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maxatstuy [Settled]

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 9:43 pm
by e_i_pi


The accused are suspected of:

Creating Multis (sacrificial points lambs) in order to farm points -
    maxatstuy makes private doubles games, then invites a hapless noob to join as player 3. When both max and his partner are online, max creates a multi, joins as player 4, and hence farms both the sacrifical lamb (multi) and the con target (noob).

Game number(s):

Game 3797157 - alexesc used as a points lamb, TommyTheGun possible con target possible lamb

    Notice in the game log that alexesc and TommyTheGun both start their turns, deploy troops, and then make no attacks while max and lanyards attack and reinforce everything around them. Note also that when max and lany have finished and ended their turns, Tommy attacks only Wellington (neutral) while alexesc runs out of time. Turn 2 both Tommy and alex run out of time while max and lany run rampant. Max and lany fail to conquer the entire map though, so Tommy takes his turn starting round 3, makes two inconsequential attacks, and then the game is won by max and lany.
No game chat from the lamb or the target
Lamb (player 4 = alexesc) has not returned to the site
Round 3 finish by outright win

Game 3797158 - mooseattack used as points lamb, hawki con target

    The noob (hawki) and the lamb (mooseattack) take their turns starting the game. Mooseattack makes a single attack despite having a deploy of 8 troops. mooseattack then goes on to miss his remaining turns, making it impossible for hawki to mount a challenge.
No game chat from the lamb
Lamb (player 4 = mooseattack) has not returned to the site
Round 3 finish by outright win

Game 3797160 - JamesACM used as a points lamb, lcstreetballer14 possible con target possible lamb

    JamesACM starts his turn, deploys 1 each on 3 territories, then stops deploying. He ends up running out of time, after max and lany have finished their turn, ensuring that even if lcstreetballer14 got in and finished his turn (if he is a genuine noob), that they would commence round 2. Round 2 both opponents miss turns.
No game chat from the lamb or the target
Lamb (player 4 = JamesACM) has not returned to the site
Round 3 finish by outright win

Game 3797161 - wyvern17 used as a points lamb, Baroona possible con target possible lamb

    Game starts with wyvern17 commencing the game. wyvern17 does not take his first turn until 4 minutes in, and takes 6 minutes to deploy and make his first attack. wyvern17 then runs out of time while Baroona misses his turn. Both players miss next turn.
No game chat from the lamb or the target
Lamb (player 4 = wyvern17) has not returned to the site
Round 3 finish by outright win

Game 3797169 - BaldwinofRethel used as a points lamb, bolimus possible con target possible lamb

    Game starts when BaldwinofRethel joins. BaldwinofRethel and bolimus miss every turn.
No game chat from the lamb or the target
Lamb (player 4 = BaldwinofRethel) has not returned to the site
Round 3 finish by outright win

Game 3807810 - Stripey used as a points lamb, Cleo Striden conned

    Stripey commences game, deploys troops, fails to attack any territories and runs out of time. Cleo and Stripey miss all further turns.
No game chat from the lamb or the target
Lamb (player 4 = Stripey) has joined only one other game - an 8p Assassin game that lt.pie started
Round 3 finish by outright win

Game 3807811 - 09karson used as a points lamb, Shadow Ranger possible con target possible lamb

    09karson starts the game, deploys 8 on Derlon08, only successful attack is a 2v3 from Derlon03 to Derlon04 owned by max. 09karson makes no further attacks, finishes turn. Shadow Ranger misses a turn then takes one turn.
No game chat from the lamb or the target
Lamb (player 4 = 09karson) has not returned to the site
Round 3 finish by outright win

Game 3807813 - suma and Kiseli both possible points lambs

    suma comments in game that he does not like tha map. He takes his first turn. Neither player takes any other turns.
No game chat from Kiseli
Neither player has returned to the site
2008-12-16 04:53:21 - maxatstuy: my doubs partner created it though
Max lies in gamechat, knowing full well that it was cairnswk that created the map, not lanyards, who did the coding only
Round 3 finish by outright win

Game 3807814 - cshk16 and dean schilling both points lambs

    cshk16 starts the game being player 4 but does not take his first turn until 13 minutes after game commences. He then deploys troops, taking 4 minutes to do so, and makes one attack, against his teammate. dean schilling misses a turn. Max and lany neglect to break cshk's bonus, that he collects next round, and uses to make a series of inconsequential attacks on max and lany. dean schilling misses every turn.
No game chat from either lamb
Neither lamb has returned to the site
Round 3 finish by outright win

Game 3807815 - bclaytz and kbcowboy both points lambs

    kbcowboy commences the game being player 4. Both players miss every turn.
No game chat from either lamb
bclaytz has not returned to the site, kbcowboy played one other game, deadbeating in an 8p coded Assassin game
Round 3 finish by outright win

I won't even begin on the 1v1 games, but I will present supporting evidence to my claim:

maxatstuy's wall wrote:
Click image to enlarge.

lanyard's wall wrote:
Click image to enlarge.

Oh, and one last thing...


Re: maxatstuy and lanyards

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 10:12 pm
by gundiesalvo
Well, Lanyard's post "A New Age of Farming. Let's go!" as a response to max's "IT'S WORKING!!!" does seem fishy, along with the fact that the new recruits accounts are made shortly before the games start. The fact that the last player to join also seems to have joined NO other games looks strange to say the least.

Clearly they've come upon a new method, now whether it involves making multiple accounts or not I'm not sure. They could be making invites for people that have JUST joined the site, now how they get to learn who's new to the site I don't know.

Re: maxatstuy and lanyards

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 10:14 pm
by lanyards
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: maxatstuy and lanyards

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 10:16 pm
by e_i_pi
lanyards wrote::lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Laugh all you want lany. I know for a fact the the hunters are looking into this already

Re: maxatstuy and lanyards

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 10:17 pm
by bryguy
gundiesalvo wrote:They could be making invites for people that have JUST joined the site, now how they get to learn who's new to the site I don't know.

I think that this is more likely. At the bottom of the forums page it says the username of the newest member. Newest member currently is Noxo, who joined like 9 minutes ago

Re: maxatstuy and lanyards

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 10:17 pm
by lanyards
I don't cheat buddy. Sorry. What a waste of time this thread was.

Re: maxatstuy and lanyards

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 10:18 pm
by lanyards
e_i_pi wrote:
lanyards wrote::lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Laugh all you want lany. I know for a fact the the hunters are looking into this already
Look away hunters! I will laugh all the way.

Re: maxatstuy and lanyards

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 10:18 pm
by maxatstuy
gundiesalvo wrote:Well, Lanyard's post "A New Age of Farming. Let's go!" as a response to max's "IT'S WORKING!!!" does seem fishy, along with the fact that the new recruits accounts are made shortly before the games start. The fact that the last player to join also seems to have joined NO other games looks strange to say the least.

Clearly they've come upon a new method, now whether it involves making multiple accounts or not I'm not sure. They could be making invites for people that have JUST joined the site, now how they get to learn who's new to the site I don't know.

Way to give undeserved credit to lany...

here is how out conversations work when setting up these games:

Me: Want to play n00b doubs?
lany: Sure, lets get 'em
Me: Games up
lany: In
Me: something
lany: Stop talking, fill the games

but yeah...I can see how he deserves the credit :roll:

and yeah e_i_pi, I have no idea how you guessed about my ingenious plot to beat my own multi, but you did it...Nice job

Now hopefully you wont find out about my other multis, lt.pie, and waseemalim...lany and I beat them in 3 rounds as well :D

Re: maxatstuy and lanyards

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 10:20 pm
by BaldAdonis
There's no way he gets busted for this. If he is doing it they way you imagine, then he's using proxies and the mods won't put the pieces together. He's not dumb enough to make accounts when he's already being watched.
I suspect he's just making different passwords for all of the games, and sending them to players individually (that way he doesn't get trapped into playing a real team if anyone lets the password slip). If they don't join, he sends it to someone else, and so on, until there is one person in each game. Then when lanyards is around, he does the same thing to fill out the fourth. Time consuming, yes, but he's just a little kid; his time is worthless anyways. Considering he'd rather con new recruits than play the game, sending out that many PMs might seem like a good way to spend the afternoon.

Re: maxatstuy and lanyards

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 10:25 pm
by e_i_pi
Modus Operandi
Max creates a Private doubles FS game
Max invites lanyards
Max finds a new recurit via the forums page
Max creates a multi using a proxy, and joins the game
The multi then attacks each of his teammates territories, ensuring that he doesn't take them (as that would raise suspicion and be recorded in the log)

If this is not the case... explain how max and lanyards can win every one of those games in 2-3 rounds. Considering they need to take out 2 lots of 25 territories... that's 150 armies total. The odds of achieving that about a dozen times is near impossible.

The game they boast about against lt.pie and waseemalim took 14 rounds.

They don't win any game via deadbeat.

Also, further explain why players are joining the game, then taking 5-10 minutes to start their turn, and a further 5-10 minutes to deploy.

Bye bye lany
Bye bye max

Re: maxatstuy and lanyards

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 10:34 pm
by lanyards
e_i_pi wrote:Modus Operandi
Max creates a Private doubles FS game
Max invites lanyards
Max finds a new recurit via the forums page
Max creates a multi using a proxy, and joins the game
The multi then attacks each of his teammates territories, ensuring that he doesn't take them (as that would raise suspicion and be recorded in the log)

If this is not the case... explain how max and lanyards can win every one of those games in 2-3 rounds. Considering they need to take out 2 lots of 25 territories... that's 150 armies total. The odds of achieving that about a dozen times is near impossible.

The game they boast about against lt.pie and waseemalim took 14 rounds.

They don't win any game via deadbeat.

Also, further explain why players are joining the game, then taking 5-10 minutes to start their turn, and a further 5-10 minutes to deploy.

Bye bye lany
Bye bye max
The game ended round 3 buddy. We could have killed blue round 3. Hence the 2 stacks of 500 on the board.

Re: maxatstuy and lanyards

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 10:36 pm
by maxatstuy
e_i_pi wrote:Modus Operandi
Max creates a Private doubles FS game
Max invites lanyards
Max finds a new recurit via the forums page
Max creates a multi using a proxy, and joins the game
The multi then attacks each of his teammates territories, ensuring that he doesn't take them (as that would raise suspicion and be recorded in the log)

If this is not the case... explain how max and lanyards can win every one of those games in 2-3 rounds. Considering they need to take out 2 lots of 25 territories... that's 150 armies total. The odds of achieving that about a dozen times is near impossible.

The game they boast about against lt.pie and waseemalim took 14 rounds.

They don't win any game via deadbeat.

Also, further explain why players are joining the game, then taking 5-10 minutes to start their turn, and a further 5-10 minutes to deploy.

Bye bye lany
Bye bye max

Its quite simple, in the game against Waseemalim and lt.pie, on round 3 we killed every one of their territories, and stopped attacking when it was 9-2 for the win. To be fair about it though, it should have taken a lot longer than 14 rounds though because killing that 2 was such a treacherous attack that I never would have gone for it had I not seen that Waseemalim was intentionally deadbeating (breaking the rules of course) and was 3 seconds from being eliminated automatically.

But as I already explained, you found out my secret scheme of creating multis to win the games easier...I dont know what you are still confused about.


Re: maxatstuy and lanyards

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 10:38 pm
by e_i_pi
Bye max

Re: maxatstuy and lanyards

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 10:40 pm
by lanyards
e_i_pi wrote:Bye max
Sniff. Good bye Max. :(

Re: maxatstuy and lanyards

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 10:41 pm
by maxatstuy
e_i_pi wrote:Bye max

You should be posting that message in your clans forum, I can read it on my multis, lt.pie and waseemalim, accounts just fine


Re: maxatstuy and lanyards

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 11:08 pm
by bridge2far
maxatstuy wrote:
e_i_pi wrote:Bye max

You should be posting that message in your clans forum, I can read it on my multis, lt.pie and waseemalim, accounts just fine


yawn, constantly derailing...

quit trying to shift blame or hide guilt.

the mods will read the first post, do research into it, and then if need be read over the rest of the info before coming to a conclusion.

we'll see what they find, buttt im thinking its 80% max's plan 20% lanny is going for free points.

heck, for all we know he's still getting *manimal to make accounts for him.

Re: maxatstuy and lanyards

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 11:12 pm
by maxatstuy
bridge2far wrote:
maxatstuy wrote:
e_i_pi wrote:Bye max

You should be posting that message in your clans forum, I can read it on my multis, lt.pie and waseemalim, accounts just fine


yawn, constantly derailing...

quit trying to shift blame or hide guilt.

the mods will read the first post, do research into it, and then if need be read over the rest of the info before coming to a conclusion.

we'll see what they find, buttt im thinking its 80% max's plan 20% lanny is going for free points.

heck, for all we know he's still getting *manimal to make accounts for him.

This thread reminds me of Warsteiners, and I am pretty sure that the thread he created only caused him to be busted...rofl

Re: maxatstuy and lanyards

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 11:38 pm
by e_i_pi
maxatstuy wrote:This thread reminds me of Warsteiners, and I am pretty sure that the thread he created only caused him to be busted...rofl

Click image to enlarge.

Re: maxatstuy and lanyards

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 11:41 pm
by wcaclimbing
he wasn't busted for this thread. see the other thread about him.


Re: maxatstuy and lanyards

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 11:42 pm
by e_i_pi
wcaclimbing wrote:he wasn't busted for this thread. see the other thread about him.

I'm just stickin it in wca ;) I'll be interested to see what comes of this thread once the hunters read it

Re: maxatstuy and lanyards [closed]

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 11:45 pm
by Twill
Max has been banned, and we will be launching some new farming rules in the next few days, so this should be a moot point now.

I'll follow up on any cases which pop up later with lanyards (which they hopefully wont)


Re: maxatstuy and lanyards [closed]

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 11:50 pm
by lanyards
Twill wrote:Max has been banned, and we will be launching some new farming rules in the next few days, so this should be a moot point now.

I'll follow up on any cases which pop up later with lanyards (which they hopefully wont)

I can assure you they don't. :roll:

Re: maxatstuy

PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 1:55 am
by e_i_pi
lanyards removed, as I believe maxatstuy is the spearhead here. As max is now banned, can a mod please lock this