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KARKAJU & CoolHand_79 [cleared]

PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 10:11 pm
by KickAxe



The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):


Comments: Hardly attacked each other until confronted about it, both knew when and where to attack in a FOW game.

Re: KARKAJU & CoolHand_79

PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 10:28 pm
by CoolHand_79
I just want to thank KickAxe for his post here. I am new to the site and was going to send a complaint in about this player. I was informed in the chat to just add him as a foe. However, since he posted in here I thought I would add.

Firstly, thanks to the admins for running Conquer Club! I love it. It is a fun game. You will notice most of my games are played in the evening after or during putting my son to sleep. I have no means of "secret diplomacy" or "six sense".. Secondly, I thought the game was going great!

KickAxe has actually ruined my game experience on here for the night.. he is the first person I have come across to be out right rude on here. I would like to suggest that once the cheat accusation goes away that this player get some sort of penalty for being rude and wasting peoples time. He did not even finish the game. Instead he made me sit and wait for his time clock to run out on two turns.

The map we played was Artic... it was my first time on there.. I'm sure that Karkaju saw he had the north part of the map like I did.. I was not sure about other areas but I knew he was going for that when he elimanted 4 of my terts from there.. I continued to attack there.. and so did Karkaju.. it was the biggest threat at the time..

Lastly - I would like to offer a tip to KickAxe. Read the log my friend as it helps in FOW games to keep track of what people are up to. Also I find it really funny that people would team up in a terminator game?? Really doesn't make sense does it?


If the Admins need anything from me feel free to contact me at anytime. thanks for the good work and hopefully people like KickAxe don't cause to many problems for you.



Bottom Line: When you take a continent worth six troops you are drawing attention to yourself.. be sure you can hold it and don't whine when you start to get attacked... if you successfully defend those attacks most likely you will win.

Re: KARKAJU & CoolHand_79

PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 11:27 pm
by king sam
KickAxe wrote:Accused:

The accused are suspected of:
Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):
Game 4300387

Comments: Hardly attacked each other until confronted about it, both knew when and where to attack in a FOW game.

form filled the right way

Re: KARKAJU & CoolHand_79

PostPosted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 7:46 pm
by CoolHand_79
Not sure what the time line is when investigating but I stopped in to check on the results of this accusation as this guy has really offended me.. seeing as nothing was done yet I looked into just 5 of his games and his ratings. It was almost instantly noticeable that this guy is a bit of a sore loser and quick to call out others. Plus he seems to have something against Canadians. I threw a few links below. Not sure if they help but it is clear that he is defiantly not one that is doing any good for Conquer Club. Except maybe donating money.. ;-)

Seriously though before he changes them.. look at the ratings he leaves for other people for almost no apparent reason except he gets beat.

The games:

Obviously the one I played with him when he took ASIA and didn't understand why he became a prime target.. he tells me to STFU in chat... see the game number in first post


2009-01-26 17:22:41 - KickAxe: Dude, don't eff the cat!
2009-01-26 17:25:35 - KickAxe: Pink and Red, if you're cool with it, I'll move my northern stuff down south if you give me a couple of rounds
2009-01-26 17:28:33 - KickAxe: ok . . .
2009-01-26 17:54:55 - KickAxe: green you douche!

Just look at the chat here...

#4 ... ierce&so=D
Why did this guy get a 1 1 1 rating?

Again he is being offensive...


Anyway.. I'm done for now and going to go play a game.

Kind Regards,


PS.. I only pick a few of his games... I'm sure there must be worse ones out there...

Re: KARKAJU & CoolHand_79

PostPosted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 3:27 am
by king achilles
KARKAJU and CoolHand_79 are cleared of being multis with each other. Also, this is their first game played together so far. We would need more than one game of strong evidence of malicious plays involving the same players to warrant a block.

CoolHand_79, you can place KickAxe in your foes list so that he would not able to join in any of your future games.