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befera [Settled]

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befera [Settled]

Postby jaruler on Wed Oct 22, 2008 2:27 pm


I would like please to report Befera. not sure where to but this seems best.

this guy is joining games with me only to purposfully give me bad ratings. if you look back at his feedback. there is a long list of players saying he is a paronoid backstabbing compaining sore loser. and when he dont get what he wants he acts like a child.

please delete his ratings he has just put for me as there is no evidence of thos whatsoever in the game we just finished!!

Please give him a warning on how to conduct himself. if he cant then dont join the games, end off. if he cant act like a grown up. all i can assume is that it really is some little kid playing the game and who has not grasped the concept yet that sometimes you will lose and when you do you dont act like a spoilt chiled.

i either please want him to grow up and act like an adult or block him please from entering games with me. please speak with him.

kind regards

Sergeant 1st Class jaruler
Posts: 23
Joined: Sat Apr 26, 2008 9:39 pm

Re: befera

Postby Darwins_Bane on Wed Oct 22, 2008 2:45 pm

Firstly, no one will look at this because you didn't use the form layout. Second is the fact that nothing ever gets done about rating abuse, because his rating only counts once and he can no longer affect it. Its better to just move on and just play more games, eventually you wont even notice that he ever rated you badly if you get enough good ratings.
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Re: befera

Postby pistebasher on Wed Oct 22, 2008 3:59 pm

Hi guys - yet again something that 'jaruler' says, is far from the truth.

Yes I have looked at 'Befera's' rating comments - looking for the 'long list' of people who have called him complainer etc. and out of the 100 ratings he has received, the words you claim to have been used a lot appear in only 4 cases! - AND 2 or them are YOU and oh yes, YOUR friend 'Fix'

And just remind me AREN'T YOU AND FIX still BLOCKED because of your helpful tactics towards each other when you were playing in the same games?? I see you've been losing points steadily since you haven't been able to play together. hmmmm and you claimed you weren't acting as a team - whatever!

If you want to see who acts like children - read the game chat in some of 'jaruler's' games,
try games:-2739811
and 3064226 just for a start.
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Re: befera [No Form]

Postby lancehoch on Wed Oct 22, 2008 4:31 pm

Currently the site does not moderate ratings. If you have a problem with how someone rated you, PM them and ask them to remove the rating. If you do not feel like playing the person again, put them on your Foe List. This is being marked [Settled] and moved to Closed Reports.
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Re: befera [Settled]

Postby jaruler on Thu Oct 23, 2008 2:25 pm

Pite you are the one that speaks half the truth. you are his friend as fix is mine. i have nothing to hide. if i did why would i come here and shout open about it. the comments made about him are from many people and i only just looked at his 1st page and there is already a long list that speak the same thing over and over. all you are doing right now is trying to save what little face he has and deflect the situation away on to me from what he has told you.

it was funny that in the games you speak off i had PM from those in game saying he was an idiot and to ignore him and even wrote on my wall.

it seems whereever he goes he just creates trouble or situations.

I just want him blocked from entering games with me as all he wil ldo is ruin it and make it unplayable. which for a game i paid for i think i have a choice in that.

you can defend him as much as you want but 1st contact all those on his feedback that spoke bad about him then maybe you might get a better picture.

i am understanding then that putting someone on foe will block them?

Edit: i see now he has replied to a few bad tags and he states that me/fix was suspended, when in fact there was no suspension. ever!!! more lies again from him.

its funny that the only 2 low marks i ever had is from you and him while he has had more than a few and they all say the same.. the truth is hard to swallow, when your wrong. but the better person is one that can see it and admit to it.

kind regards
Sergeant 1st Class jaruler
Posts: 23
Joined: Sat Apr 26, 2008 9:39 pm

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