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b00060 [cleared]

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b00060 [cleared]

Postby king sam on Tue Feb 17, 2009 10:44 pm



The accused are suspected of:
Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy
Possible Baby sitter Abuse ??
Throwing Game ?

Game number(s):
Game 4162714


Aright first off let me give a disclaimer by saying I understand everyone plays their own game and has their own strategy but b00060 in this game has played far too much like a noob to not not warrant a check on any of these charges.

This is a doubles match where thanks to his deadbeating partner (who was kicked out in round 6) and the efforts of him to blockade the other team (the other 2 mentioned above) team 1 has ran away with the game.

It was noticed by my partner and in about round 8 that b00060 had a huge amount of troops guarding d1g1t4l bonus that was held by a 1 man army. As soon as we called him out about it d1g1t4l quickly deployed troops there, but was still never threatened. This has been going on all game, this last round my partner made a run at d1g1t4l in the Africa bonus and left him with a 2 army territory bordering b00060 7 army territory.

b00060 next turn he deployed his 3 troops on that 7 army territory and never attacked. My team has been getting 8 troops each turn and have been behind the whole game in all aspects of this team that he has decided to not only not assault but help block so they could gain ground and we couldn't get to them.

For a guy that has played as many games as he has and looks to be as active as he is this poor play can only leave me to question ulterior motives, and is the reason I am asking for a check on these accounts.

King Sam
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Re: b00060

Postby d1g1t4l on Wed Feb 18, 2009 9:14 pm

please someone investigate this. this kid whines more than anyone i have ever played with and is far too concerned about statistics.
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Re: b00060

Postby king sam on Wed Feb 18, 2009 11:25 pm

d1g1t4l wrote:please someone investigate this. this kid whines more than anyone i have ever played with and is far too concerned about statistics.

Team 1:

Team 2:
king sam

Team 3:

game chat wrote:2009-02-16 17:15:58 - king sam: pink you going to continue to block for team 1 or do something..
2009-02-16 19:44:24 - king sam: greens bonus has 1 guy on it next to your 6.. and if you hadnt noticed there kinda ahead and been that way the whole game

Whats wrong with this? He consistently has been building troops in between your team and mine and has never done anything against your unguarded bonuses that you border him with?

game chat wrote:2009-02-16 21:47:30 - d1g1t4l: did the territories that teal had go neutral? sorry this is my first doubles game

2009-02-16 22:08:42 - king sam: no u got them... but i still dont understand why every turn your just deploying 1 army on all your territories and not attacking...
2009-02-16 22:09:08 - king sam: now that green has forted up his borders with you im sure things will change...
2009-02-16 22:09:50 - king sam: makes no sense why you would want to lose to a lower rank like that unless its a multi or secret diplomacy..hmm

I thought I was talking to pink obviously, and even reiterated the point of what the hell was he doing?
And then threw in the fact that he would loose more points throwing the game in your team's favor d1g1t4l.
(still waiting for my over concern with statistics to show up..)

game chat wrote:2009-02-16 22:53:09 - scottp: when a player deadbeats in a team game, his territories go over to the first remaining player on his team. in this case pink. apparently the brains didn't go with the armies... must be a zombie army.

2009-02-16 22:54:59 - Keero: Or maybe he's hoping we'll beat each other up and he can expand suddenly. Prolly won't work, but he might be hoping...

Your teammate and mine chuckle over how stupid pink is playing

game chat wrote:2009-02-17 00:25:33 - d1g1t4l: sorry king sam it is hard for me to follow you as your sentences are full of gramatical errors... are you saying that i am only putting one army out and not attacking?
2009-02-17 00:27:11 - d1g1t4l: perhaps we have our own strategy ...
2009-02-17 00:38:29 - d1g1t4l: well shit, after lookin at king sams ratings and ratings left im assured a 1 star in everything since i said something to him that contradicted what he said ...

2009-02-17 08:33:25 - king sam: no i was talking to pink not you green.. but i see the confusion
2009-02-17 08:34:44 - king sam: for the past 3 rounds or so pink was only deploying 1 army each turn on his 3 properties and never attacking even when you (green) held a bonus that was guarded with a 1 for at least 2 turns
2009-02-17 08:35:22 -king sam: and by doing that he is blocking my team from trying to keep you guys honest and not out of control dominant in this game..
2009-02-17 08:36:16 - king sam: but going back and reading the chat, i think its pretty clear can and easy to read..

I have a couple things to say here
1st. Dont try to correct someone else unless your sure your shit dont stink. other words if your going to complain about "gramatical errors", make sure you can at least spell grammatical right.

2nd. Pretty savvy on you taking the initiative to dig into someones past rating scheme to come up with your logic of "my rating trend" for only playing 10 games and being new to this site..
(hmm sweating that multi charge yet?)

And for the record looking at my record I have received 6 1 star ratings out of 107 players to rate me
(1 ironically being b00060, which I dont know how Im even playing him, cause i was sure I foe'd his ass)
And I have given 27 1 star ratings out of 137 players that I have rated. I think the percentages are in my favor to say this is a false accusation on your part.

game chat wrote:2009-02-17 23:06:50 - scottp: pink, wtf? You think you can stand against team 1 as strong as they're getting?

2009-02-17 23:21:46 - king sam: i think he needs to get reported for either throwing a game or something.. this is ridiculous
2009-02-17 23:45:40 - king sam: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=78106

2009-02-18 22:11:19 - d1g1t4l: how is he throwing the game? if someone messes up he can step right in... its a game right? not that big a deal
2009-02-18 22:13:13 - d1g1t4l: haha you filed a report on all of us .... awesome

2009-02-18 22:30:03 - king sam: sorry i cant read run on and incomplete sentences, could you please rephrase..
2009-02-18 22:31:00 - king sam: hes allowing your team to grow in strength and blocking you off so we can contest you about it... something that i think deserved some looking into

Once again dont see the overture of complaining or statistical references..
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Re: b00060

Postby d1g1t4l on Wed Feb 18, 2009 11:45 pm

My reference to your statistical concern would be in your profile. Looking at how you boast about the games you have won of different sorts. Secondly, looking into ratings left ... how does that prove me savvy, poor argument in my opinion.
Cant wait for this game to be over.
Private d1g1t4l
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Re: b00060

Postby mpjh on Wed Feb 18, 2009 11:49 pm

I have played b00060 a lot in non-team games. Never had any problems whatsoever.
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Re: b00060

Postby d1g1t4l on Wed Feb 18, 2009 11:52 pm

What i dont understand is why me and my teammate were pulled into this when your issue is with pink and teal...
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Re: b00060

Postby king sam on Wed Feb 18, 2009 11:57 pm

mpjh wrote:I have played b00060 a lot in non-team games. Never had any problems whatsoever.

maybe so, thats why i included possible babysitter abuse or point dumping in the "accusation".

I honestly dont know what to call it but its very apparent to both my partner and I in this game that he has played like a total noob and given his rank and game experience one would think better play would come out of him.

I mean being in the middle, having a big stack and allowing a team to cover North America, South America, and Africa, and have at least one border on one of those bonuses be unguarded and never do anything about it, is fishy.

d1g1t4l wrote:My reference to your statistical concern would be in your profile. Looking at how you boast about the games you have won of different sorts. Secondly, looking into ratings left ... how does that prove me savvy, poor argument in my opinion.
Cant wait for this game to be over.

Youve played 10 games and know the inner workings to look around at the rating system is a viable argument to say that maybe things arent as the seem. And I as well am looking forward to the end of this game, which will be soon if b00060 has his way
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Re: b00060

Postby king sam on Wed Feb 18, 2009 11:58 pm

d1g1t4l wrote:What i dont understand is why me and my teammate were pulled into this when your issue is with pink and teal...

Just chill and let this run its course, if you have nothing to worry about as you say then why are you soo uptight about it?
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Re: b00060

Postby king achilles on Thu Feb 19, 2009 3:27 am

So far, this is b00060's first game with d1g1t4l or with Keero. They are also not multi accounts with each other. As for possible babysitting, or one of them is taking turns for the other, that is also not seen here.

Taking off from that, since you guys are the ones playing in this game, you have a better understanding as to how your game is going.
Please don't have more than 1 account. If you have any CC concerns, you can contact us here.
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Re: b00060

Postby king sam on Thu Feb 19, 2009 7:43 am

king achilles wrote:So far, this is b00060's first game with d1g1t4l or with Keero. They are also not multi accounts with each other. As for possible babysitting, or one of them is taking turns for the other, that is also not seen here.

Taking off from that, since you guys are the ones playing in this game, you have a better understanding as to how your game is going.

Thanks achilles I guess this is just a case of a higher ranking more experienced individual (b00060) not really having any strategy or knowledge of the game. Or Noob

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