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Oysterboy777 Ratings Abuse [noted]

PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 3:58 pm
by HapSmo19


The accused are suspected of:
Other: Ratings abuse

Game number(s):
Game 4889103

Comments: This was a speed game where I had trouble with either the server or my home connection but, I believe I took one turn and couldn't get a connection until my time ran out and the game was already over.
The best part of it all is that Oysterbitch never even took a turn and was kicked out too. So what's the deal?
He gave me one star all the way across and these:
Tags: Quick, Uncooperative, Vindictive, Cheap Tactics

I'm not too worried about ratings but this dickhead takes the cake. Can this rating be removed?

Re: Oysterboy777 Ratings Abuse

PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:07 pm
by HapSmo19
Thanks 8-)

Re: Oysterboy777 Ratings Abuse

PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 9:00 pm
by king sam
The ratings cant be removed by a mod, you can try to talk to the user to get him to remove it.

Ratings abuse as far as I know is when someone is solely or the majority of the time is rating poorly for vindication or other poor sportsmanship reasons. Everyone knows it can be a flawed system and is highly subjective to everyone on what constitutes abuse. I looked at ratings he leaves and he does leave a good amount of 3 stars and below but also has quite a few of the latter. Will be a tough one to moderate as its right in the middle and mods try not to step in because no one can really tell another what they saw to give them the perception of poor Fairplay/Gameplay/Attitude.

Where you rated unjustly, yeah most definitely, my advice would be to
a. respond to it in the section provided for you
b. kindly ask him to remove it
c. wait for a response as to whether or not he receives a WARNING on the proper use of the ratings system

Good Luck,
King Sam

Re: Oysterboy777 Ratings Abuse

PostPosted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 10:35 pm
by king achilles
I don't see any ratings coming from Oysterboy777 in your profile as of now. You may already settled this between yourselves. Checking his current ratings given, I think we would need more questionable ratings before we can take some action for this. For now this is noted.