senorcrotchmonst-MULTI [cleared]
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 11:26 am
Accused: senorcrotchmonst
The accused are suspected of: Being Multis
Game number(s): 5139534
Comments: Yet another freemium ? joining my games that will clearly win as he is a multi for sure. 1 game completed and 4 ongoing; 3 total fuedal games. This player knows all the tricks and strategy of fuedal to a T. On a side note, the 4 current games ongoing, it appears he will win 3 of them. Lets get this settled hunters. Thx!
The accused are suspected of: Being Multis
Game number(s): 5139534
Comments: Yet another freemium ? joining my games that will clearly win as he is a multi for sure. 1 game completed and 4 ongoing; 3 total fuedal games. This player knows all the tricks and strategy of fuedal to a T. On a side note, the 4 current games ongoing, it appears he will win 3 of them. Lets get this settled hunters. Thx!