-05-20 14:29:53 - mmrisk eliminated jlg70 from the game
2009-05-20 22:15:14 - mmrisk eliminated alkaparra from the game
2009-05-21 08:30:54 - yth180 eliminated mmrisk from the game
2009-05-21 08:30:54 - yth180 won the game

Game 5072540
2009-06-17 12:46:10 - mmrisk eliminated Hairy_Nipple from the game
2009-06-17 12:51:15 - mmrisk eliminated hobbsie from the game
2009-06-17 12:55:22 - mmrisk eliminated yth180 from the game
2009-06-17 12:55:22 - mmrisk won the game

Game 5227716
This game isn't over yet, but besides them there is only 1 player left and it's obvious the trend will continue to this game.

Now since I've only played fog-of-war games with the cheating duo, the only thing they haven't done as far as I know (because I can't see it) is share assaults or underdefended common defensive lines. An admin would have to check for it.
Lieutenant Poo_Head
Posts: 13
Joined: Tue Jun 09, 2009 5:11 pm

Re: mmrisk & yth180

Postby Darwins_Bane on Sat Jul 11, 2009 1:13 am

nice find...they were already accused once of being multis or something fishy going on. link
Corporal Darwins_Bane
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Re: mmrisk & yth180

Postby Poo_Head on Sat Jul 11, 2009 1:55 am

Darwins_Bane wrote:nice find...they were already accused once of being multis or something fishy going on. link

thats why I put a different accusation ;) no double jeopardy for them
Lieutenant Poo_Head
Posts: 13
Joined: Tue Jun 09, 2009 5:11 pm

Re: mmrisk & yth180

Postby king achilles on Wed Jul 15, 2009 12:59 am

yth180 and mmrisk have been blocked from playng together.
hobbsie - noted for now.
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