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A player with 2 counts... [Busted]

PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 6:45 am
by Maputxe

The accused are suspected of:
Being Multis

Game number:
Game 4740982

Comments: Xsavior and Tazy1979 is the same person.
If u look at the game log u can see: Xsavior moves, and 1 minute later or less, Tazy1979 begins his turn. Everyturn happens that from the begining.
If u look at the map: they dont attack each other (only for take bonus areas). f.ex. In America they dont protect his frontiers, why??...
If u look at the game chat: When i said that that smells bad and things like this, I was attacked by both... but nobody said anything about my words.
Both are from canada, everything is very strange, isn´t it?

I´m going to stop playing that game right now, cause this isn´t fair at all...

Waiting your response. (sorry 4 my bad english)


Re: A player with 2 counts...

PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 11:41 am
by JCKing
I am fairly certain you are correct. Though it is possible that they could just know each other, and not be the same person. The only other way that they would be making those moves that close together was if they were siblings, co-workers, friends, etc. A simple IP check will be able to tell if they're multis. Also very suspicious is that since the time this was reported, blue (the one that reported) was the only 1 attacked by either player. On the other hand you might as well add secret diplomacy in case they're not multis. As again you've been teamed up against and nothing was said in game chat.

Re: A player with 2 counts...

PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 3:55 pm
by oVo
Round 6: Tazy1979 uses his entire bonus (+13) to break Maputxe (+15) while xsavior is holding Europe, Canada and USA (+30 bonus) and has armies on Tazy's unprotected S.America borders.

Looks like a secret alliance at a minimum, IF these low ranked freemiums aren't indeed multis.

This really sucks, but you aren't dead yet and maybe YOU and santa.tank
can still hold these cheats off.

YOU should also place Tazy1979 and xsavior possible MULTIS in the Subject Line of this thread.

Re: A player with 2 counts...

PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 12:45 am
by lancehoch
xsavior and Tazy1979 are Busted.