Hello Snorri1234,
Your activity on Conquer Club has aroused suspicion and triggered an investigation by a staff member. It has been determined that you have most likely violated Rule #1 (i.e. no multiple accounts) or Rule #2 (i.e. no secret diplomacy) with the following: Simon Viavant, rob8888.
We've blocked you from playing new games with the members mentioned above.
The Conquer Club
I regret you to inform that this is all true! I am clearly in a secret diplomacy with Simon (who is still banned and can't play any more games) and rob8888 (we are forming a secret alliance in all of our games).
Come on CC! Why the f*ck are you accusing me? Simon has been banned (thanks to your nazi-ways) for nearly two months, and I have no idea who this rob-dude is. I have no reason to create another account since I don't play any games now and I am not currently banned. f*ck, block me if you want from playing games with them, but you should really start looking more closer at your multi-busting methods.