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My account "English Patriot" was banned by mistake[busted]

PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 9:57 pm
by CoDublin
The Account \\\"English Patriot\\\" was closed about a week ago for unknown reasons. I recived an Email saying I was banned for Abuse, and must Buy Prem to reactivate my account.

I did how ever recive a warning from James Vazquez a chat mod on Conquer Club about 2-4 hours before my being banned, sayng I must not flame on Chat. However to mine and James Vazquez minds the matter was resolved and we remain freinds, I have scince spoken to James Vazquez and told him of my being banned, James Vazquez advised me to report this matter to you, saying this is unusual as I can find no reason as to why you were banned.

I also have no idea as to why this happend, I was told by James Vazquez this was probly a technical mistake and should be resolved quickly.

I do hope this matter will be resolved.

PS, I had to create a second account \\\"CoDublin\\\" as My former Account \\\"English Patriot\\\" was incapable of acessing this help line or any messages on my profile wall or inbox for that matter. I Hope you understand as to why i created this account, I had no choice, and do not wish to start again on CC or lose my ranking on my banned Account \\\"English Patriot\\\".

Thankyou for your time.

Re: My account "English Patriot" was banned by mistake

PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 9:59 pm
by CoDublin
I need this sorted out quickly, I just whant to get back to playing games on conquer club :D

Re: My account "English Patriot" was banned by mistake

PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 10:12 pm
by Kotaro
Instead of making a new account, you should have gone to Help, and e-ticket, at the top.

Re: My account "English Patriot" was banned by mistake

PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 10:28 pm
by redhawk92
well clearly you have multiple accounts now lol

Re: My account "English Patriot" was banned by mistake

PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 1:49 am
by king achilles
Kotaro wrote:Instead of making a new account, you should have gone to Help, and e-ticket, at the top.

Anyway, re-checked the English Patriot and the bust looks correct and this account got busted with CoDublin again.

Re: My account "English Patriot" was banned by mistake[busted]

PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 1:58 am
by owenshooter
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: king and lance are on a roll...-0

Re: My account "English Patriot" was banned by mistake[busted]

PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 5:34 am
by obliterationX
Ouch.. lmfao

Re: My account "English Patriot" was banned by mistake[busted]

PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 4:38 pm
by KoE_Sirius
He has already said he had to make an account,because he couldnt access CC.This seems quite fair.If thats the only way he has access.The home page isn't really that user friendly if you are a guest.
What was the original bust for ?

Re: My account "English Patriot" was banned by mistake[busted]

PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 4:53 pm
by lancehoch
KoE_Sirius wrote:He has already said he had to make an account,because he couldnt access CC.This seems quite fair.If thats the only way he has access.The home page isn't really that user friendly if you are a guest.
What was the original bust for ?

He was originally busted for having two accounts.

Re: My account "English Patriot" was banned by mistake[busted]

PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 8:46 am
by Tisha
lancehoch wrote:
KoE_Sirius wrote:He has already said he had to make an account,because he couldnt access CC.This seems quite fair.If thats the only way he has access.The home page isn't really that user friendly if you are a guest.
What was the original bust for ?

He was originally busted for having two accounts.

I'll make a wild guess that the other account was f*ck the Brits

Re: My account "English Patriot" was banned by mistake[busted]

PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 10:16 am
by lancehoch
That would be the one.

Re: My account "English Patriot" was banned by mistake[busted]

PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 10:19 am
by ManBungalow
lancehoch wrote:That would be the one.


Are you serious ??