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Multis (Mat.rix, Lehman Brother, Gooogle) [busted]

PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:31 pm
by men chuch!

Lehman Brother

The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis

Other: <Explanation>

Game number(s):

Game 3725067
Game 3724873
Game 3723780
Game 3708464
Game 3775189


These guys (or I should say THIS guy) play always at the same time. Also, there are some other "players" that play with"them" (him), but of those guys I'm not sure, but of these 3 I'm sure; I have seen it by myself, just check the last game.

Re: Multis (Mat.rix, Lehman Brother, Gooogle) (and maybe more)

PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 11:18 pm
by Tisha
in freestyle.. sometimes teammate pick people that they know are on the same time as them.. so they can work as a team and take their turn at the same time.. :?

Re: Multis (Mat.rix, Lehman Brother, Gooogle) (and maybe more)

PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 11:27 pm
by men chuch!
Tisha wrote:in freestyle.. sometimes teammate pick people that they know are on the same time as them.. so they can work as a team and take their turn at the same time.. :?

But I mean, in ALL their games together they play ALWAYS at the same time with no-minute diference between their turns . . than can be only possible when someone is a multi

Re: Multis (Mat.rix, Lehman Brother, Gooogle) (and maybe more)

PostPosted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 12:25 am
by e_i_pi
Mat.rix is definitely a banned player. First 10 games were on:

Imperium Romanum (Loss)
New World (Loss)
Feudal War (Win)
Feudal War (Win)
AoR3 (Win)
AoR2 (Win)
City Mogul (Win)
Poker Club (Win)
AoR2 (Win)
AoR2 (Win)

But yeah, you know, AoR is hardly a difficult map, I reckon he just plays RISK a lot irl. His girlfriend probably got into his account too.

I'd say these players are also multis of Mat.rix, given their win%'s, the fact that they play together, and that they have inherent knowledge of difficult maps. Or their dog ate their password, you know, one or the other.

The Multi 1523 - 19/23 - 83%
Prisoner of War 1480 - 33/48 - 69%
Lehman Brother 1207 - 12/15 - 80%
Gang 1586 - 33/54 - 61%
Billy Clity 1285 - 7/10 - 70%
Barako 1504 - 28/43 - 65%
Cc Lover 1095 - 5/7 - 71%
Xelby 1206 - 11/15 - 73%
Gooogle 1416 - 30/44 - 68%

Re: Multis (Mat.rix, Lehman Brother, Gooogle) (and maybe more)

PostPosted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 4:36 am
by king achilles
The accused accounts are all busted.