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mcjoej and demonville and Vincent M [Cleared]

PostPosted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 2:22 pm
by LetGodSortThem
Subject line: <mcjoej and demonville secret alliance>

These are suspected Multis or Secret Alliance

Suspect users: mcjoej and demonville

Game number:

Comments: I hold SA (24 units on Brazil) mcjoej holds Africa (24 units on N.Africa) demonville holds Oceania (13 on Siam and 9 on china). Round 9 I cashed in 30 and placed all 35 armies on mongolia. mcjoej then places 16 armies on Yakutsk and attacks mongolia's 41 armies (took about ten out) then attacks yellow with whats left.

Why attack 41 armies(Mongolia) with 20(Yakutsk) when he could have outnumbered me from already there) to my 24 in Brazil.

Why would I put 40+ armies in Mongolia to attack you in Africa when I could have added the armies to the 24 that I had In Brazil?

Why would he not want me and demonville to beat each other down while he waits to pick up the pieces?

Why not elliminate yellow when he could have, instead lets demonville do it?

What would red(mcjoej) have to gain from this?

Anybody else find this odd. They both play a solid game, they are NOT NEWBIES to risk.

Also mcjoej demonville and VincentM all joined one day apart, mcjoej admits to knowing VincentM.


PostPosted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 8:42 pm
by AndyDufresne
mcjoej and demonville and Vincent M are CLEARED. Regarding the secret alliance part, feel free to leave appropriate feedback and/or add them to your ignore list.



PostPosted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 10:18 pm
by mcjoej
In my defense, I see a lot of armies put near some counrites I own, so I tried to thin out my forces.
I am not a newbie to risk, I have been an active player in the risk BOARD GAME for a long time. I AM new to online risk, however.
As far as us joining one day apart, I am friends with VincentM, but if you look at this game, as well as any others we have played together, we do not play as friends. And as far as demonville goes, I do not know him.
thank you.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 11:28 pm
by LetGodSortThem
An apology to demonville, mcjoej and Vincent M for Multi accusation. But I think friends (mcjoej and Vincent M) should play team games together and not single player. Lol I'd never play one of my buddies- I'd be his main target.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 3:07 pm
by johnnyrotten
AndyDufresne wrote:mcjoej and demonville and Vincent M are CLEARED. Regarding the secret alliance part, I can't be fucked to do my job properly, so I won't check it out.
