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redstarr987 [noted, nostradamas busted]

PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 5:54 am
by Nostradumas


The accused are suspected of:

Other: <Explanation>
This jerk wont end our game and sent me a pm to go F myself, he wont kill my last 1 guy standing so the game wont end. It's not fair for a premium member to drag a game on against a free member so that free member cant play anymore games.

Game number(s):



Re: redstarr987

PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 5:57 am
by redstarr987
still got that go for him

Re: redstarr987

PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 6:02 am
by Nostradumas
redstarr987 wrote:still got that go for him

I rest my case. This person is an ignorant player and should be banned. =D> =D>

Re: redstarr987

PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 6:04 am
by redstarr987
im so ignorant that i cant tell when its my turn unless you wright it on my WALL clap at that yua putz

Re: redstarr987

PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 6:07 am
by Joodoo
Nostradumas wrote:Accused:


The accused are suspected of:

Other: <Explanation>
This jerk wont end our game and sent me a pm to go F myself, he wont kill my last 1 guy standing so the game wont end. It's not fair for a premium member to drag a game on against a free member so that free member cant play anymore games.

Game number(s):



the only solution:deadbeat :D

Re: redstarr987

PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 6:10 am
by Nostradumas
redstarr987 wrote:im so ignorant that i cant tell when its my turn unless you wright it on my WALL clap at that yua putz

Um no, you're ignorant because you are cheating by not finishing the game.

All I did was write go on your wall. If that really upsets you then wow you need anger management bad. Just a heads up though, writing go on your wall isn't cheating or abuse. Pming me saying go F urself and then not ending our game is. =D>

Re: redstarr987

PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 6:33 am
by redstarr987
just a heads up dick i didnt say i was being abused
high 5?
ask me if i care
double high5?

Re: redstarr987

PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 6:54 am
by Masli
Common Red, just keep CC a fun place to be and kill him :D

Re: redstarr987

PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 7:53 am
by Megadeth666
:shock: let all of us keep nostradumas in a game =D> , he might have to make another account 8-[ :-$

blacker jesus spoke...666

Re: redstarr987

PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 8:19 am
by Nostradumas
Megadeth666 wrote::shock: let all of us keep nostradumas in a game =D> , he might have to make another account 8-[ :-$

blacker jesus spoke...666

Typical premium member who accuses free members of cheating. Do I detect you being jealous? I'd be jealous too if I paid for that rank. Keep that attitude up and no free members will want to join this site. Us free members have rights on here also. I won't put up with premium players cheating or abusing me.

Re: redstarr987

PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 9:19 am
by Megadeth666
Nostradumas wrote:

Typical premium member who accuses free members of cheating. Do I detect you being jelous? I'd be jelous too if I paid for that rank. Keep that attitude up and no free members will want to join this site. Us free members have rights on here also. I won't put up with premium players cheating or abusing me.

Just screwing around Nos, I do think the 2012 thing is going to happen, your cool :?

blacker jesus spoke...666

Re: redstarr987

PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 3:42 pm
by Woodruff
Joodoo wrote:
Nostradumas wrote:Accused:
The accused are suspected of:
Other: <Explanation>
This jerk wont end our game and sent me a pm to go F myself, he wont kill my last 1 guy standing so the game wont end. It's not fair for a premium member to drag a game on against a free member so that free member cant play anymore games.
Game number(s):

the only solution:deadbeat :D

And it's thoroughly pathetic that this site won't do something about a situation like this, FORCING a freemium player to deadbeat.
Absolutely disgusting.

Re: redstarr987

PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 4:33 pm
by sailorseal
redstarr987 wrote:im so ignorant that i cant tell when its my turn unless you wright it on my WALL clap at that yua putz

ohhh the irony

Re: redstarr987

PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 4:52 pm
by king sam
Nostradumas wrote:Typical premium member who accuses free members of cheating. Do I detect you being jealous? I'd be jealous too if I paid for that rank. Keep that attitude up and no free members will want to join this site. Us free members have rights on here also. I won't put up with premium players cheating or abusing me.

Funny you should say such a thing, seeing as youve been on this sight since January 12 2009 and have posted accusations on

(CorporalClegg )


(camthecrusher )

And all within the first 4 days of you having THIS account

I say THIS cause as one post in this thread has done is allude to your actual multi status on this site
Megadeth666 wrote::shock: let all of us keep nostradumas in a game =D> , he might have to make another account 8-[ :-$

I know your aware of your own case awaiting judgment for you in the Cheating & Abuse Forum (HERE)

I'd venture to say you will be busted as a MULTI soon and wont have to put up with premium players abusing you anymore.

Honestly when you have had this account for no more than 2 weeks and are active in all the threads that you have been active in, you leave little doubt as to your true multi status.

And FYI, what redstarr987 is doing is not illegal, its not cheating, it is exactly what he said him being an ass.

Re: redstarr987

PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 11:53 pm
by gcwca_4_life
redstarr987 wrote:just a heads up dick i didnt say i was being abused
high 5?
ask me if i care
double high5?

Join about 100 of my 1v1v1 aor2 games and I'll be sure to find your last castle last and keep you in the game for about 500 or so rounds. :P
We will see how you like it then.

Re: redstarr987

PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 11:55 pm
by gcwca_4_life
king sam wrote:
Nostradumas wrote:Typical premium member who accuses free members of cheating. Do I detect you being jealous? I'd be jealous too if I paid for that rank. Keep that attitude up and no free members will want to join this site. Us free members have rights on here also. I won't put up with premium players cheating or abusing me.

Funny you should say such a thing, seeing as youve been on this sight since January 12 2009 and have posted accusations on

(CorporalClegg )


(camthecrusher )

And all within the first 4 days of you having THIS account

I say THIS cause as one post in this thread has done is allude to your actual multi status on this site
Megadeth666 wrote::shock: let all of us keep nostradumas in a game =D> , he might have to make another account 8-[ :-$

I know your aware of your own case awaiting judgment for you in the Cheating & Abuse Forum (HERE)

I'd venture to say you will be busted as a MULTI soon and wont have to put up with premium players abusing you anymore.

Honestly when you have had this account for no more than 2 weeks and are active in all the threads that you have been active in, you leave little doubt as to your true multi status.

And FYI, what redstarr987 is doing is not illegal, its not cheating, it is exactly what he said him being an ass.

Sorry to bust in on the party but this thread is about redstarr987. Shall we keep this on topic?

And if keeping a game going and not ending it was against the rules then there would be many players gone form this site. Don't get your hopes up.

Re: redstarr987

PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 9:12 am
by Nostradumas
Well if this is legal or within the rules, that a player can build his army at the end of a game to drag it on by not ending it and not to kill his oppentant's last single man, than I mine as well close my account because this isn't fun to me. I thought this site was about having fun. This isn't fun or fair and really discourages me from wanting to become a paying member, or to tell any of my friends to join and become a paying a member.

Re: redstarr987

PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 2:54 pm
by gcwca_4_life
Nostradumas wrote:Well if this is legal or within the rules, that a player can build his army at the end of a game to drag it on by not ending it and not to kill his oppentant's last single man, than I mine as well close my account because this isn't fun to me. I thought this site was about having fun. This isn't fun or fair and really discourages me from wanting to become a paying member, or to tell any of my friends to join and become a paying a member.

The problem is you have you understand not everyone is like that. Some people do it just to be dicks and take up a freemium players slots.

And btw, if you want to foe me because of some shit I said here in C&A, go for it. That goes for anyone! Your all cowards anyways.

Re: redstarr987

PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 4:48 pm
by king sam
gcwca_4_life wrote:And btw, if you want to foe me because of some shit I said here in C&A, go for it. That goes for anyone! Your all cowards anyways.

Ditto Nostradumas, I will gladly accept you on my foe list as well

Re: redstarr987

PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 4:53 am
by king achilles
redstarr987, this is the 2nd time you have been reported for doing this link. This is noted and redstarr987, please do put a stop to this kind of enjoyment. Although this may not be considered cheating, try not to put yourself in a position where we may have to deal with you because of this.

Re: redstarr987 [noted]

PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 8:14 am
by Twill
to add to King's comment, I have the pleasure of adding a big fat

nostradamus = teh busteroonied

Thanks for playing dre, bubye now:)


p.s. holding games to piss someone off is lame. don't be lame.

Re: redstarr987 [noted, nostradamas busted]

PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 8:24 am
by RobtheGob
Its quite obvious to all that redstarr is a retard, just humour him for a while and it will be time for his yoghurt soon :lol: