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Larsbjorn [no form] [closed]

PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 3:21 pm
by Hacx5nine
I took this guy off my foe list when I was doing some house cleaning cuz I didn't have an explanation there. But again - while there may not have been a direct violation of the rules.... the REAL players on here who enjoy good gaming shuld know about this incase they want to foe him. I had something completely unexpected come up and was TRYING anyway to take my turns but I unfort. missed a couple. Still have a 99%. This guy, with a 98% ... starts calling me a fool and proceeds to blatantly suicide me, as well as admit to it, handing the game to the only other player alive. Now I did get a wee bit animated cuz I was havuing a rough day as what called my attention away from the game was nothing good... so i apologize for any verbal abuse I had. But play like this has go to go - and if they cant be punished....many people foe's list should get the message out a least a little. Thanks for listening to my whining. :lol:

Re: Larsbjorn [no form]

PostPosted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 3:11 pm
by colton24
um where is your form?

Re: Larsbjorn [no form]

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 1:28 am
by king achilles
Perhaps he still remembers whatever negative stuff happened between you two in the past? Anyway, you can always put him back on your foes list and move on. Closed.