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ICAN [noted]

PostPosted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 2:42 am
by black elk speaks


The accused are suspected of:

Other: Being a colossal dick

Game number(s):

Game 3713991

So this guy has a captains rank, so he is likely pretty good. Then, he gets a decent enough drop, makes a fair advance on me on the first turn. I deploy and loose every man that I have on the territory that I fortified for my attack. to which I say:

black elk speaks: what the f*ck ever

not a word for nearly an hour, which was kinda slow...

then, when its clear that I have him on the ropes on or around round 7, he gets belligerent:

2008-11-23 02:01:50 - ICAN: you really have no balls at all
2008-11-23 02:01:53 - ICAN: you bore me
2008-11-23 02:01:55 - ICAN: finish it
2008-11-23 02:02:48 - ICAN: last move till tomorrow
2008-11-23 02:16:26 - ICAN: how does it feel to have no balls?
2008-11-23 02:16:51 - ICAN: to walk the earth castrated?
2008-11-23 02:17:00 - ICAN: musbe be shameful
2008-11-23 02:17:46 - black elk speaks: gg
2008-11-23 02:23:03 - ICAN: im not finishing this game ball-less wonder go find another eunich to play with
2008-11-23 02:23:42 - black elk speaks: ok
2008-11-23 02:24:01 - black elk speaks: thanks for the inevitable points regardless
2008-11-23 02:24:12 - black elk speaks: this is the second time you have given them to me
2008-11-23 02:24:45 - black elk speaks: why are you being such a cunt?

I post on his wall about how he should change his name to "IWISH" and send him a PM about how it makes me sad that he is a cunt, to which he replies:

IWANNABE wrote:i dont play with ball=less scumbags like you.
foed already man. i have no time to waste on you further, now begone.
further emails deleted.
rot in hell man or lady-boy

is there anything you moderators can do to this prick? If he isn't going to finish the game, he should forfeit.


PostPosted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 11:04 pm
by black elk speaks
So I have done a little looking around and this seems to be ICAN's routine when he loses...

in game Game 3629436
2008-11-10 23:16:37 - ICAN: look idiot can you end the game. this is my last move

Game 3630340
2008-11-09 19:08:43 - ICAN: ok, if you dont play like a wimp you can end it now, if not then tomorrow.

Game 3540184
2008-10-26 12:58:24 - 4 U 2 NV: good luck and have fun
2008-10-26 13:56:12 - ICAN: actually you make this game very unfun
2008-10-26 13:56:15 - ICAN: all 1's for you
2008-10-26 14:12:01 - ICAN: thats my last move loser, finish it up or finish it tomorrow
2008-10-26 14:13:35 - 4 U 2 NV: well thanks for the heads up. it was an unfortunate attitude you have taken

Game 3537212
2008-10-26 01:45:56 - ICAN: you stall when you move
2008-10-26 01:46:02 - ICAN: you sit there and do nothing
2008-10-26 01:46:20 - ICAN: when im not moving then yes, i do other things
2008-10-26 01:53:27 - ICAN: YOU IDIOT, MOVE OR DO SOMETHING

I think this one is my favorite...
Game 3431220
2008-10-09 01:45:02 - levinma40: gg
2008-10-09 01:47:26 - ICAN: fu
2008-10-09 01:47:51 - levinma40: suck on my nuts
2008-10-09 01:47:56 - levinma40: thanks for the points
2008-10-09 01:47:59 - levinma40: too easy haha
I am sure there is more... can you mods do something about this guy?


PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 4:01 am
by king achilles
Basically, the issue here is that ICAN tends to prolong the game by delaying his turn intentionally when he is losing, judging from the games provided, plus his antics in the game chat.

I've checked some of his other games and he is not like that in them, win and lose. This report may have probably exposed a side of him of being temperamental at times. Give him the appropriate ratings and you can proceed to foe him. This is noted for future reference.

Re: ICAN [noted]

PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 7:59 pm
by mcty19
He pulled the same sh*t on me yesterday.
2008-11-27 00:04:54 - ICAN: my last turn, clean it u
2008-11-27 00:04:56 - ICAN: up
2008-11-27 00:08:57 - mcty19: Would have cleaned it up but had a few bad rolls from archosia to drangiana
2008-11-27 00:15:23 - ICAN: then you wait 24 hours

He's a very sore loser, and then leaves you a bad rating out of spite.

Very SAD.