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Second Opinion

PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 10:13 am
by SockPuppet
I believe there is reason to suspect some odd behavior in Game #10353 as follows:

2006-03-24 15:03:03 - Game has been initialized

2006-03-24 15:13:56 - opts receives 3 armies for 10 territories
2006-03-24 15:17:27 - opts gets a card
2006-03-24 15:22:45 - kop receives 3 armies for 10 territories
2006-03-24 15:27:50 - kop gets a card

2006-03-25 01:16:58 - Incrementing game to round 2

2006-03-25 07:55:48 - kop receives 3 armies for 9 territories
2006-03-25 08:00:25 - kop gets a card
2006-03-25 08:03:49 - opts receives 3 armies for 9 territories
2006-03-25 08:07:02 - opts gets a card

2006-03-25 08:07:02 - Incrementing game to round 3

2006-03-25 08:07:40 - kop receives 5 armies for 15 territories
2006-03-25 08:08:42 - opts receives 3 armies for 11 territories
2006-03-25 08:13:02 - kop gets a card
2006-03-25 08:13:10 - opts gets a card

2006-03-25 10:33:41 - Incrementing game to round 4

2006-03-26 10:33:41 - Incrementing game to round 5

2006-03-27 07:21:51 - kop receives 2 armies for holding Oceania
2006-03-27 07:24:46 - opts receives 3 armies for 5 territories
2006-03-27 07:30:47 - opts gets a card
2006-03-27 07:30:53 - kop gets a card

2006-03-27 07:30:53 - Incrementing game to round 6

2006-03-27 07:31:08 - opts receives 3 armies for holding Japan
2006-03-27 07:31:08 - opts receives 3 armies for 8 territories
2006-03-27 07:31:40 - opts deployed 6 armies on Irkutsk
2006-03-27 07:31:42 - kop receives 4 armies for holding Siam
2006-03-27 07:31:42 - kop receives 2 armies for holding Oceania
2006-03-27 07:31:42 - kop receives 7 armies for 22 territories
2006-03-27 07:34:31 - opts gets a card
2006-03-27 07:37:01 - kop gets a card

You'll notice the pattern of logging in at the same times and even missing 2 whole days of playing and logging back in again at the same time. This me, to me, raises some question as to whether these are 2 people or just 1.

I just happened to log in just in time to prevent my being eliminated by these bushwackers, but it's only a matter of time now because one of them is holding 5 cards and on my border.

I've never been one to "hold" a game, but I'll do just that for the next 24hrs, if for nothing more than to just piss them or him/her off.

Please, just take a look at the game and tell me what you think.




PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 11:46 am
by KoolBak
I appreciate the opportunity to reply to this post....unfortunatelt SP you appear to have been unlucky enough to have been included in a game with undesireables.

Interesting......almost deja vu.....

Good luck to you.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 12:50 pm
by hotgun
Dude I saw the game log... they played 2 seconds apart... you can't log in and out that fast...

PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 1:34 pm
by johnnyrotten
what if you logged in to a different account in a new window? would that work for using two accounts?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 10:30 pm
by zorba_ca
No, I don't believe that works. I believe it has something to do with the IP address.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 7:11 am
by SockPuppet
I'm not saying it's one person playing on 2 accounts, I believe it's two friends that log in together and then proceed to eliminate other players instead of each other. They need to play as doubles if that's their game. Anyway, it's a moot point now as I was eliminated by one of them.

I've learned my lesson here at CC and from now on I'll only play sequencial games. Seems to be the only fair way to get a decent game. I'm fed-up with people forming alliances once another player gains in strength or people in general holding games to get a second turn. What ever happened to people playing a game with integrity and sportsmanship.
I know there's alot of you decent players out there, but I wish we could weed the bad players out "bad", I mean those that ruin the game by bending and twisting the rules or staying just within the rules so they can steal games from people who don't play with the "win at any cost" type attitude.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 5:08 pm
by lackattack
opts and kop as well as opts66 and iceman have violated the rules. They have been warned and banned from playing together.