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Secrect Allience, heliumsfun2inhal & dude!! [busted]

PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 11:04 pm
by HayesA


The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 3935457

Both players attacked me indiscriminately, even though player green held the advantage throughout the game. Did not let up until I was dead, and only then did they start to attack each other. When questioned, Blue insisted he "did not like the color red." and Green held no opinion on the matter at hand. Green did not protect his bonus throughout the game in Aussie, I suspect because he knew Blue would not attack him. Blue held A7 throughout the game, and Green did not post men to protect it. Why not, I ask? That makes little sense unless he knew he would not attack him.

I have questioned them both in chat, and I have yet to receive anything but denial, which, of course, makes sense. Why admit a crime? During the last few turns, Blue did not attack Green's bonuses to prolong his death. Sure it was going to happen, but at least try to prolong, indeed. Who knows what would happen. May this be investigated, please? Thank you.

Re: Secrect Allience, heliumsfun2inhal & dude!!

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 1:38 am
by gundiesalvo
Both accounts are fairly new, and there's two more games with both players in them, but they're only on round 1, so it's hard to say, but yeah, both chat and log seem fishy. Either secret alliance or simply blue is an idiot, which makes no sense with

"Games: 2 completed, 2 (100%) won".

Also, when asked why he never attacked green's bonus the answer was

2008-12-29 22:58:12 - dude!!: ?
2008-12-29 22:58:17 - dude!!: wtf is a bonus
[explanation by HayesA]
2008-12-29 23:11:15 - dude!!: ohhh
2008-12-29 23:11:17 - dude!!: like risk

Duh! :roll:

I'd say wait for the other two games with both players in them to develop, and if they're dumb enough to avoid attacking each other on them too, then it's very likely the alliance is up. Maybe check if their IPs are from the same area?

Re: Secrect Allience, heliumsfun2inhal & dude!!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 3:14 am
by king achilles
heliumsfun2inhal and dude!! have already been busted.