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dupa, normanjr4 -- New Recruit Farming [Warned]

PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 11:45 pm
by lanyards

The accused are suspected of:
    New Recruit Farming

Game numbers (Only listed farm games within last 50 games):

    dupa - Dupa seems like a great team player, but 12 out of his last 50 games are him targeting New Recruits on this site. The only 1v1 games he plays he targets noobs, and sometime privates and below. He has 5 consecutive New Recruit farming games in a row.
    normanjr4 - This players seems to just like to play a lot of 1v1 games, but when 21 out of 50 games are New Recruit Farming, then I think it is safe to say he plays against New Recruits too often. normanjr4 also has consecutive noob-targeting games.

Re: dupa, normanjr4 -- New Recruit Farming

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 7:24 am
by lancehoch
dupa and normanjr4 have each been Warned for New Recruit farming.