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caymanmew & aselwyn1 [blocked]

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caymanmew & aselwyn1 [blocked]

Postby Phlaim on Mon Jun 08, 2009 3:44 am



The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 5028576
Game 5047176

I simply hate unfair games, and this one is not an exception. After the game's been going a bit into round 2, yellow decides to whipe out grey in europe, allowing blue to win the game easily. So obviously blue told yellow his target so he could win.

That noobs suicide wrong the target happens all the time, so I wouldn't have reacted unless it's pretty clear these two know eachother in RL.
caymanmew wrote:Comments: aselwyn1 is a friend of my in the real world he is not a multi.

It's in your court.
Last edited by Phlaim on Wed Jun 10, 2009 8:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: caymanmew & aselwyn1

Postby Rabid bunnies on Mon Jun 08, 2009 4:42 am

caymanmew: i try to hit germany but attack ice land by mastack

These multi-player assassin games seem so intertwined. One move by 1 person can affect 3-4 different people so easily. Worse, bad dice could lead to you being easily eliminated by your target.

There are just so many combinations of things that can go wrong to get people tense in a multiplayer assassin game aren't there?

- You could try for something and fail being eliminated by your target and thus you and your assassin can be considered cheaters.

- You could try for a bonus involving the attacking of another assassin's target where you and the winning assassin can then be considered cheaters.

- You can roll over another assassin's target causing them to win the game... where you are then 75%+ likely to be considered a cheater.

These multi-player assassin games on small maps remind me of 3-player games where it's always shifting balance from one player to another, and anytime you attack someone, that person thinks his 2 opponents are multis or in secret alliance. Anytime you attack someone else, that person is measuring the math to make sure you are attacking the other person as much or more than them... otherwise you must be a multi.

It's like playing hot-potato with the game leader position.

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Re: caymanmew & aselwyn1

Postby slowreactor on Mon Jun 08, 2009 1:43 pm

Check their walls. They posted on each other's walls telling the other player to call them. I think that's a pretty clear indication that they know each other.

2009-06-05 19:02:01 - Mageplunka: thats why im not playin
2009-06-05 19:02:10 - Mageplunka: they did it all day

I'm surprised that Mageplunka didn't report them.
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Re: caymanmew & aselwyn1

Postby Phlaim on Mon Jun 08, 2009 1:51 pm

Rabid bunnies wrote:
caymanmew: i try to hit germany but attack ice land by mastack

These multi-player assassin games seem so intertwined. One move by 1 person can affect 3-4 different people so easily. Worse, bad dice could lead to you being easily eliminated by your target.

There are just so many combinations of things that can go wrong to get people tense in a multiplayer assassin game aren't there?

- You could try for something and fail being eliminated by your target and thus you and your assassin can be considered cheaters.

- You could try for a bonus involving the attacking of another assassin's target where you and the winning assassin can then be considered cheaters.

- You can roll over another assassin's target causing them to win the game... where you are then 75%+ likely to be considered a cheater.

These multi-player assassin games on small maps remind me of 3-player games where it's always shifting balance from one player to another, and anytime you attack someone, that person thinks his 2 opponents are multis or in secret alliance. Anytime you attack someone else, that person is measuring the math to make sure you are attacking the other person as much or more than them... otherwise you must be a multi.

It's like playing hot-potato with the game leader position.


In most cases you list, I don't suspect people to cheat, but it wasn't just that he happened to attack the wrong target, but completely eliminated him from that part of the map, allowing blue to win. And it's that they know eachother, which makes it even more suspicious. As I said, I wouldn't've reacted unless they knew eachother in RL.
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Re: caymanmew & aselwyn1

Postby Caymanmew on Mon Jun 08, 2009 5:03 pm

ok yes i know him but we are vary competivetive and never like to lose there for we play team game
i did mistake an attack and he won i hate to lose he braged about it at school of o today
but in the end it is a game you lost like 20-40 point if you want it back becuase i made the mastake i will give you the point via point bump on you if and only if the mod say it is ok.

i'm sorry for my mastake but i know the rules and any alances i make i declare
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Re: caymanmew & aselwyn1

Postby Phlaim on Mon Jun 08, 2009 7:35 pm

caymanmew wrote:[...] it is a game you lost like 20-40 point if you want it back becuase i made the mastake i will give you the point via point bump on you if and only if the mod say it is ok.

Hey don't suggest anything stupid, okey? That statement just proves you don't know the rules... :roll:
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Re: caymanmew & aselwyn1

Postby Caymanmew on Mon Jun 08, 2009 7:40 pm

i know the rule and that why i said i need mods promision
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Re: caymanmew & aselwyn1

Postby mkohary on Mon Jun 08, 2009 8:06 pm

Whatever else you do, Caymanmew, please keep going to school. Your spelling is crying out for help. ;-)
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Re: caymanmew & aselwyn1

Postby Caymanmew on Mon Jun 08, 2009 8:14 pm

mkohary wrote:Whatever else you do, Caymanmew, please keep going to school. Your spelling is crying out for help. ;-)

wtf how dose that have to do with this thread
plue i in school for that
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Re: caymanmew & aselwyn1

Postby Rabid bunnies on Mon Jun 08, 2009 11:18 pm

caymanmew wrote:
mkohary wrote:Whatever else you do, Caymanmew, please keep going to school. Your spelling is crying out for help. ;-)

wtf how dose that have to do with this thread
plue i in school for that

Case and point I think (in regards to the spelling).

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Re: caymanmew & aselwyn1

Postby a.sub on Tue Jun 09, 2009 10:01 pm

Rabid bunnies wrote:
caymanmew wrote:
mkohary wrote:Whatever else you do, Caymanmew, please keep going to school. Your spelling is crying out for help. ;-)

wtf how dose that have to do with this thread
plue i in school for that

Case and point I think (in regards to the spelling).


i object!
(lawyer joke lol)
his spelling is in fact irrelevant to his innocence
mkohary was trolling imo
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Re: caymanmew & aselwyn1

Postby king sam on Tue Jun 09, 2009 11:20 pm

I think its fairly obvious this was pre-planned since their walls used to have posts on them about calling each other, they have openly admitted to knowing each other and aselwyn1 deployed his troops in the last round and waited 5 minutes to make an attack which happened to be just seconds after his friend caymanmew had cleared up all other territories occupied by his target.

Game 5028576 Log wrote:2009-06-05 18:56:40 - aselwyn1 deployed 3 troops on USA
2009-06-05 18:56:41 - caymanmew deployed 3 troops on Egypt
2009-06-05 19:01:11 - caymanmew assaulted Europe from Egypt and conquered it from Congo
2009-06-05 19:01:14 - caymanmew assaulted Iceland from Europe and conquered it from Scottyboymck
2009-06-05 19:01:17 - caymanmew assaulted Germany from Iceland and conquered it from Scottyboymck
2009-06-05 19:01:21 - aselwyn1 assaulted Greenland from USA and conquered it from Scottyboymck
2009-06-05 19:01:21 - aselwyn1 eliminated Scottyboymck from the game
2009-06-05 19:01:21 - aselwyn1 won the game

Plus this:
Game 5047176
aselwyn1 eliminates caymanmew's target allowing caymanmew to win 175 points

A BLOCK should be put in place

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Re: caymanmew & aselwyn1

Postby a.sub on Tue Jun 09, 2009 11:27 pm

i support King Sam on this one
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Re: caymanmew & aselwyn1

Postby Caymanmew on Wed Jun 10, 2009 5:33 am

king sam wrote:I think its fairly obvious this was pre-planned since their walls used to have posts on them about calling each other, they have openly admitted to knowing each other and aselwyn1 deployed his troops in the last round and waited 5 minutes to make an attack which happened to be just seconds after his friend caymanmew had cleared up all other territories occupied by his target.

Game 5028576 Log wrote:2009-06-05 18:56:40 - aselwyn1 deployed 3 troops on USA
2009-06-05 18:56:41 - caymanmew deployed 3 troops on Egypt
2009-06-05 19:01:11 - caymanmew assaulted Europe from Egypt and conquered it from Congo
2009-06-05 19:01:14 - caymanmew assaulted Iceland from Europe and conquered it from Scottyboymck
2009-06-05 19:01:17 - caymanmew assaulted Germany from Iceland and conquered it from Scottyboymck
2009-06-05 19:01:21 - aselwyn1 assaulted Greenland from USA and conquered it from Scottyboymck
2009-06-05 19:01:21 - aselwyn1 eliminated Scottyboymck from the game
2009-06-05 19:01:21 - aselwyn1 won the game

Plus this:
Game 5047176
aselwyn1 eliminates caymanmew's target allowing caymanmew to win 175 points

A BLOCK should be put in place

King Sam

ok in the first game we i did not know his target and was going to germany so i can get right beside green my target by the i hit iceland. there is 7 people in the game only 1 conects to grey so i attack germany hoping aselwyn did not have him
i was not on the phone with him i had another friend over and was showing him the game i simpaly mad a mistake on what i was attacking
and on game 2 look at the time between are attacts 2 seconds his map had not refreshed not his fult

2009-06-08 17:39:02 - caymanmew assaulted More Russia from Russia and conquered it from Brann2006
2009-06-08 17:39:04 - aselwyn1 assaulted China from Austr(al)ia and conquered it from Brann2006
2009-06-08 17:39:04 - aselwyn1 eliminated Brann2006 from the game
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Re: caymanmew & aselwyn1

Postby alster on Wed Jun 10, 2009 6:56 am

Yeah. There was no reason for yellow to attack Germany/Iceland. No chance of getting a bonus (which is stupid anyways in a doodle assassin) since the UK had a neutral 3. Funny coincidence also as king sam points out that blue comes in 4 seconds later to wipe out the last grey and win... :roll:

These two fellas have played too many games (caymanmew: 1221) for this to be a honest mistake.
Gengoldy wrote:Of all the games I've played, and there have been some poor sports and cursing players out there, you are by far the lowest and with the least class.
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Re: caymanmew & aselwyn1

Postby Caymanmew on Wed Jun 10, 2009 7:14 am

alstergren wrote:Yeah. There was no reason for yellow to attack Germany/Iceland. No chance of getting a bonus (which is stupid anyways in a doodle assassin) since the UK had a neutral 3. Funny coincidence also as king sam points out that blue comes in 4 seconds later to wipe out the last grey and win... :roll:

These two fellas have played too many games (caymanmew: 1221) for this to be a honest mistake.

ya 1221 game and i still suck

and i simpaly was rushing and i when to germany on the chosing place to attack thing when i attcted i hit iceland mush have scrold down on the bar thing and then hit germany becuase that war i was going

and if blues map refreasioned 1 second after i hit geraney he would ovasly attack grey

what i dont get is why when i make a simple miss attact i get blamed for Conducting a Secret Diplomacy

it is human to make mistakes
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Re: caymanmew & aselwyn1

Postby slowreactor on Wed Jun 10, 2009 7:54 am

First of all, your spelling isn't helping your cause. Second of all, I looked through your games, and this type of thing between you two happened too many times (4,5, at least) for it to either be a coincidence or a mistake.
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Re: caymanmew & aselwyn1

Postby Rabid bunnies on Wed Jun 10, 2009 8:39 am

what i dont get is why when i make a simple miss attact i get blamed for Conducting a Secret Diplomacy

I will tell you why hun. The simple miss-attack helped 1 person out of the entire game (not uncommon for assassin I would wager) The ultimate winner along with the mistake-incurred player tend to have a bit of a history.

Game 5028738
(Right out of the gate)

2009-06-05 18:18:22 - aselwyn1: ok
2009-06-05 18:18:34 - caymanmew: selwyn alance
2009-06-05 18:19:19 - aselwyn1: sure
2009-06-05 18:23:38 - caymanmew: gg yellow

Game 5029069
(Right out of the gate)

2009-06-05 19:24:10 - caymanmew: aslewyn1 aliance
2009-06-05 19:24:43 - aselwyn1: sure

Game 5047176

2009-06-08 17:39:16 - Clemson_Castro: wtf yellow
2009-06-08 17:39:18 - Brann2006: great play yellow
2009-06-08 17:39:18 - caymanmew: whf
2009-06-08 17:39:28 - Brann2006: and why the heck didnt anyone stop pink
2009-06-08 17:39:31 - caymanmew: why you do that?
2009-06-08 17:39:32 - Brann2006: toldcha he had me
2009-06-08 17:39:38 - aselwyn1: ops no load
2009-06-08 17:39:43 - caymanmew: ?
2009-06-08 17:39:55 - Clemson_Castro: i tried to get over there but didnt win a dice
2009-06-08 17:40:00 - caymanmew: well thank anyway

In the standard games you play together, the first thing you do is call out for a truce. Then in other games, mistakes will inevitably be looked at if they draw attention. These games are up the air often. I know it, I've played games of the sort. This simply comes with the territory. Instead of displaying shock at the accusation, simply shoot it down. If things are as you say, and it was a mistake that occured, explain your point of view. Don't be so angered at the suspicion of another, instead simply respond to it with facts. Games go wrong, they do, there's no denying it, someone will always win because of a mistake of someone else. If a thread is made out of the frustration of someone who lost, take it in stride and respond with facts.


PS: Try not to be mad about the suspicion, deal with the accusation by responding to it and tell the truth from your end. Nobody should take offense to another's mistake but people do take offense to losing at times. Show them that what they are accusing you of is not accurate if at all possible.
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Re: caymanmew & aselwyn1

Postby EagleofGreenErth on Wed Jun 10, 2009 9:05 am

I think they just do that in their games so they don't have to worry about each other.... take Game 5000001 for example.

HOWEVER, this game was a private game and was supposed to be only for people I invited. Somehow aselwyn1 got into it.... I didn't send him the password... in fact someone else that I sent the password to couldn't join because of this... and the first thing they did was ally.

2009-06-05 06:08:03 - caymanmew: aslewyn whana aliance
2009-06-05 06:21:20 - aselwyn1: sure

I'm not saying they cheat.... but how is that even remotely cool to everyone else in the game? Its an 8 man assassin, he invites someone into a game that was supposed to be only for people I invited, and first thing they do is call a truce!

I'm not adding this here in hopes he gets in trouble for it. I'm adding this here so that maybe he will read it and decide not to do this in the future!
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Re: caymanmew & aselwyn1

Postby slowreactor on Wed Jun 10, 2009 10:45 am

Considering that they announced the alliance first thing in all of those games, you can't really pin them for "secret" diplomacy. However, it is completely unethical to go in games with the intention of teaming up, and it ruins the gameplay for other people, and they should at least get some sort of repercussion, or at least a warning.
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Re: caymanmew & aselwyn1

Postby oVo on Wed Jun 10, 2009 2:52 pm

Rabid bunnies wrote:Game 5029069
(Right out of the gate)

2009-06-05 19:24:10 - caymanmew: aslewyn1 aliance
2009-06-05 19:24:43 - aselwyn1: sure

If you look at the game chat for this one, ALL the players were asking for "truces" right out of the gate.
It looks like a Troosapalooza Festival.
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Re: caymanmew & aselwyn1

Postby Caymanmew on Wed Jun 10, 2009 5:04 pm

1 EagleofGreenErth sorry about inviting him and we not alided any more i though it was standerd when i said that
2 if you say that you are Allied right at the begginan it is ok i make sure i alway post it in chat if we are making a aliance on this incadent we did not make a aliance in fact we do not make aliances in assassin becuase it is pure Stupidity
3 are you truly thinking that when he attack 2 seconds after it is his fult he most likly did not refreash
4 every one makes mastakes in a doubles speed game the conqueror broke his partner bonas by mastake
every one make the it is human
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Re: caymanmew & aselwyn1

Postby oVo on Wed Jun 10, 2009 5:17 pm

caymanmew wrote:if you say that you are Allied right at the begginan it is ok
i make sure i alway post it in chat if we are making a aliance

Joining a singles game with the preconceived strategy of being allies with a friend
and "teaming up" on the other players is not cool.
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Re: caymanmew & aselwyn1

Postby Caymanmew on Wed Jun 10, 2009 5:37 pm

oVo wrote:
caymanmew wrote:if you say that you are Allied right at the begginan it is ok
i make sure i alway post it in chat if we are making a aliance

Joining a singles game with the preconceived strategy of being allies with a friend
and "teaming up" on the other players is not cool.

but is fair it is not courantly iligal
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Re: caymanmew & aselwyn1

Postby Bruceswar on Wed Jun 10, 2009 5:52 pm

caymanmew wrote:
oVo wrote:
caymanmew wrote:if you say that you are Allied right at the begginan it is ok
i make sure i alway post it in chat if we are making a aliance

Joining a singles game with the preconceived strategy of being allies with a friend
and "teaming up" on the other players is not cool.

but is fair it is not courantly iligal

Incorrect. CC has stated many times this should not happen.
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