lancehoch wrote:Please fill out the proper form so that it is easier to understand what you would like analyzed.
Name(s) of Accused:
Suspected of: (delete what does not apply) Multi/Secret Alliance/Abuse/Other
Related Game(s):
You probably shouldn't allow, "other" to be an option on your form if you intend to mandate this format. Otherwise, I assume you'll see a bunch of replies to your "[No Form]" notation like this:
Name(s) of Accused: ricklldo
Suspected of: Other
Related Game(s): 4079224
Comments: I'm very suspicious,about this player, ricklldo . I lost the game in about half an hour. It might be that he has good strategy, good dice rolls, but no one finishes a game that fast. I even saw ninety armies on one of the territories.(I think. It's just not logical.)
Just saying, it seems rather pointless to mandate a form that can easily be supplied without clearing up the ambiguity. I mean, if I can take the OP's vague complaint and construct a post that conforms to your rule, then - (1) Why couldn't you do the same; and (2) Doesn't it seem like an exercise in futility to require such a formalistic approach that ultimately allows for the OP to be as vague as his/her prior post?