flypipe wrote:This guy is definitely a multi. He expects me to believe that this is his first time on Feudal War...
There are other methods out there to learn a map/settings then just having the experience of playing them before. There are strategy guides & a usergroup that helps develop new players.
Understandably so you felt that he had far too much knowledge and chose to ask for an IP check on him, the only thing to do now is wait to see the results.
Sundog308 wrote: you might want to think about how quickly you slam other people. To anyone else who reads this thread, check out the in game chat from
Game 4964228. You'll see that turu2001 gets on and warns guidoface that if you beat flypipe he will rate you badly. Unfortunately this appears to be true. Flypipe is no more than a sore loser who is mad at being beaten by someone he assumed wouldn't know how to play a strategy game.
Sundog308 if you feel that
flypipe has/is abusing the rating system feel free to submit a claim in a separate thread.
Sundog308 wrote:I I love it so far... except for the random bad apples I expected to find. Although I didn't expect to find one so soon.
And dont worry, there are plenty of players on this site that enjoy it and make it a pleasurable experience for everyone else they encounter, one claim against you shouldnt ruin the fun for you.
Good Luck,