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multiple site'ing! [closed]

PostPosted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 1:48 pm
by Mr_Adams


The accused are suspected of:

Other: using ugly alternative site. look! the home page even has an unproffesional whorish look to it!

Comments: little buggertalking about it in a game! posted link to ugly home page and says it has better community! I say we lynch the little traitor! :lol:

Re: multiple site'ing!

PostPosted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 1:53 pm
by hwhrhett
Mr_Adams wrote:Accused:


The accused are suspected of:

Other: using ugly alternative site. look! the home page even has an unproffesional whorish look to it!

Comments: little buggertalking about it in a game! posted link to ugly home page and says it has better community! I say we lynch the little traitor! :lol:

ugh, dominategame, stupid emiel(admin) hasnt done a single update since i left there years ago, rife with cheaters and specially made cheater maps...

Re: multiple site'ing!

PostPosted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 2:10 pm
by king sam
Are you serious with this accusation?

First off he didn't advertise it he was asked about it. Second off I'm pretty sure users are allowed to converse about other sites other then CC.

If he had spammed and sent out a global email to users advertising it then you'd have something.

But it doesn't appear that this user did, so I don't imagine this going anywhere, and being nothing more then a waste of time.


Exert from chat in Game 5149949
Game 5149949 Chat wrote:2009-06-25 14:41:59 - JaZ.: Hey Whatsdafus.. can you give the web address of qtdominate? I can't find it on Google o.O
2009-06-25 14:43:02 - Whatsdafus:

And to be honest with you it didn't appear like it bothered you one bit till you realized you were going to lose the game. Perhaps someone is trying to get another user kicked off the site so he doesn't lose points?

Re: multiple site'ing!

PostPosted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 6:03 pm
by Mr_Adams
actualy, I won that game, and yes, it was a joke. check out the site though! it's a piece of crap! :lol:

Re: multiple site'ing!

PostPosted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 11:44 pm
by king achilles
Mr_Adams wrote:actualy, I won that game, and yes, it was a joke. check out the site though! it's a piece of crap! :lol:
