Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team
owenshooter wrote:Accused: DaGip
The accused are suspected of: continually posting personal info within the forums
this user is posting a personal photo of myself as his avatar within the forums (viewtopic.php?f=8&t=73867). despite having it removed by Twill for an earlier infraction. it is a no no listed in the forum guidelines. he was already banned for 3 days for using my image as a flame, when he wrote "cock sucker" on my image, and is continuing to use my image. he needs a longer time out. this is absolutely a rules violation:
Don't ever post personal information of other users. Anywhere. Ever. Even if they already posted it somewhere else. This includes posting personal information about a CC user on another site, you will be held accountable here.
hopefully, he can receive the same ban as Dancing Mustard did, as this is the warning listed in the thread at the top of the Tower of Babble, where he is posting. and he was already given a time out for using my avatar:
anything less than what DM received for posting private info will be an absolute joke and a slap in the face of the forums and your own guidelines listed at the top of the Tower of Babble. he was banned and warned for his "cock sucker" owen avatar. and now his "free me" owen avatar is use of personal info within the forums which is absolutely forbidden according to your own forum rules.
thank you. the black jesus has spoken.-0
p.s.-twill removed the offending avatar, and dagip has reposted it. this is a seperate C&A from the previous [settled] one.
Vace Cooper wrote:If Dagrip has no problem with owen and is starting a free owen thread, then I think he should have no problem changing his avitar unless he is joking and still trying to piss Owen off.
Night Strike wrote:Just curious, I thought the person in the picture was white, yet you keep claiming to be black jesus. So how could the picture have been you??
Anywho, he was warned and changed the avatar.
EDIT: DM's 1 month vacation was due to his prior infractions, not b/c he posted personal information.
Night Strike wrote:If a user wishes to post their OWN picture, email, phone number, address, social security number or whatever the heck they want, they can. But posting that information about someone ELSE is not allowed. This site is for users to be anonymous and not to have other people post personal information about them. And getting permission from someone to post information about them is NOT allowed either.
Kotaro wrote:I believe you're doing well and fine, Night Strike; I understand the part where it got removed for the 1st offense, but I'm confused. Was the 1 month ban for using the picture a 2nd time, despite the formal warning? Or was another warning given?
Kotaro wrote:I believe you're doing well and fine, Night Strike; I understand the part where it got removed for the 1st offense, but I'm confused. Was the 1 month ban for using the picture a 2nd time, despite the formal warning? Or was another warning given?
Night Strike wrote:I am aware of the thread I posted. In this situation, I followed the list of steps that I was told to take when there is an offensive avatar. In fact, I actually skipped the friendly warning and went straight to a formal warning. You're just upset that I chose to cut someone a bit of slack rather than immediately throw the book at them. I chose to send him a warning rather than go straight to an admin (b/c I'm not allowed to give the length of vacations that you want), and he actually complied with the request. Believe it or not, the Team does not wish to ban everybody.
And please stop PMing me with the exact same comments you make in public........I do read the forums.
Sorry, I got banned before I could respond. I was only joking. Albeit a rude joke. I was in the middle of responding to the thread in which I got the ban, so that I could say that I thought the reason for Owen's ban was quite absurd. I didn't read anything in his posts that came close to a flame. I only flamed Owen because he was banned, and the last time I was banned, he posted in Free DaGip that he didn't give a crap, so I thought I would return the favor, but with a little bit more added flavor.
My apologies to Owen, I don't hate are alright.
mandyb wrote:I do understand your not wanting him to use your picture, however. The solution was simple - ask him to remove it. Night Strike did - problem solved.
owenshooter wrote:mandyb wrote:I do understand your not wanting him to use your picture, however. The solution was simple - ask him to remove it. Night Strike did - problem solved.
the solution was simple the first time when twill removed it for him during his three day ban. Night Strikes solution should not have even been necessary had he not re-committed the offense he was just banned for. i just find it quite odd that someone is banned for an offense, then comes right back and recommits the same offense, and a warning is issued instead of a longer ban being handed out. i am satisfied that king achilles is looking into it further, thanks to PM's we have swapped. and whatever the ruling is this go around, i'll be satisifed that it was at least truly looked at after i was able to voice my concerns... however, the precident was set with DM, and i feel it should hold true in this case, too... maybe not as long, but at least a week... the black jesus has spoken...-0
p.s.-how am i slinging mud by defending my personal image? wasn't his plastering "c*ck sucker" on my avatar the last time, mud slinging? i haven't said anything offensive or untrue about DaGip within this thread. i filled out a form and there is a civil discourse about the situation going on. i have no idea how you could call this thread "mud slinging"...
Don't ever post personal information of other users. Anywhere. Ever. Even if they already posted it somewhere else. This includes posting personal information about a CC user on another site, you will be held accountable here.
hecter wrote:mod edit[/img]
Look, I just posted the personal information of a half dozen users!
Optimus Prime wrote:Epic! Where has the Twill of the last 7 days been all my life? This is great stuff!
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