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Game 11223

PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 7:00 pm
by Attila
Does this look a little suspicious to anyone else?

It seems as if Jetaime and Antman played awfully close together each turn, without overlapping. Just curious if anyone else noticed the same thing as I did.

I've lost plenty of games, so Im not bitter about losing.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 8:00 pm
by areyouincahoots
They attacked each other too much, and they did overlap at the beginning...theres no way one person logged in and out that quickly.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 8:35 pm
by Attila
ok, thanks for looking. It just seemed a little fishy as it all played out. This is the first inkling of possible cheater Ive been apart of, so I had to get a second opinion.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 5:13 pm
by lackattack
I could not find evidence of cheating between jetaime and Antman.

EDIT: I originally wrote that jetaime and DublinDoogey are one and the same, but I was mistaken.