Tell me something Darthvadar... seeing as you are ok to intentionally wait and block someone from starting their turn while you are away...
What makes it ok for you to tell my sister that because she had to go to class her gameplay was "lame tactics"?
A bit of a double standard you know? And she actually moved whenever she could. You choose to delay and not end your turn so that your opponent can't move and you say it's
withing CC rules
and fine and dandy but when someone has to go to class and can't move you say they have cheap tactics and are foe'd?
Game 48694192009-05-12 05:34:29 - Selucid Empire: Hi hun...
2009-05-12 05:34:36 - Selucid Empire: thanks for the game
2009-05-12 05:34:47 - Selucid Empire: (First time trying this map... I was conufsed at first lol)
2009-05-12 05:35:06 - Darthvadar: Hi hun???
2009-05-12 05:35:15 - Darthvadar: and gl, questions feel free
2009-05-12 05:35:44 - Selucid Empire: (lol I call everyone hun
2009-05-12 05:41:33 - Darthvadar: are you male or female
2009-05-12 05:46:05 - Darthvadar:
cmon go2009-05-12 09:33:43 - Selucid Empire: Female... and I'm going lol
2009-05-12 09:33:47 - Selucid Empire: how about yourself?
2009-05-12 09:36:33 -
Darthvadar: lame tactics2009-05-12 09:37:22 -
Darthvadar: foed
2009-05-12 10:54:15 - Selucid Empire: I'm sorry?
2009-05-12 11:04:48 - Selucid Empire: On the forums they tell me that Freestyle doesn't mean Realtime
2009-05-12 11:05:04 - Selucid Empire:
You make a game for 24 hours and when someone has to leave to go to class you foe them because they didn't pause their life to play with you?2009-05-13 09:36:50 - Selucid Empire: Mr. Vader... you can't beat the Selucid Empire
2009-05-13 09:37:43 - Selucid Empire: waiting for the last minute?