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rating abuse [cleared]

PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:18 pm
by apolloguy
king sam


risk it all
apolloguy (me)

The accused are suspected of:

ratings Abuse

Game number(s):

(just to name a few)

Comments:has given many terrible ratings and at least half of his ratings left 1 third of the stars unfilled.the three i gave where all team games and under the ratings king sam accused them of secret diplomacy.

Re: rating abuse

PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 9:03 pm
by king sam
apolloguy wrote:Accused:
king sam

"Innocent Players"
risk it all
apolloguy (me)

The accused are suspected of:
ratings Abuse

Game number(s):
Game 4779358
Game 4830795
Game 4649888
(just to name a few)

Comments:has given many terrible ratings and at least half of his ratings left 1 third of the stars unfilled.the three i gave where all team games and under the ratings king sam accused them of secret diplomacy.


here i will the links out for you here buddy.

Re: rating abuse

PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 9:29 pm
by king sam
In my book
  • No star = Not Applicable
  • 1 Star = Very Poor
  • 2 Star = Poor
  • 3 Star = Average

I have rated 790 users on the 3 categories
Fairplay = Were they a good sport and honor any pacts that they made. Did I observe anything to make me think differently
Gameplay = Were their tactics sound or did they suicide and contribute to a poor played game
Attitude = How was their demeanor in chat, did they complain and cry multi or did they play like a good sport (Most often left blank, cause I don't rate people that don't talk unless it was a teammate that wasn't talking)

So 790 users x the 3 categories and you have an individual rating number of = 2370 ratings

For arguments sake I tallied up the amount of ratings in those 2370 that I rated average (3) or below in any category and got = 281 :lol:

That's 8.4 % of ratings I have handed out being average or below. Sorry, not abuse.

I will play your lil game and once again explain the rating I left you along with the others you cited.

risk it all
Game 4779358
1 left him:
    Fairplay 1
    Gameplay 1
    Attitude 1
    Tags: Slow, Deadbeat
It was a trips game in which round 4 he was kicked out for missing turns and left his team high and dry

apolloguy (me)
Game 4830795
1 left you:
    Fairplay 1
    Gameplay 1
    Attitude 1
    Tags: Secret Diplomacy, Cheap Tactics
As I explained to you before, you were busted as a multi and I rated you with that knowledge

Game 4649888
1 left him:
    Fairplay 1
    Gameplay 1
    Attitude 1
    Tags: Deadbeat, Clueless, Secret Diplomacy, Cheap Tactics
It was a doubles game that this user was oblivious to the repercussions of his actions, he in my opinion aided in the win for another team by never attacking the strongest team and eventually deadbeating his last 3 turns. Since this user and his partner (celticspride) had played with the winning team before and the winning team joined this and a couple other of my awaiting doubles games before i Foed them for the sole purpose of rating me poorly because i rated them that way I derived that they were working together. There were several other games in which the winner of this game won as well with the 3rd party team being users that they had played with together. So I rated them as I saw fit.

See above.

Good Luck with your claim though,
King Sam

Re: rating abuse

PostPosted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 12:53 am
by owenator
omg!! You had ONE game with him! ONE game and you want to accuse KS? Or maybe you were pissed off about this: I think you should consider something very seriously, would a person without integrity and honour go out of their way to HELP you by making it easier to view games, and players by providing the auto-link? That says a lot about a person. He rated you based on your gameplay and attitude, which quite honestly was well-deserved. It doesn't help that your attendance is quite poor. Another waste of the investigators time. You should seriously retract this bogus claim. I've had the pleasure of playing with king sam in a game that we won AND lost, and he didn't cry foul nor was poor in sportsmanship. You've falsely accused someone.


Re: rating abuse

PostPosted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 1:30 am
by Bruceswar
This coming from a person who leaves all 1's to people win games. LOL. Gotta love it. :)

Re: rating abuse

PostPosted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 6:30 am
by alster
apolloguy wrote:king sam


risk it all
apolloguy (me)

The accused are suspected of:

ratings Abuse

Game number(s):

(just to name a few)

Comments:has given many terrible ratings and at least half of his ratings left 1 third of the stars unfilled.the three i gave where all team games and under the ratings king sam accused them of secret diplomacy.

*sigh* This is what happens when stupid rating threads keep lingering around. If king sam suspects that some fishy play is going on, he's in his full right to slap down bad ratings. It's his prerogative since ratings is inherently subjective, there's no general standard or proof that needs to be met. Get over it cupcake.

Re: rating abuse

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 6:36 pm
by king sam
Game 4808212

apolloguy guesses the password on a doubles tournament game (Grand Slam Double) plays the game and rates the player he joined the team illegally with poorly... :lol:

Re: rating abuse

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 6:47 pm
by alster
king sam wrote::lol:
Game 4808212

apolloguy guesses the password on a doubles tournament game (Grand Slam Double) plays the game and rates the player he joined the team illegally with poorly... :lol:

That is indeed priceless!!! :D :D :D

Ok then. Well, that is rating abuse if I've ever seen one.

Re: rating abuse

PostPosted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 1:18 am
by owenator
omg! Are you freaking serious? Okay, this thread was a joke to begin with and I never took it seriously (OBVIOUSLY). That's an automatic disqualification of his accusation. I think he should get a warning and this thread should be locked. Wow. I'm literally shaking my head. In no particular person in general <points wildly at the accuser>, remember drugs are bad for you.


Re: rating abuse

PostPosted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 1:34 am
by TruePurple
You messed up on protocol a little bit. The accused name is suppose to be in the threads subject line. You should edit that in.

alstergreen wrote:It's his prerogative since ratings is inherently subjective, there's no general standard or proof that needs to be met. Get over it cupcake.

OMG this is rich coming from you guys.

king sam slapped a cheater thread on me that is much more of a joke then this thread could ever be. He might have only played one game with sam, but sam has never played against me. And the cheater thread is for me rating the people the way I want and according to the way the site suggests.

Before that Alstergreen put a cheater thread against me that was a joke. And I think when he posted it, he had never played me.

Yeah this is a bit off topic, but you guys have done the same to me, anyway the irony is just way too thick here. Such hypocrites!

Re: rating abuse

PostPosted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 8:07 am
by Darwins_Bane
TruePurple wrote:@apolloguy
You messed up on protocol a little bit. The accused name is suppose to be in the threads subject line. You should edit that in.

alstergreen wrote:It's his prerogative since ratings is inherently subjective, there's no general standard or proof that needs to be met. Get over it cupcake.

OMG this is rich coming from you guys.

king sam slapped a cheater thread on me that is much more of a joke then this thread could ever be. He might have only played one game with sam, but sam has never played against me. And the cheater thread is for me rating the people the way I want and according to the way the site suggests.

Before that Alstergreen put a cheater thread against me that was a joke. And I think when he posted it, he had never played me.

Yeah this is a bit off topic, but you guys have done the same to me, anyway the irony is just way too thick here. Such hypocrites!

Do you read? The guy was busted as a multi and is complaining because he got a bad rating.

Re: rating abuse

PostPosted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 3:49 pm
by king sam
TruePurple wrote:
king sam slapped a cheater thread on me that is much more of a joke then this thread could ever be. He might have only played one game with sam, but sam has never played against me. And the cheater thread is for me rating the people the way I want and according to the way the site suggests.

Before that Alstergreen put a cheater thread against me that was a joke. And I think when he posted it, he had never played me.

Yeah this is a bit off topic, but you guys have done the same to me, anyway the irony is just way too thick here. Such hypocrites!

Many threads are created and many users are caught cheating from other users who have come in contact with those abusing players in other ways then playing in games with them.

I noticed you TruePurple from the stink you were making in the C&A forum, where I mainly live. I searched your account and accusation to post smartly on the subject as I do with all my responses in here and noticed that you yourself were skirting the line "of ratings abuse" so I did what I thought was right, and still do, and made a claim about you. In hopes that either you would see the light at the end of the tunnel and change your behavior or if need be then get the reminder from a mod. Obviously you didn't heed the advice and wish to continue down this destructive path, so good luck and I am sure I will be seeing you again in this forum real soon.
king achilles wrote: I don't think we need an official warning for TruePurple since he knows that he is being watched.

Either way I didn't need to play a game with you to observe the wrong doing that you were doing.

And apolloguy and this claim can play out and in my opinion wont have any repercussions to me as my rating of other players are well within reason and not in violation of the system. I'm sorry he feels unjustly rated, maybe in the future he will choose to follow the rules. After all my rating for him is 1 rating in the grand scheme of things.

Good Luck and I truly hope your attitude & demeanor change for all,
King Sam

Re: rating abuse

PostPosted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 12:13 am
by king achilles
The ratings are within reason. Cleared.