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Sideoutshu - inproper language/game abuse [Cleared]

PostPosted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 4:11 pm
by btown80


The accused are suspected of:

Other: Giving information about my troop movements in a fog of war game.

Game number(s):

Game 5156267

Comments:Letting the other players know where I was stacking troops in a fog game. Unacceptable. Also using rather offensive language.

Also left this wonderful little note on my wall...

GG asshole. I love how every idiot on CC calls any attack on them a "suicide". If you don't want me attacking your 13 troops....don't break my bonus and then LEAVE THEM INSIDE my bonus you fucktard. What do you expect? by sideoutshu
on Fri Jun 26, 2009 9:04 pm

Re: Sideoutshu - inproper language/game abuse

PostPosted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 6:24 pm
by tiddler
I recently played a fog of war game where another player revealed my positions and strengths, and I also got a bit annoyed. Looking into the rules / forums I found out that is it not against the rules to do this.
Reading the arguments I understand why - you can give false information as well as truthful info.

It's a tactic used and a good one at that - it's part of the 'fog-of-war' game if you ask me (if discussed openly)

As for the swearing / language - I'm sure you've heard more colourful tones before.


Re: Sideoutshu - inproper language/game abuse

PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 10:38 am
by jefjef
Yep.... fog breaking is allowed But something I consider cheap tactics................. rate fair play & attitude accordingly & then FOE him...... But ya have no valid cheat complaint........ :roll:

Re: Sideoutshu - inproper language/game abuse

PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 10:54 am
by alster
btown80 wrote:Accused:


The accused are suspected of:

Other: Giving information about my troop movements in a fog of war game.

Game number(s):

Game 5156267

Comments:Letting the other players know where I was stacking troops in a fog game. Unacceptable. Also using rather offensive language.

Also left this wonderful little note on my wall...

GG asshole. I love how every idiot on CC calls any attack on them a "suicide". If you don't want me attacking your 13 troops....don't break my bonus and then LEAVE THEM INSIDE my bonus you fucktard. What do you expect? by sideoutshu
on Fri Jun 26, 2009 9:04 pm

Dude. You played over 3 000 games. And you are a skilled player judging from my own meandering experience. I think you should know better than to post a complaint like this. Suck it up cupcake and foe the guy if you feel offended.

Re: Sideoutshu - inproper language/game abuse

PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 11:24 am
by e_i_pi
That's what I was about to say. 3000 games in, and you're still playing damsel in distress? Sheesh, read my signature if you need some pointers on how to respond to this sort of behaviour

Re: Sideoutshu - inproper language/game abuse

PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 9:54 pm
by lancehoch
Game Chat wrote:2009-06-26 17:23:43 - sideoutshu: cause there is ABSOLUTELY no rule against revealing info in a fog game
btown80, sideoutshu is correct. Also, nothing he said is against any of the rules or guidelines on this site. CC has never claimed to be a family friendly site and there is a lot of leeway on what can and cannot be said in game chat.

sideoutshu is Cleared of all abuse relating to this game.

Re: Sideoutshu - inproper language/game abuse

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 2:00 am
by btown80
lancehoch wrote:
Game Chat wrote:2009-06-26 17:23:43 - sideoutshu: cause there is ABSOLUTELY no rule against revealing info in a fog game
btown80, sideoutshu is correct. Also, nothing he said is against any of the rules or guidelines on this site. CC has never claimed to be a family friendly site and there is a lot of leeway on what can and cannot be said in game chat.

sideoutshu is Cleared of all abuse relating to this game.

WEll thanks for letting me know Lance. Considering I received a warning for my chat, and so I've cleaned it up and really tried hard to be a decent person on here. But now that I have you in writing saying it doesn't matter if someone drops f-bombs and writes inappropriate things on my wall, because CC has never said its family friendly. You and KA better get on the same page because he is trying to promote CC as a more family friendly website, and then there are douchebags like you (its ok for me to call you a f*cking douchebag, because CC is not a family friendly website) say it's ok for people to be obscene.