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By gods this is getting 9008

PostPosted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 12:20 am
by KoolBak
Please tell me these idiots are not in collusion / the same person...I won't believe you, but tell me anyway.

I'm going to only xi games..this is insane..third time today.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 2:24 am
by SprCobra
I HATE it when they make it obvious :evil:

PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 7:21 pm
by giovanniaugustus

watchyourstep at it again

PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 7:42 pm
by Appledumplin
I am in 10404, and while i can't speak for watch in any other game, in that game i would say that he is not cheating and is playing fair, so far, but in the same game i have been accused of cheating, so maybe gio thinks that i am watch, which i am not. So, there's that.