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professorkimball & Busman [Busted]
Mon Oct 23, 2006 10:31 pm
by schmoozeinc
<----begin copy---->
Subject line:] <Put name of accused in subject line>
These are suspected Multis/ professorkimball
Suspect users: <professorkimball Busman >
Game number:
Comments: <entered 3 man standard game with the prof. not soon after busman joins. after 2 rounds i noticed that neither one had attacked each other. checking the forum i found that when prof was playing busman was not logged on. after his turn he logged off and bus was all of a sudden logged on. and so till iwas shut down. upon searching past games i found the of the 13 games played 8 were with professorkimball and we never won a single game.
im pretty sure these are multi. once again if they aint-one hell of co-ink-a-dink>
<----end copy---->
Tue Oct 24, 2006 5:55 am
by Scorba
So professorkimball gets banned from playing with his 'son', and lo and behold another account appears to help him win games. Can we get this mofo a proper ban now? He's been polluting the site long enough, and this is at least the third time he's been reported.
Tue Oct 24, 2006 7:50 am
by Dlakavi
He must think we are all dumb or someting
it is this all over again
Games with professorkimball and Busman:10
Games won by professorkimball:9
Games won by Busman:0
He managed to lose one while playing with 2 accounts, that is really sad
Tue Oct 24, 2006 8:11 am
by professorkimball
You guys accuse me of cheating with no evidence. I think you are just sore losers. Why are you spending so much time trying to get me banned.
I don't even no who this Busman guys is. I can't help it if he keeps joining my games.
Tue Oct 24, 2006 8:20 am
by professorkimball
schmoozeinc how come you only attack me in the game?
I did attack everyone! You are making up problems! I be you cheat and that is why you are accusing me to cover it up.
Tue Oct 24, 2006 1:00 pm
by schmoozeinc
professor maybe im stupid and you should educate me. explain it to me like im a seven year old.
why did you log in and log out six times while playing this game last night?
why did busman log in and out 6 times while playing this game last night?
why was it that it was only me that both of you attacked until you HAD to attack busman to get to me?
how small is your penis that you have to over compensate with cc points to make your self feel like a man?
if you need /want the points that badly id be happy to sell them to you. i can go out and make more. all i have to do is win.
Tue Oct 24, 2006 1:03 pm
by schmoozeinc
sad thing is you just made major with the points you got in this game. merry X-mas. asshole.
the prof
Sun Oct 29, 2006 8:23 am
by AAFitz
the prof is good....ive played him alot....did get wiped by him and son too...and looked at the games and either busman is an absolute masachist and as unlucky as anyone can be...or there is some explaining to do.....too many games for that to happen.....hate to join on this one prof...really, but....explain it so we can know for sure....its the alternate logging in and is that possible....i really dont want to believe it...weve played alot....but at least get a laptop so its concievable
Sun Oct 29, 2006 2:35 pm
by AndyDufresne
Well well
professorkimball and
professforkimball wrote: I don't even no who this Busman guys is. I can't help it if he keeps joining my games.
You don't know Busman? Sure looks like you do. I'm going to BUST you and him. Any more abuse, you and dragonwarrior7 will be stripped of your premium accounts and banned.
Have a nice day,
Sun Oct 29, 2006 2:39 pm
by wcaclimbing
so andy, when you say BUST, does that mean not allowed to play together, or completely banned from the site?
Sun Oct 29, 2006 3:23 pm
by AndyDufresne
If freemiums are busted, they cannot create or play anymore games unless they would like to upgrade to premium.
If premiums are busted, they are banned from playing together, and if they continue to be a hassle and nusance and an abuse of the system, we strip them of their premium and ban them from the site.
We don't like multi's of any kind, but we do believe in second chances (as there is for freemiums). But if you cross the line again, you obviously haven't learned a damn thing.
Mon Oct 30, 2006 3:29 pm
by schmoozeinc
lemme get this right. the prof was busted once for "playing with his son" dragonwarroir7. then dragon doesnt play any more games. then he gets busted being a multi with busman. how many chances do you get here before your banned?
maybe he has a new 'teammate'
Tue Oct 31, 2006 3:18 pm
by JimRocky
I just joined with him on game 98067. Wish I had checked the forums first.
I just started and I'm already in a game with a likely cheater.
I'll report back what happens.
Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:35 pm
by professorkimball
Jim Rocky,
There is no cheating going on here. Don't create problems where there aren't any.
Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:47 pm
by wcaclimbing
professorkimball wrote:There is no cheating going on here.
prove it
Kramsey06 and Professor Kimball
Thu Nov 02, 2006 3:43 pm
by Riskman
I question the relationship between Kramsey06 and the Professor. His moves were very questionable and seemed to be designed to set up Kimball to win.
Thu Nov 02, 2006 4:48 pm
by what,me worry?
just kick him out already. that is unless he creates a petition with 100 CC members who want him to stay. lol. but really just boot him
Thu Nov 02, 2006 5:18 pm
by Triforce
I question the relationship between Kramsey06 and the Professor. His moves were very questionable and seemed to be designed to set up Kimball to win.
He must not coordinate well with himself, then; I'm beating them both in a game right now.
Thu Nov 02, 2006 7:00 pm
by schmoozeinc
riskman fill out the form and they will check them out. it would not suprise me to hear the the prof created another account. he got caught cheating twice. if someone is that bent on tring to get ahead they are not gonna stop. but it seems that the site is rampant with multis and with the point system the way it is i dont see any way of stopping it. personally i play for the rush of taking someone out not tring to be a general. get rid of the ranking and the urge to multi goes away
Fri Nov 03, 2006 11:44 pm
by s.xkitten
I looked at that game that Riskman, Kramsey06, and Professorkimball are playing, and kramsey has attacked the professor more the riskman. i also know that they aren't the same person because kramsey06 is my bf. by the way, before you discredit this post now, we either don't play games together, or declare that we know eachother in the games. so riskman, don't make accusations you can't back up
Sat Nov 04, 2006 12:36 am
by cattrain
ok, it did see odd, but he has 170 completed games... so ya... its not related...
Sat Nov 04, 2006 12:33 pm
by kramsey06
hey i know kimball. and he is a legit player. not a cheater. get off his back
Sat Nov 04, 2006 12:38 pm
by s.xkitten
Hey kramsey...he cheats...maybe not in your game, but he cheats, just in general...nice one, brain boy
promised report
Thu Nov 09, 2006 7:48 pm
by JimRocky
I finished my game with the prof. I have to be honest. While it is possible that he was cheating, I could not even get close to saying for certain that he was. If there were no previous allegations, I would have absolutely NO reason to suspect that he was cheating, in my one game with him. He was kind of rude and defensive to me here in this thread though, and for no discernable reason. However, I can't and won't, acuse him of cheating, based on my experience with him. I have honor, and follow the golden rule.
Fri Nov 10, 2006 3:22 am
by s.xkitten
whats the golden rule this time?