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magaman, majorkinky, jaorin, hittler [Busted]

PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 11:49 am
by LetGodSortThem
Subject line: magaman and majorkinky

These are suspected Multis or secret alliance

Suspect users: magaman and majorkinky

Game number:

Comments: Judge for yourself 4 games together, one team, 3 single player.(not much attacking going on between them)

And they play back to back 4 min diff. turn 1
30 second diff turn 2

Cmon they co-ordinate their turns

Exibit A

Feedback they posted to each other:

a vary good player and i played in a team game with him and he was a great team mate you should play with him
101981 magaman ( 6-1 )
2006-11-07 19:22:02

a vary agrasave player you should play with him
101981 majorkinky ( 1-0 )
2006-11-06 19:10:33

Exibit B He lies!

magaman's response: i would never swaer at anyone its disrespectful and mean i don`t even no you your just sad because you lost the game after you killed me your team mate

2006-10-31 00:44:22 - AlbroShlo: Yeah sure!.............. in fact let's all alliance together and live in peace and harmony. Try the Doubles and Triples style games guys.
2006-10-31 02:38:34 - magaman: i can you faget ass mother fucking asshole because i player with all my other FRIENDS (what you don`t have) (same as a dick) and i don`t have anyother games
2006-10-31 02:38:44 - magaman: can`t
2006-10-31 02:38:56 - magaman: play
2006-10-31 20:10:26 - lee_-_10: i will
2006-10-31 20:13:27 - lee_-_10: wow magaman don't spazz
2006-11-01 00:18:09 - Theatre: please dont ally... thats all im gonna ask
2006-11-01 00:57:12 - AlbroShlo: Wow! grow the hell up son. I'll bet you don't have a woman do ya. By the way 'Faget' is spealt Fagot, it's play with all not player with all,it's that you don't have not what you don't have.
2006-11-01 00:57:35 - AlbroShlo: Get an education then get back to me
2006-11-03 23:39:11 - magaman: sorry i don`t look up fagot in the dictionary to get a boner and have sex with my dad (in your case two dads)2006-11-03 23:41:43 - magaman: and its spelt "spelt" dumb ass

Nice language, you should be banned for that alone!

AND PS If these are two different people I demand to know where they went to school( bad bad spelling and grammer for both) in Canada, I want to make sure my kids dont go there!!!!


They log off and on

PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 8:54 pm
by LetGodSortThem
OK magaman logs on does turn logs off
then right away:
majorkinky logs on does turn logs off
magaman logs on does turn logs off
majorkinky logs on does turn logs off

I checked their status as each played. Why log off then log back on right after magaman/majorkinky ends turn. Why not stay logged on for back to back turn.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 9:26 pm
by strike wolf
Multis or friends either way they should be banned.

Re: magaman and majorkinky- suspected Multis

PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 11:34 am
by mr. incrediball
LetGodSortThem wrote:2006-10-31 00:44:22 - AlbroShlo: Yeah sure!.............. in fact let's all alliance together and live in peace and harmony. Try the Doubles and Triples style games guys.
2006-10-31 02:38:34 - magaman: i can you faget ass mother fucking asshole because i player with all my other FRIENDS (what you don`t have) (same as a dick) and i don`t have anyother games
2006-10-31 02:38:44 - magaman: can`t
2006-10-31 02:38:56 - magaman: play
2006-10-31 20:10:26 - lee_-_10: i will
2006-10-31 20:13:27 - lee_-_10: wow magaman don't spazz
2006-11-01 00:18:09 - Theatre: please dont ally... thats all im gonna ask
2006-11-01 00:57:12 - AlbroShlo: Wow! grow the hell up son. I'll bet you don't have a woman do ya. By the way 'Faget' is spealt Fagot, it's play with all not player with all,it's that you don't have not what you don't have.
2006-11-01 00:57:35 - AlbroShlo: Get an education then get back to me
2006-11-03 23:39:11 -magaman: sorry i don`t look up fagot in the dictionary to get a boner and have sex with my dad (in your case two dads)
2006-11-03 23:41:43 - magaman: and its spelt "spelt" dumb ass

"look up in the dictionary to get a boner and have sex with my dad?"

"in your case two dads?"

"what you don't have, same as a dick?"

how old is he?

where is he from?

where did he go to school? (in his case probably "zkol")

:roll: :roll: :roll: [/b]

PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 11:39 am
by mr. incrediball
Positive good team mate you shoul play with him 95278 jaroin ( 3-0 )
2006-10-27 11:16:06

this guy seems to know magaman in the same way...

PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 1:24 pm
by Knight of Orient
your arguement is convincing

PostPosted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:06 pm
by LetGodSortThem
mgaman and majorkinky at it again

poor Killing fields, wont be much fun in first game.

Don't tell me this player or players are not teaming up on newbies.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:16 pm
by Megatron
looks like he may have more accounts too. That is sad, even with cheating, he is still a crappy private, LMAO :lol:

PostPosted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 3:36 pm
by LetGodSortThem
? still waiting for outcome?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 1:28 pm
by AndyDufresne
I'm going to have to grab: magaman, majorkinky, hittler, and jaroin for multiple accounts.


PostPosted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 11:14 pm
by LetGodSortThem
Good show , thanks Andy

PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 11:38 am
by hendy
AndyDufresne wrote:I'm going to have to grab: magaman, majorkinky, hittler, and jaroin for multiple accounts.


NO! Jaroin is not one of the multis Iknow that for a fact jaorin is friends with the guy who has the multis

PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 3:25 pm
by LetGodSortThem
Well your friend has played doubles with majorkinky and magaman, let me guess jaorin did not know they are the same person? C'mon