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Owenshooter - trolling [noted]

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Owenshooter - trolling [noted]

Postby kiddicus maximus on Thu Apr 09, 2009 3:04 am



The accused are suspected of:

Other: Trolling/Spamming my threads

Ever since the new regime of mods has taken over, I've had some questions that I've let go unanswered. I posted 10 or 11 of them in the GD forum, hoping for feedback and possibly some answers. Instead, I got Owenshooter trolling a few of them and accusing me of spamming. I would like to report him for violating the CC rules and offending me with his biased accusations.
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Re: Owenshooter - trolling

Postby kiddicus maximus on Thu Apr 09, 2009 3:11 am

Now Owenshooter is spamming my inbox with unwarranted and unnecessary PMs.


from Owen:
Re: Off-Topic New Topics - on topic

Sent: Thu Apr 09, 2009 4:08 am
From: owenshooter
To: kiddicus maximus
Subject: Off-Topic New Topics - on topic

kiddicus maximus wrote:

owenshooter wrote:

kiddicus maximus wrote:Owen, please stop trolling my posts with your irrelevance. I am looking for guidance from anyone with authority or intelligence.

you just created 12 threads which are all already in existence, you are trolling and spamming.. enjoy your vacation... it was a pleasure reporting each and every single one...-0

and I have reported you for trolling my threads, Owenshooter. You don't need to be so mean.

enjoy your vacation!!!-0
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Re: Owenshooter - trolling

Postby King_Herpes on Thu Apr 09, 2009 3:23 am

Move in, now move out! Hands up, now hands down!
Back up! Back up! Tell me what you gonna do now?
Freeze in, now freeze out! Hands up, now hand down!
Back up! Back up! Tell me what you gonna do now?

Keep trollin', trollin', trollin', trollin'

Keep trollin', trollin', trollin', trollin'

Keep trollin', trollin', trollin', trollin'

Keep trollin', trollin', trollin', trollin'
Sorry about your little butt ✪ Dumb fucking e-lambs the lot of you
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Re: Owenshooter - trolling

Postby kiddicus maximus on Thu Apr 09, 2009 3:29 am

After I posted this and implored Owenshooter to stop PM'ing me and trolling my threads, I received two more PMs from him...


I don't know how to stop this guy from filling my inbox with spam!

* Delete message
* Quote message

Re: Off-Topic New Topics - on topic

Sent: Thu Apr 09, 2009 4:27 am
From: owenshooter
To: kiddicus maximus

kiddicus maximus wrote:please don't spam my inbox too. this will be added to your thread in C&A.

enjoy your vacation.

In that one, he was mocking the fact that he is spamming me by saying I will get a vacation for asking questions. I am very confused, and don't think I did wrong.
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Re: Owenshooter - trolling

Postby owenshooter on Thu Apr 09, 2009 3:31 am

12 threads created by kiddicus maximus which were trolling/spam, while there weren't any mods online. as soon as i let him know i had reported them, over half vanished. i reported the threads, i reported his posts, and now he is abusing the C&A. i hope he gets the vacation he deserves, because i know what would happen to me if i pulled an absolute jackass move like this within any of the forums. enjoy your time away, kiddicus!!!-0

p.s.-the threads have mostly been deleted by him now, but each and every one was reported KING A, so there is a record of his activities tonight...

p.p.s.-thanks for bringing this to C&A kiddicus, now they will have to act upon your childish antics in the GD...

p.p.p.s.-and now posting PM's which is against the rules, too!!! you are really going down! this is going to be epic!! and by the way, responding to TWO pm's from you, is hardly spamming...
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Re: Owenshooter - trolling

Postby King_Herpes on Thu Apr 09, 2009 3:35 am

Dude, are you high? Of course you're getting a vacation. All he's asking you to do is enjoy it. There's nothing abhorrent about that.
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Re: Owenshooter is just mega-cool

Postby owenshooter on Thu Apr 09, 2009 3:35 am

kiddicus maximus wrote:In that one, he was mocking the fact that he is spamming me by saying I will get a vacation for asking questions. I am very confused, and don't think I did wrong.

if you didn't do anything wrong, then why have over half of your 12 spam/troll threads vanished? too late kiddicus, they were all reported and there is a record of your childish behaviour tonight in the GD. if this is the best the FW regs have, your revolution is stuck in the mud... good luck with this, and enjoy your week long vacation. actually, if they apply the rules fairly or just base this on what they would do to me, you should be gone for at least 2 weeks... bye!!!-0

p.s.-now we are down to 4 from the original 12 spam/troll threads kiddicus started in the GD... sure am glad i hit the bat signal on all of them!!! nice try kiddicus!!! send me an e-card while you are on vacation!!
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Re: Owenshooter is just mega-cool

Postby Mr Changsha on Thu Apr 09, 2009 4:34 am

owenshooter wrote:
kiddicus maximus wrote:In that one, he was mocking the fact that he is spamming me by saying I will get a vacation for asking questions. I am very confused, and don't think I did wrong.

if you didn't do anything wrong, then why have over half of your 12 spam/troll threads vanished? too late kiddicus, they were all reported and there is a record of your childish behaviour tonight in the GD. if this is the best the FW regs have, your revolution is stuck in the mud... good luck with this, and enjoy your week long vacation. actually, if they apply the rules fairly or just base this on what they would do to me, you should be gone for at least 2 weeks... bye!!!-0

p.s.-now we are down to 4 from the original 12 spam/troll threads kiddicus started in the GD... sure am glad i hit the bat signal on all of them!!! nice try kiddicus!!! send me an e-card while you are on vacation!!

A mere two weeks? Aim high owen and go for the full month!

Also, a PM from the great shooter should be something to be treasured. Something you can show you pals and say "I...have...been...recognised!"

Maybe that's why this thread was that the OP could shout to the CC World "I had a PM from Owen! I've arrived!"
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Re: Owenshooter is just mega-cool

Postby ronsizzle on Thu Apr 09, 2009 4:51 am

owenshooter wrote:
kiddicus maximus wrote:In that one, he was mocking the fact that he is spamming me by saying I will get a vacation for asking questions. I am very confused, and don't think I did wrong.

if you didn't do anything wrong, then why have over half of your 12 spam/troll threads vanished? too late kiddicus, they were all reported and there is a record of your childish behaviour tonight in the GD. if this is the best the FW regs have, your revolution is stuck in the mud... good luck with this, and enjoy your week long vacation. actually, if they apply the rules fairly or just base this on what they would do to me, you should be gone for at least 2 weeks... bye!!!-0

p.s.-now we are down to 4 from the original 12 spam/troll threads kiddicus started in the GD... sure am glad i hit the bat signal on all of them!!! nice try kiddicus!!! send me an e-card while you are on vacation!!

"cant we all just get along"? i dont understand why the bpb is reporting every post they come across? since flame wars has passed. i have found jesus. i havent seen any scripture containing this particular subject. but it seems to me that if this type of behavior is looked upon in a good light from cc. i will report every post i see that is even half way inappropriate.

telling someone to enjoy a vacation is something for the mods to do. noone likes a whiner who tries to be one constantly. i hope cc has a talk with you owen concerning the way you are on here. your snide remarks, and threats of vacations are nothing but threats. and threats you shouldnt be making.

knowing you from the past, you troll, and spam, and latch onto people. people dont like that owen. last time i heard the words from you "enjoy your vacation", you went on one too!
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Re: Owenshooter is just mega-cool

Postby Artimis on Thu Apr 09, 2009 4:52 am

Mr Changsha wrote:Also, a PM from the great shooter should be something to be treasured. Something you can show you pals and say "I...have...been...recognised!"

Actually a PM from Owenshooter is a usually a great source of amusement, I cottoned on early to his need to flood fill my inbox. :o So I created a folder just to accommodate the shear volume of PM's I receive on occasion because I don't want to lose important PM's when they reach the 51st slot in my inbox.
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Re: Owenshooter is just mega-cool

Postby Mr Changsha on Thu Apr 09, 2009 5:03 am

Artimis wrote:
Mr Changsha wrote:Also, a PM from the great shooter should be something to be treasured. Something you can show you pals and say "I...have...been...recognised!"

Actually a PM from Owenshooter is a usually a great source of amusement, I cottoned on early to his need to flood fill my inbox. :o So I created a folder just to accommodate the shear volume of PM's I receive on occasion because I don't want to lose important PM's when they reach the 51st slot in my inbox.

Oh to be so popular, eh?

Back on topic, did you know that Article 1 of the BpB charter is:

1. Piss of KiddicusMaximus

and Article 2 is...

2. Piss off that chap who mentioned colour in the gamechat.

Considering the charter was written a year ago by people high on petrol fumes it is frankly amazing that they had such foresight.
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Re: Owenshooter is just mega-cool

Postby owenshooter on Thu Apr 09, 2009 5:04 am

ronc8649 wrote:knowing you from the past, you troll, and spam, and latch onto people. people dont like that owen. last time i heard the words from you "enjoy your vacation", you went on one too!

so, you are defending your fw's buddy's creation of 12 spam/trolling threads and posting spam in 8 others in an effort to get control of the first page with his name being solely visible? he only deleted the threads that had not been posted in, after i told him i was reporting his activities. ron, you are a troll, you are a racist, and the fact that you are defending a clear cut case of breaking forum guidelines is laughable. and by the way, telling someone to enjoy their vacation is not THREATENING someone with a vacation. i am not a mod, i have no ban powers or you would be gone for good for calling me a n*gger in game chat. my reporting kiddicus for his blatant trolling/spamming was what we are supposed to do. i am sorry that FW's is gone, but spamming/trolling the GD with 12 threads and bumping 8 others in an effort to control the front page is not acceptable. 2 weeks is kind, he deserves far more than that.-0
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Re: Owenshooter - trolling

Postby a.sub on Thu Apr 09, 2009 5:12 am

owen, i agree with you 100% on this, but tone it down, i dont want to see you get in trouble for something that is clearly Kiddicus's fault
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Re: Owenshooter is just mega-cool

Postby ronsizzle on Thu Apr 09, 2009 5:24 am

Mr Changsha wrote:
Artimis wrote:
Mr Changsha wrote:Also, a PM from the great shooter should be something to be treasured. Something you can show you pals and say "I...have...been...recognised!"

Actually a PM from Owenshooter is a usually a great source of amusement, I cottoned on early to his need to flood fill my inbox. :o So I created a folder just to accommodate the shear volume of PM's I receive on occasion because I don't want to lose important PM's when they reach the 51st slot in my inbox.

Oh to be so popular, eh?

Back on topic, did you know that Article 1 of the BpB charter is:

1. Piss of KiddicusMaximus

and Article 2 is...

2. Piss off that chap who mentioned colour in the gamechat.

Considering the charter was written a year ago by people high on petrol fumes it is frankly amazing that they had such foresight.

i would love to know what you just said. could you please edit this with spell check? or maybe with some sort of resemblance of a paragraph? youre bulletpoints are throwing me off.
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Re: Owenshooter - trolling

Postby Mr Changsha on Thu Apr 09, 2009 5:26 am

a.sub wrote:owen, i agree with you 100% on this, but tone it down, i dont want to see you get in trouble for something that is clearly Kiddicus's fault

Once a month is simply not enough for owen to be banned. He's aiming to be banned so completely that we only get to see him like big foot. At a distance with some lumberjack exclaiming "What the f*ck is that hairy thing... oh and don't for the love of god mention his fur colour!!!"
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Re: Owenshooter is just mega-cool

Postby Mr Changsha on Thu Apr 09, 2009 5:29 am

ronc8649 wrote:
Mr Changsha wrote:
Artimis wrote:
Mr Changsha wrote:Also, a PM from the great shooter should be something to be treasured. Something you can show you pals and say "I...have...been...recognised!"

Actually a PM from Owenshooter is a usually a great source of amusement, I cottoned on early to his need to flood fill my inbox. :o So I created a folder just to accommodate the shear volume of PM's I receive on occasion because I don't want to lose important PM's when they reach the 51st slot in my inbox.

Oh to be so popular, eh?

Back on topic, did you know that Article 1 of the BpB charter is:

1. Piss of KiddicusMaximus

and Article 2 is...

2. Piss off that chap who mentioned colour in the gamechat.

Considering the charter was written a year ago by people high on petrol fumes it is frankly amazing that they had such foresight.

i would love to know what you just said. could you please edit this with spell check? or maybe with some sort of resemblance of a paragraph? youre bulletpoints are throwing me off.

Why would I spell check perfection? horrible racist, you!



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Re: Owenshooter - trolling

Postby a.sub on Thu Apr 09, 2009 5:30 am

ok now we get to place bets

how long before this near flame thread gets locked?
my money is one 24 hours
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Re: Owenshooter - trolling

Postby Joodoo on Thu Apr 09, 2009 5:38 am

a.sub wrote:ok now we get to place bets

how long before this near flame thread gets locked?
my money is one 24 hours

I say 2.4 hours
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Re: Owenshooter - trolling

Postby nagerous on Thu Apr 09, 2009 5:49 am

There is no need to play the naive card Kiddicus. Ever since flame wars got deleted, there have been a number of users including you who having been making flame wars threads and trolling in existing threads, in every sub-forum - chatter box, sugs+bugs, peace and love, general discussion, announcements. If owen says is right that you created 11 new threads, which he reported then he hasn't done much wrong and you are in fact the one who is in the wrong. Also, it is tough to say someone is PM 'spamming' you when it appears from your quote that you actually sent the initial PM and he is just responding to your quote. :roll:
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Re: Owenshooter - trolling

Postby clapper011 on Thu Apr 09, 2009 6:22 am

alright...this is being looked into../locked till further notice.
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Re: Owenshooter - trolling

Postby king achilles on Tue Apr 14, 2009 1:13 am

So, the situation is like, kiddicus maximus made several threads in the GD forum for a specific timeframe. Owenshooter sees these as 'irrelevant' threads and made replies to these threads. Maximus accuses him of trolling and Owen accuses Maximus of spamming the GD forum.

Owenshooter, yes you can reply and post what you think in a thread, but if it appears you are targeting someone specifically, or a person, not the topic, you may also get something for it. There are moderators and admins that will deal with the issue. I know you want specific disciplinary measures imposed on those you think have violated CC rules but let the team handle them. Telling or reminding (even implicitly) the moderation team on how they should implement the rules will only backfire on you.

Kiddicus maximus, the moment you make a thread, you know it is open for anyone to chime in with their own opinions about it. Sometimes, you will get somebody who will disagree with your whole point. If you can provide these trolling posts that were off topic and no longer just disagreeing with the subject at hand, then we will look into this further. Until we do get these trolling posts that offended you, this shall be noted. If it is within the topic, then you will have to deal with it.

If you do not wish to receive any pm's from someone, please follow what is said from the "Powers of the Inbox How-To" link:


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