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Need help with my situation...

PostPosted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 4:20 pm
by Zampano
Hopefully this is the right place to post this.

I lost my account months ago and since I have several business emails I couldn't find the old registration info for it nor did I remember the login info. So a couple days ago I just started up a new account. I had to repay $25 too! Anyway, I then found out from a fellow member that I could actually get in trouble for having two accounts.

So, I immediately tried to open a ticket to reach member services but was denied because I couldn't enter an email, but there was no place to do it! So, I tried to reach a moderator to explain my situation but apparently he was on vacation (Twill?).

So, this morning I sure enough get an email from CC saying my premium membership was canceled. So now here I am. Can someone please reinstate my membership to "Zampano" and please just cancel that old account? Your email says it's "Hugo Chavez" which I was unable to remember until you told me, this was the original problem. I would like that account canceled since I just paid for this new one (Zampano).

Please cancel the old account and let me continue to play. I'm not a cheater and like I mentioned I brought this to your attention BEFORE I was "found out". Please help me here. If you however decide to go forward with keeping me from the game, please issue my refund.

Thank you and sorry for all the confusion.

Re: Need help with my situation...

PostPosted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 4:39 pm
by lancehoch
If you would like to appeal the decision of a hunter, please submit an eticket to the Multiple Account & Secret Diplomacy department. Etickets are on the help page; scroll to the bottom of the page. Thread locked.